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A.Because it has so many information that children will feel confused.B.Because childr

A.Because it has so many information that children will feel confused.

B.Because children sometimes question some of the information.

C.Because children can not tell what is right and wrong on the Internet.

D.Because children will become addicted to it which is really bad.

更多“A.Because it has so many information that children will feel confused.B.Because childr”相关的问题


A.Because he is so tired.B.Because he works late at night.C.Because he has eaten so muc

A.Because he is so tired.

B.Because he works late at night.

C.Because he has eaten so much at night.

D.Because he sleeps late at night.



A.Because the party for Thanksgiving Day is beginning.B.Because they have to rush to t

A.Because the party for Thanksgiving Day is beginning.

B.Because they have to rush to the dancing party.

C.Because she has talked so much about festivals.

D.Because she will be late for the class.



听力原文:W: I'm afraid we'll be late for the party. Have you got the time, Jack? Your watc
h certainly keeps very good time since you bought it only last month.

M: No. Ever since I bought it, it gains about five minutes a day. So I've got to have it repaired.

Q: Why does the man repair his watch?


A.Because his watch has stopped.

B.Because his watch is slow.

C.Because his watch is fast.

D.Because his watch is lost.



听力原文:Man has a big brain. He can think and speak. Scientists used to think that men ar

听力原文: Man has a big brain. He can think and speak. Scientists used to think that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They now know that animals can learn —dogs, rats, birds —and worms —can learn. So scientists are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals cannot speak. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry, or unhappy. Apes are our nearest cousins. They can understand some things more quickly than human beings, and one or two have learned a few words. But they are still different from us. They cannot join words and make sentences. They cannot think like us because they have no language. They can never think about the past or the future.Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to develop civilization because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five —but no animal learns to speak. How do children learn? Scientists do not really know. What happens when we speak? Scientists do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a big brain.


A.Because he has a big brain.

B.Because he learns to speak.

C.Because he develops civilization.

D.Because he knows many words.



听力原文: Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing wh
at lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school graduates face so much competition that they seldom care what they de so long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it, others move from one job to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for Jobs that offer a salary up to their expectations. Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institutions. Nearly all grope in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what the salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependents with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interests.

In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interests, Nothing is more sad than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also waste your talents and ultimately, make you an emotional wreck and a bitter person.


A.Because they want to earn high salary.

B.Because schools do not teach students how to choose jobs.

C.Because there has been severe competition in the job market.

D.Because they have no working experience.



听力原文: Science fiction writers have often imagined human beings going to live on Mars.
But these days, scientists are taking the idea seriously. It has a great deal to recommend it, since it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth. But obviously, it would not be worth making the effort unless people could live there naturally. If the atmosphere were like that of the earth, this might be possible. But in fact it is mostly carbon dioxide. Apart from that, there are other problems to be overcome. For example, the temperature Would have to be raised from 60 degrees below zero to 15 degrees above it. Scientists who study Mars have laid down the program that they can follow. To begin with, they will have to find out whether life has ever existed on the planet of Mars in the past. Secondly, they will have to make a reliable map of its surface. And finally, they will have to make a list of the gases. Above all, they will have to discover how much nitrogen it possesses, since nitrogen is four fifths of the air we breathe. They are surprisingly optimistic about raising the temperature on Mars and believe it could be done in two hundred years. It Will take a bit longer, though, to transform. the atmosphere so that human beings, could live there. Scientists estimate that this will take one hundred thousand years.


A.Because people might have to migrate there someday.

B.Because it is very much like the earth.

C.Because it is easier to explore than other planets.

D.Because its atmosphere is different from that of the earth.



听力原文:A world-champion body builder has no more muscles than does a 90-pound weakling.

听力原文: A world-champion body builder has no more muscles than does a 90-pound weakling. So what makes him so strong? What other qualities does be need?

Muscles are made of thousands of stringy fibers—a number that is fixed during childhood—which contract when doing work. Strength does not depend on the number of fibers but on the function of their thickness and how many of them contract simultaneously.

Exercise actually damages the muscles. During the recovery stage, the muscle fibers increase in size. Exercise also trains more muscle fibers to work at one time. If a muscle is weak or untrained, for example, only about 10 percent of its fibers will contract, whereas up to 90 percent of the fibers in a weight lifter's bulky biceps will contract.

