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听力原文:W: Hey, Joe. What's all this talk about a benefit walkathon this weekend?M: Don't

听力原文:W: Hey, Joe. What's all this talk about a benefit walkathon this weekend?

M: Don't you know? Most of the residents in Parker Hall are going to try to walk the seven miles from the Engineering Library, across campus, and down to City Hall in an effort to raise money for the new children's hospital.

W: Sounds like a good ideal But I don't understand where the money comes from.

M: Well, a few days before the walkathon, each participant goes around asking people to pledge a certain amount of money for each mile that he or she expects to walk in the event. Then after the walkathon is over, the participants go back to those same people, collect the money pledged, and send it to the hospital.

W: So you mean if you pledge, say, a dollar a mile and you walk five miles, then you get five dollars.

M: That's fight. Of course most of my friends aren't such big spenders. The biggest pledge I've gotten so far is 25 cents a mile.

W: And how many people have made pledges for you?

M: Eleven so far. Say, how about making it a dozen?

W: Sure. If you'll do the same for me. The walkathon sounds like the perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sports shoes.


A.Hospital employees.

B.City Hall officials.

C.Packer Hall residents.

D.The engineering students.

更多“听力原文:W: Hey, Joe. What's all this talk about a benefit walkathon this weekend?M: Don't”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.W: That's all right, Joe. My house isn't that easy t

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.

W: That's all right, Joe. My house isn't that easy to find. But you know, you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a "smart" car.

M: A smart car? What's Bat?

W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display and a synthesized voice, you must enter the address where you want to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.

M: Hey, that's just like my brother. He never gets lost, and he's always telling me the best route. So what else will smart cars be able to do?

W: Well, the article said that they'll be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they're getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and they'll even put on the brakes if the drivers don't.

M: Tell me, Cindy, will these cars be smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?

W: Not that I know of. Why do you ask?

M: Well, I'm late not because I got lost—I'm late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.


A.$ 5

B.$ 15

C.$ 30

D.$ 250



听力原文:M: Hey,Joan.What's that red pin you are wearing?W: Well,all the company represent

听力原文:M: Hey,Joan.What's that red pin you are wearing?

W: Well,all the company representatives in the marking division have to wear them to the business convention.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation about the woman?


A.She will deliver a speech at the convention.

B.She is the only representative of her division.

C.She helps to build a marketing system.

D.She works in the marketing department.



听力原文:W: Hey, Larry. Wanna meet a few of us for coffee in a little while?M: Hmm. I woul

听力原文:W: Hey, Larry. Wanna meet a few of us for coffee in a little while?

M: Hmm. I would if I weren't so far behind in this reading I'm doing for history.

Q: What will the man probably do?


A.Continue to read.

B.Meet the woman at the library.

C.Make some coffee.

D.Go out with some friends.



听力原文:W: Hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prizem

听力原文:W: Hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prize money should really come in handy.

M: You bet! I've already put it aside to cover the increase my landlord just announced for next year.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He has decided how he's going to spend the prize money.

B.He doesn't know how much his rent is going to increase.

C.He's already planning to enter next year's essay contest.

D.He has already paid his landlord for next year's rent.



听力原文:M: Would you like to go to Prof. Smith's lecture this evening?W: No problem.Q: Wh

听力原文:M: Would you like to go to Prof. Smith's lecture this evening?

W: No problem.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She won't go.

B.She will surely go.

C.She has no problem to solve.

D.She has no question to ask.



听力原文:M: Hey, there will be a program on Channel 4 at eight. You might like. It's about

W: I haven't heard about it. But you are right, I am interested in it.

Q: What will the woman probably do?


A.Call the TV station.

B.Look for cats with the man.

C.Meet the man at the cat exhibit.

D.Watch the program on TV.



听力原文:M:Hey,do you know where Maria is? Professor Lee wants to talk with her at his off
ice,you know,about the exam.

W:I'm not sure.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.Maria is in the library now.

B.Maria didn't pass the exam.

C.Maria is probably a college student.

D.The man wants to see Maria at his office.



听力原文:W: Hey! If you can't enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use earphones. I' m
trying to study.

M: Oh! I' m sorry. I didn't realize it was bothering you.

Q: What is the man probably doing?


A.Singing loudly.

B.Listening to music.


D.Talking on the phone.



听力原文:M: Hey,Louise,I've got a used copy of our Chemistry textbook for half price. W: I

听力原文:M: Hey,Louise,I've got a used copy of our Chemistry textbook for half price.

W: I'm afraid you wasted your money.Yours is the first edition.but we're supposed to be using the third edition.

Q: What has the man done?


A.He has edited three books.

B.He has bought the wrong book.

C.He has lost half of his money.

D.He has found the chemistry book.


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