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Women's place, some people think, is in the protective environment of the home because ___


A.women can provide better care for children

B.women are too weak to do any agricultural work

C.women are biologically suited to domestic jobs

D.women cannot compete with men in any field

更多“Women's place, some people think, is in the protective environment of the home because ___”相关的问题


In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many hous
ehold tasks are shared【B1】a greater or lesser extent,【B2】of make superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in【B3】makes for equality, and this【B4】turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by【B5】rather than by the "battle of sexes".

In the process goes too【B6】and man's role is regarded as less important—and that【B7】happened in some cases—we are as badly off as before, only in【B8】. It is time to【B9】the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism"—but we don't want to exchange it【B10】a "neo-Popism". What we need, rather, is the【B11】that bringing【B12】children involves a partnership of equals. There axe signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men【B13】and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credits—nor all the blame. We have almost given up【B14】that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning, however, to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he【B15】have a place in it. Nor is that place【B16】to the healthy development of the child. The family is a cooperative【B17】for which it is difficult to lay【B18】rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways for solving its own【B19】. Excessive authoritarianism has unhappy【B20】, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent(与......相关) not only to a healthy family.








Part 2 Banked Cloze (Each item: 5 point(s)...

Part 2 Banked Cloze (Each item: 5 point(s)) Directions: Fill in the blanks in thefollowing passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word canbe used only once. A.marrying B. retirement C. economic D. displacing E. competitive F.proportion G. epoch H. overthrows I. engagement J. tend K.illiterate L. sociable M.providing N. relationship O. traverse Many great social changes take place in thelives of women. The possibility of a paid job gradually 1. ________some of the old patterns of familylife. During the 20th century there has been a great shortening of the 2. _______of a woman's life spent in child-caring.A woman 3. ________at the end of the19th century would often have seven or eight children in life. By the time theyoungest was 15, the mother would have been in her early 50s. Considering thefact that many of them being 4. ______,it was unusual for them to get any paid work. Today women have fewer children.Usually when the youngest child is 15, a woman would be about 45 and is likelyto take paid work until 5. ________at 60. This important change in life-pattern marksa new 6. ______for women. It has a greateffect on their 7. __________status.Today the school-leaving age is 18. Many girls stay at school after that age,and though women 8. _______to marry younger,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first childis born. Many more afterward return to full- or part-time work. Such changeshave led to a new 9. _____in marriage, with both husband and wife sharing moreequally in 10. _________living expenses and running the home. This change insocial roles offers more choices for young girls.



听力原文:M: Well, you seemed to be having fun watching the movie?W: Yeah, it was good fun.

听力原文:M: Well, you seemed to be having fun watching the movie?

W: Yeah, it was good fun. I think it kept me in stitches right from the start.

M: You know, whenever I watch comedy, I always like to know why it is that people like to laugh. I mean, why does it feel so good to laugh?

W: Yeah, I heard from my biology professor that even after centuries of scientific research, no one knows for sure why human beings and just a few other primates laugh.

M: I read somewhere that Charles Darwin thought that laughter, which begins with small babies, was like an evolutionary "reward" to the mother and father. Baby's laughter sounded and felt so different from crying, he believed, that even prehistoric parents must have interpreted it as a sign of well-being, kind of like the purring of a kitten. The parents enjoyed the laughter, which encouraged them to continue caring for the child.

W: Yes, apparently researchers have also found that it has a positive effect on many patients and that it produces certain hormones that actually switch on the body's immune system and actually help fight off diseases. So it could be to help fight off disease.

M: I also heard that some psychology professor from the University of Maryland, studied the laughter that takes place in conversations between men and women and found that most laughter takes place when males are talking and females are listening. Men are more likely to make jokes than women are, and women are more likely to laugh at them than men are.

W: If only your jokes were funny, I might laugh more and lit that pattern.

M: Well, I've heard that apes also like laughing.

W: I heard that too. Chimpanzees, apes, orangutans and a few other primates laugh, but no other animals do. I've seen them laugh at zoos, when tickling each other, and when playing chasing games. Their laugh sounds like rapid panting, but I've been assured it's a kind of laughing.

M: Which reminds me I'd better go back before my roommates eat all the chicken I left out in the kitchen!


A.The purpose of laughter.

B.The cause of laughter and its effects.

C.Who and when people laugh.

D.The origins of laughter.



A.The women of some states.B.The women in the state of Wyoming only.C.The members of t

A.The women of some states.

B.The women in the state of Wyoming only.

C.The members of the National Women's Association.

D.The women on the state of Massachusetts only.



What can be inferred from Beth's story?A.Prejudice against women still exists in some orga

What can be inferred from Beth's story?

A.Prejudice against women still exists in some organizations.

B.If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.

C.People should not be content with what they have got.

D.People should be careful when negotiating for a job.



How do some people react to women’s appropriation of men’s language forms as reported
in the Japanese media?

A) They call for a campaign to stop the defeminization.

B) The see it as an expression of women’s sentiment.

C) They accept it as a modern trend.

D) They express strong disapproval.