Aside from strength, two other ingredients go into making an athlete: fitness and endurance. Fitness is related to the condition of the heart. During exercises, there is an increase in the amount of blood returning to the heart from the muscles. A typical volume for a runner at rest is about 5 quarts a minutes, compared with 30 quarts during a vigorous trial. This greater volume means more work for the heart a muscular balloon that expands and contracts to take in blood and squeeze it out. Like any other muscle, the heart enlarges and gets stronger with routine exercise.

Endurance, or the length of time muscles can work, depends in part on how much fuel—in this case sugar—the muscles can store. A muscle that is continually exercised until it is exhausted of sugar tends to store more when it refuels at the next meal. And more sugar can translate into greater endurance the next time the muscle is put to the test.


A.Because the fibers of his muscles are very thick.

B.Because he has more muscles.

C.Because his muscles are made of more stringy fibers.

D.Because the number of his muscles was fixed during his childhood.



听力原文:A world-champion body builder has no more muscles than does a 90 pound weakling.

听力原文: A world-champion body builder has no more muscles than does a 90 pound weakling. So what makes him so strong? What other qualities does he need?

Muscles are made of thousands of stringy fibers—a number that is fixed during childhood—which contract when doing work. Strength does not depend on the number of fibers but on the function of their thickness and how many of them contract simultaneously.

Exercise actually damages the muscles. During the recovery stage, the muscle fibers increase in size. Exercise also trains more muscle fibers to work at one time. If a muscle is weak or untrained, for example, only about 10 percent of its fibers will contract, whereas up to 90 percent of the fibers in a weight lifter's bulky biceps will contract.

Aside from strength, two other ingredients go into making an athlete: fitness and endurance. Fitness is related to the condition of the heart. During exercises, there is an increase in the amount of blood returning to the heart from the muscles. A typical volume for a runner at rest is about 5 quarts a minutes, compared with 30 quarts during a vigorous trial. This greater volume means more work for the heart—a muscular balloon that expands and contracts to take in blood and squeeze it out. Like any other muscle, the heart enlarges and gets stronger with routine exercise.

Endurance, or the length of time muscles can work, depends in part on how much fuel—in this case sugar—the muscles can store. A muscle that is continually exercised until it is exhausted of sugar tends to store more when it refuels at the next meal. And more sugar can translate into greater endurance the next time the muscle is put to the test.


A.Because the fibers of his muscles are very thick.

B.Because he has more muscles.

C.Because his muscles are made of more stringy fibers.

D.Because the number of his muscles was fixed during his childhood.



听力原文:W: You look worried, David. Anything wrong with you?M: Oh, it's nothing really.W:

听力原文:W: You look worried, David. Anything wrong with you?

M: Oh, it's nothing really.

W: Arc you sure? Would you like to talk about it?

M: Well, to be honest, it's.., it's my mother. She... she.., how shall I put it? She has been behaving strangely lately. Do you know what I mean?

W: Not quite. How? In what way?

M: Well, you see, ever since my father died, she has been unhappy even though.

W: But that is normal, isn't it? People are always upset about things like that.

M: Yes, yes. Of course, they are. But they never got on that well when he was alive. Always arguing. And it happened more than three years ago. I never thought that she would miss him so much.

W: Oh, I see what you mean.

M: It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't live so far away. When my father retired, they moved to the seaside. Then only a year later, my father suddenly had a heart attack and just passed away. Now she's all alone in a big cottage by the sea with very few friends and no family near. her.

W: She must be very lonely.

M: Yes, she is. My wife and I go to see her as often as we can. But it isn't easy. I phone her at least twice a week and ask her if she is all right or if she needs something... And that is something else that worries me.

W: What?

M: Her memory seems to be going. I have to remind her to do all sorts of things.., to pay the gas bill, for instance. She gets annoyed with me. But I know she'll forget if 1 don't.

W: Well, don't worry about it too much. She's just getting old, that's all.

M: I know. That's just the problem.


A.Because his father has suddenly had a heart attack.

B.Because his wife has been behaving strangely.

C.Bemuse his mother is still unhappy about his father's death.

D.Because his daughter is all alone in a very big apartment by the sea.



A.Because it is so luminous.B.Because it is broad.C.Because it is where the Heaven is.

A.Because it is so luminous.

B.Because it is broad.

C.Because it is where the Heaven is.

D.Because it is so remote from us.


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