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听力原文:Working long hours can greatly increase the risk of suffering injury or illness,

听力原文: Working long hours can greatly increase the risk of suffering injury or illness, a study says.

Workers who do overtime were 61% more likely to become hurt or ill, once factors such as age and gender were taken into account. And working more than 12 hours a day raised the risk by more than a third, the University of Massachusetts found.

Report co-author Allard Dembe said risk was not necessarily associated with how hazardous the job was. "The results of this study suggest that jobs with long working hours are not more risky merely because they are concentrated in inherently hazardous industries or occupations." And he said the findings, published in the Occupational and Environmental Health Journal, supported initiatives such as the 48-hour European Working Time Directive to cut the number of working hours.

From the records, researchers found 5,139 work-related injuries and illnesses, ranging from stress to cuts, bums and muscle injuries. More than half of these injuries and illnesses occurred in jobs with extended working hours or overtime.

The researchers concluded that the more hours worked, the greater the risk of injury. But they did not find that lengthy commutes to and from work had any impact on illness and injury. In the U.K. 14% of the working population—3.6 million—work more than 48 hours a week.


A.Working too long will hurt one's health and influence one's family.

B.Workers who do overtime will be more likely to get hurt.

C.The employers will severely be penalized for illegal labor-policy.

D.The lifespan will be shortened generally.

更多“听力原文:Working long hours can greatly increase the risk of suffering injury or illness,”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I see you're working on something right now, Christine. As soon as you finish,
I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes.

W: Well, you can talk to me right now. Otherwise, you may have a long wait.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.He can talk to her a few minutes later.

B.He must wait for a long time.

C.He'd better speak to her at once.

D.He can have a long talk with her.



听力原文:M: We've been working on this proposal for so long that my eyes are starting to b

W: Why don't we get out of here? The green meadow around the library is good for your eyes. We can wrap it up later.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man should relax for a while.

B.The man should see a doctor in the library.

C.It shouldn't take long to write the proposal.

D.The man should wrap up his books as quickly as possible.



听力原文:M: I'm having trouble with this calculation. Do you think you could take a look a
t it?

W: Oh, I see, you're figuring out the interest rates. Piece of cake. I can sit down with you after my meeting.

Q: What does the woman imply about the calculation?


A.She can help him with it easily.

B.They can start working on it now.

C.She's not sure how to do it.

D.It will take a long time.



听力原文:W: I' m very impressed by all the work you' ve done on your house, Mr. Miller. Ho
w long have you been working on it?

M: I first became interested in doing things for myself several years ago. I' ve been doing something on it every now and then for almost a year now. You know, I couldn't afford to pay workmen to do it.

Q: What do we learn about Mr. Miller?


A.He used to be a workman himself.

B.He likes to do repairs and make things himself.

C.He is a professional builder.

D.He paid workmen to decorate the house.



听力原文:W: I'm very impressed by all the work you've done in your houses, Mr. Peterson. H
ow long have you been working on it?

M: I first became interested in doing things myself several years ago. I've been doing something on it every now and then for almost a year now. You know, I couldn't afford to pay workman to do it.

Q: What do we learn about Mr. Peterson?


A.He used to be a workman himself.

B.He likes to do repairs and make things himself.

C.He is a professional builder.

D.He paid workman to decorate the house.



听力原文:W: I'm very impressed by all the work you've done on your house, Mr. Jones. How l
ong have you been working on it?

M: I first became interested in doing things myself several years ago. I've been doing something on it every now and then for almost a year now. You know, I couldn't afford to pay workmen to do it.

Q: What do we learn about Mr. Jones?


A.He used to be a workman himself.

B.He likes to do things himself.

C.He is professional builder.

D.He paid workmen to decorate the house.



听力原文:The traditional American family used to have a working father, a housewife-mother

听力原文: The traditional American family used to have a working father, a housewife-mother, and two or three children. But in the last 25 years, this picture has changed. Now we have many different kinds of families and living situations besides this traditional one. For example, there are many single mothers and single fathers who are raising children by themselves. There are married couples who decide that they don't want any children. Sometimes adult children who have been living alone for a long time come back and live with their parents again. You can also find groups of older people sharing a house in order to save money. And there are many other examples of new types of families in this country.

Why has the traditional family changed so much? Well, the reasons are both social and economic. First, as you know, the divorce rate is high in our culture; as a result, we have many single-parent families. Second, there is unemployment among young adults. If they cannot find a job, many times they return home and live with their parents again. But of course the most important reason for the changes in the American family is all American women are now working or looking for work. This means that more than half of all American homes do not have a full-time homemaker any more.


A.Traditional American family.

B.Modern American family.

C.Women's role in American family.

D.Changes in the American families and reasons.



听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Wilson. My name's Jane Smith and I'm the personnel manager.M: Hello

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Wilson. My name's Jane Smith and I'm the personnel manager.

M: Hello. How do you do?

W: Now, this is just a short preliminary interview. I'd like to talk about your present job and what you've done up till now.

M: Yes, of course.

W: Well, could you tell me how long you've had your present position in Evening News. It is Evening News, isn't it?

M: Yes, that's right. Um, I'm not sure. Let me see. I left university in 2003...is that right? Yes, 2003. Then I was unemployed for about two months, and then I traveled, round Britain for a few weeks, so it must be more than three years now in fact.

W: Um...yes. And have you any particular reason for wanting to change jobs? I mean, why do you want to move?

M: Well, I actually like my present job and still find it interesting. The salary's OK so it's nothing to do with money. Though you can always do with more. I suppose the thing is that I'm really very ambitious and keen to get promoted, so that's the real reason.

W: You say you like your job. Can you tell me what aspect you like most?

M: That's difficult. There are so many things. The colleagues are quite nice to go along with so there's a good cooperative atmosphere. And compared to other presses the working conditions are great. I mean, the office itself is good.

W: Urn, yes. We are looking for someone who isn't a clock-watcher and who isn't too concerned about working fairly long hours.

M: Oh, I don't mind that. I'm used to it. I often work irregular hours. I was very often made to work at weekends.

W: Good. Thank you.


A.He works for a newspaper.

B.He is a travel agent.

C.He works in a university.

D.He is an interviewer.



听力原文:When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyes

听力原文: When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyesight wasn't good enough. So I had to give up the idea. I went to university and studied physics. I wanted to stay on there and do research, but my father died at about that time. So I thought I'd better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm.

I expected to stay in that job for a long time. But then, they appointed a new managing director. I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job with another engineering company. I would certainly have accepted the job if they had offered it to me, but on my way to the interview I met a friend who was working for a travel agency. He offered me a job in Spain. And I've always liked Spain, so I took it.

I worked in the travel agency for two years and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had just got married.So I decided to stay here. Then we had a baby and I wasn't earning enough money to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evening.

I liked teaching English more than working for the travel agency, and then the owner of the school offered me a full-time job as a teacher. So I resigned from the agency. Two years later, the owner of the school wanted to retire, so he asked me to take over as the director. And here I am.


A.He didn't like physics any more.

B.His eyesight was too poor.

C.He had to work to support himself.

D.Physics was too hard for him.


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