Laura Bush: A Second Look at the First LadyA Teacher and EducatorWhen Laura Bush walked in

Laura Bush: A Second Look at the First Lady

A Teacher and Educator

When Laura Bush walked into the room wearing a stunning tangerine(橘红色) suit, I wanted to say—just the way I would to a friend—"Have you been working out?" "Have you changed your hairstyle?" She looked slimmer and even younger than the woman I interviewed a little less than four years ago, on the day before the world changed. Back then, on September 10, 2001, Washington, still reeling from an election that rested on a mere 537 votes in Florida, was recovering from culture shock. The Bushes ran a very different White House than the Clintons. They were on time for appointments, they spent quiet evenings with intimate friends, and they went to bed early. Not exactly a hip Hollywood lifestyle. But the First Lady—a title she still thinks of as too lofty and inauthentic to describe her—was winning hearts and minds. She is, after all, a teacher and educator. She taught elementary school in Houston and Austin for several years, and produced an outstanding book fair in Washington with some of America's greatest authors populating(聚集于) vast lawns filled with tents, talking to throngs about their works. Laura Bush's love of reading is partly what defines her. I always wondered if books were substitutes for the brothers and sisters she didn't have growing up in Midland, Texas if they kept her from feeling lonely.

Why She's So Popular

On the day of our visit last January, as my colleague Bill Beaman and I sat in a room waiting for the First Lady, we noticed a wall full of children's books, and thought they might be some of her favorites. The room was plain, rather cozy, and under-decorated. We were told the interview would take place in Mrs. Bush's office, and assumed this was a waiting room. Wrong. This was Laura Bush's office: child centric art and literature, a simple desk, a small sitting area, and that's it. How true to her style, I remember thinking. The tangerine suit was a compromise to the role of political wife. The office wasn't you could imagine her in jeans and a work shirt. The reason Laura Bush is perhaps the most popular First Lady since her mother-in-law, Barbara Bush, is because of the jeans and work-shirt attitude she projects to the country.

Not Exactly a "Desperate Housewife"

To her critics, Laura Bush's solid and consistent behavior. translates as dull, boring, she's been called a Stepford wife, obedient and risk opposing. But after 9.11, some began to see her true value. Laura Bush had become the "nurturer-in-chief", offering the kind of compassion and rhetoric to the 9.11 families—and the country—that you can't fake. She emerged from that tragedy as a true believer in the fight against terrorism. But her war would be waged in the classroom.

She jump-started an educational reform. program in Afghanistan that would allow women to attend school for the first time. "Women were not empowered(授权力), and the result was that one-half of the population could contribute to society," she says. "We are building an American school in Kabul, where women teachers can be trained and have a safe place to live...a teachers' institute, so they can go back to their provinces and teach."

Laura Bush's commitment to education and literacy has gone well beyond chairing the occasional benefit fund-raiser, or offering photos as she tours schools. "My whole life I've been interested in education and children. I've done a lot of work with teaching recruitment organizations, like Troops to Teachers and Teach for America. I'd like to encourage people to choose teaching as a career because it's so important." She taught underprivileged kids in Austin, where she was a librarian. Laura's daughter Jenna, a recent graduate of the University of Texas, has followed in her mother's footsteps and is teaching at a Washington, D.C., public school.

Growing up an only child in Midland and hav






听力原文:Susan Anthony was born in Massachusetts in 1820 and died in Rochester, New York,

听力原文: Susan Anthony was born in Massachusetts in 1820 and died in Rochester, New York, in 1906. In the 1850's she saw many problems in her country and wanted to do something about them. One of these problems was that women did not have the right to vote in the United States. Susan Anthony and many others felt that women and men should have equal rights. In 1869 she helped start the National Women' s Association. This group worked hard to get women the right to vote in the United States. In 1869, the State of Wyoming gave women the fight to vote. Some other states also allowed women to vote. But Susan Anthony and National American Women' s Association wanted all women to have the right to vote. They worked to add this to the constitution of the United States. Finally, in 1920, 14 years after Susan Anthony' s death, an article was added to the Constitution. It gave all American women the right to vote.


A.It had many problems.

B.It was the most democratic country in the world.

C.It was fair to women.

D.It had some minor problems to solve.



How do some people react to women's appropriation of men's language forms as reported in t
he Japanese media?

A.They call for a campaign to stop the defeminization.

B.They see it as an expression of women's sentiment.

C.They accept it as a modern trend.

D.They express strong disapproval.



听力原文:Many changes are taking place in the way in which men and women look at their rol

听力原文: Many changes are taking place in the way in which men and women look at their roles in society. We see these changes most dramatically in jobs and business situations. It is no longer unusual to find a male nurse or a female construction worker. Years ago,however,a man who worked as a nurse would have been looked down upon for doing a“woman's job”,and a female construction worker would have been roared off the construction site by her male co-workers. However,the most important changes that have taken place can be found in men's and women's roles in family lire.

Household work that used to be done by women is now often shared equally by men and women. Men have discovered at last that they too are capable of preparing the family dinner,rather than thinking that they are only capable of taking out the garbage. Perhaps the greatest change that has taken place in the family is in parents'new attitudes towards bringing up children。While it is true that only mothers can breastfeed their infants,nowhere is it written that fathers cannot bathe their own babies or change diapers. And more and more of them are doing just that. These days,being a full-time parent is a job that fathers and mothers both share.

As a result of these changes,we no longer insist that little boys play with trucks and grow up to be doctors,while little girls play with dolls and grow up to be housewives. Many men no longer feel that they must maintain a masculine attitude all the time,and many women no longer feel that they should be submissive and obedient. Changes like these do not occur overnight or even in a few years because they involve fundamental changes in attitudes and behavior.


A.Changes in Child Rearing.

B.Changes in American Sex Roles.

C.Changes in Men's Roles in Family Life.

D.Changes in Women's Roles in Career Pursue.


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