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听力原文:W: Nine out of ten parents smack their children according to a report published t

oday. What is your opinion about this report?

M: Well, although nine out of ten parents use smacking as a punishment, half of them feel guilty about using it. The other half do smack their children and think they are right. It seems most parents we talked to smack their children more than once a week and 5% actually smack their children every day.

W: The report suggests that parents should make more efforts to understand their children and that smacking isn't always the best solution if children are naughty.

M: Yes, parents should try harder to understand how their children feel when they react in certain ways. For example they might be jealous of a new baby brother or a sister or they might feel insecure. Any number of things might make the child react badly.

W: So in those kinds of situations it would be better not to smack children?

M: Yes, obviously because when a child's behaving badly, it needs love and attention, not anger and violence. I think parents should think really carefully before they smack their children.

W: Maybe parents should find an opportunity to communicate with their children.

M: That's right.


A.Five out of nine.

B.Nine out of ten.

C.One out of ten.

D.Five out of eight.

更多“听力原文:W: Nine out of ten parents smack their children according to a report published t”相关的问题


听力原文:W: It's a good thing Peter has taken the children out today. It'll give us a chan
ce to discuss the gifts. Will they be away long?

M: Well, they left at eight this morning and they'll be back about nine tonight.

Q: How long will Peter and the children be away?


A.Nine hours.

B.Eleven hours.

C.Thirteen hours.

D.Fifteen hours.



听力原文:W: Nine, please.M: This is the express, Madam. The first stop is the first floor.

听力原文:W: Nine, please.

M: This is the express, Madam. The first stop is the first floor.

Q: Where did this conversation take place?


A.On a bus.

B.On a train.

C.Over a phone.

D.In an elevator.



听力原文:W: Have Chris and Sally left for school yet? It's a quarter to nine now.M: Sally

听力原文:W: Have Chris and Sally left for school yet? It's a quarter to nine now.

M: Sally left at 8:15 a.m., and Chris hurried off twenty minutes later.

Q: What time did Chris leave home?


A.At 8:45.

B.At 8:15.

C.At 8:05.

D.At 8:35.



听力原文:M: Aren't there any direct flights?W: I'm sorry. Your best bet would be at nine a

听力原文:M: Aren't there any direct flights?

W: I'm sorry. Your best bet would be at nine a.m. departure on United flight twelve arriving in Chicago at eleven a. m., with five-hour wait for your connecting flight to Los Angeles.

Q: What time will the man leave Chicago?


A.At 9 a.m.

B.At 11 a.m.

C.At2p. m.

D.At4p. m.



听力原文:M: Does this elevator stop on every floor?W: No, it stops only on the even ones.

听力原文:M: Does this elevator stop on every floor?

W: No, it stops only on the even ones. If you want an odd one, go to the even one above it and then walk down.

Q: Why won't the elevator stop on the ninth floor?


A.Bemuse nine is an odd number.

B.Because the elevator got stuck.

C.Bemuse there are too many people in the elevator.

D.Because the elevator couldn't go to the floors above eight floor.



听力原文:M: Does this elevator stop on every floor?W: No, it stops only on tile even ones.

听力原文:M: Does this elevator stop on every floor?

W: No, it stops only on tile even ones. If you want an odd one, go to the even one above it and then walk down.

Q: Why won't the elevator stop on the ninth floor?


A.Because nine is an odd number.

B.Because the elevator got stuck.

C.Because there are too many people in the elevator.

D.Because the elevator couldn't go to the floors above eight floor.



听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?W: Not too good, I suppose.M: What happened?

听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?

W: Not too good, I suppose.

M: What happened?

W: Well, you know I moved out from Mrs. Henzer's nine months ago. And all along I forgot to inform. the registration office to get my address changed. Guess what? The library sent three reminder notices on the fines incurred on the overdue books and Mrs. Henzer kept the letters without returning them to the senders.

M: How did you find out?

W: Well, I went to the registration to get my transcript. but they said there are some outstanding fines that I have to settle before they can release it.

M: Then just pay the fine and you. can get your transcript. What's the big problem?

W: Yeah, that's exactly what I thought but the fine came to $150 and that was a shock to me. I didn't expect it to come to that much.

M: Oh. That's a bit of a bite! Did you keep the book for long? That's the first time I've come across such a big fine on the library loan.

W: Guess what? I checked with the library and they told me three books are still outstanding. They're from 8 months ago. I thought I'd returned them.

M: Are you sure you returned the books yourself or did you get someone to do it?

W: Well, hard to recall now since it was so long ago. At that time I was holding two jobs and had to juggle with school. I really thought I had returned them.

M: Tell you what. Why don't you go back in Mrs. Henzer and see if the books are still there? Otherwise, you'll have to pay for the lost books and I'm sure they will cost more than $150.

W: I guess that's the only choice I'm left with right now.


A.She had moved out of the old address.

B.She ignored it.

C.The library didn't try to inform. her about it.

D.The landlord refused to give the books back to her.



听力原文:W: I wish the plane got here. It's already nine twenty.M: There's no need to get

听力原文:W: I wish the plane got here. It's already nine twenty.

M: There's no need to get nervous. The announcement said it would be twenty minutes late.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The announcer should try not to sound nervous.

B.The woman should not be nervous.

C.The plane will arrive at 9:20.

D.The woman should get on the plane.



听力原文:W: Hello.M: Hi, Sarah, this is Mike.W: Great to hear from you Mike! How have you

听力原文:W: Hello.

M: Hi, Sarah, this is Mike.

W: Great to hear from you Mike! How have you been doing these days?

M: To tell you the truth, I'm very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I'm suffering from insomnia. I can't fall asleep, even after I've swallowed some sleeping pills.

W: I sympathize! I went through the same thing last year.

M: That's exactly why I'm calling you. Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety? You know how I hate exams!

W: Well, take a walk or have a shower before you go to sleep.

M: I have tried. All seems to be of no use.

W: OK. I know, last year the university offered a stress-management course at about this time. Have you been in contact with the student health services?

M: No, I have always been pressed for time!

W: Funny, isn't it? Just when students need help most, we can't afford the time to get it!

M: Well, perhaps I should find out more about this stress-management course. Things have got to get better!

W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow. They open at nine a. m.

M: Thanks, Sarah. I'll let you know how it goes.

W: Best of luck! And have a good night's sleep!

M: That's easier said than done! Thank you just the same.


A.He failed his last test.

B.He can't find his watch.

C.He's taking examinations soon.

D.He missed his medical checkup.



听力原文:W:I demand to see the manager.M:The manager is out,Madam,but if you have a compla

听力原文:W:I demand to see the manager.

M:The manager is out,Madam,but if you have a complaint,I’m sure I can assist you.

Q:What’s the man’s attitude?


A.He is hostile.

B.He is indifferent.

C.He is snobbish.

D.He is helpful.


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