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Every year more than half a million American kids have drainage(排泄) tubes surgically imp

Every year more than half a million American kids have drainage(排泄) tubes surgically implanted in their ears to combat persistent infections. The procedure, known as tympanostomy, may not be as 【C1】______ as the tonsillectomy was in the 1940s, but it now 【C2】______ as the nation's leading childhood 【C3】______ and a new study suggests it's being vastly overused. In 【C4】______ more than 6,000 scheduled ear tube operations, a team of experts 【C5】______ by Harvard pediatrician Lawrence Kleinman found that fewer than half were clearly justified. "Each year", the researchers write in the current Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), "several hundred thousand children in the United States may be 【C6】______ tympanostomy tubes that offer them no demonstrated 【C7】______ ...and may place them at increased 【C8】______ ."

Tube placement isn't a 【C9】______ risky procedure, but it costs $1,000 to $1,500 and sometimes scars the eardrum, causing a partial loss of 【C10】______ Studies show that the benefits are most likely to 【C11】______ the risks if a child's middle ear has produced sticky fluid 【C12】______ more than four months despite treatment 【C13】______ antibiotics. For less virulent infections, drug treatment is usually a(n) 【C14】______ safer alternative (though drugs, too, can be overused). In the new JAMA study, Kleinman's team reviewed the medical charts of 6,429 kids, all under 16, 【C15】______ doctors had recommended the procedure. Even making "generous assumptions" about the likely 【C16】______ , the researchers found that a quarter of the proposed operations were 【C17】______ , since less invasive alternatives were available, 【C18】______ another third were as likely to harm the recipients as help them.

Parents needn't 【C19】______ about ear tubes that are already in place. Once 【C20】______ implanted, the tiny devices provide drainage for six months to a year, then come out by reducing health costs by hundreds of millions of dollars every year.






更多“Every year more than half a million American kids have drainage(排泄) tubes surgically imp”相关的问题


In the United States today______.A.alcoholism has caused a million automobile accidents a

In the United States today______.

A.alcoholism has caused a million automobile accidents a year

B.there are no more than a million alcoholics

C.the problem of alcoholism costs thousands of millions of dollars every year

D.alcoholism is not a major social problem



听力原文:A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. Th

听力原文: A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. This study shocked most people because it means 3 million deaths around the world every year. If the present rate of smoking continues, the number of deaths each year from smoking could rise to 10 million by the year 2050. This news has worried the most people in the developed countries, especially those smokers.

The study also shows that smoking is the main cause of the death in industrial countries, and most of the smoking deaths have happened to men, especially in developing countries. That means more people smoke in the poor areas than in the rich areas and more people died in the poor countries than in the wealthy countries.

In addition, the study indicates that smoking may also cause lung cancer to those adults. It may lead to cancer of the mouth and other parts of body. Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to suffer from heart disease. Therefore, experts advise the people to stop smoking completely so that they can reduce their chance of dying early.


A.3 million smokers increase every year.

B.3 million people get lung cancer every year.

C.3 million cigarettes ate produced every year.

D.3 million people die from smoking every year.



听力原文:In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycle a

听力原文: In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention. Annual bike sales doubled between 1960 and 1970, and there are nearly 70 million bikes in the United States today. That's more than two for every three automobiles.

Of course, the bike has been around for more than 150 years, and this isn't America's first bicycle boom. A wave of bike enthusiasm swept the land in the late 1800s and bicycle production hit two million units in 1897. Then with the coming of the auto, bicycling declined, and for decades remained popular only with children and a few adult faddists.

Now, national preoccupation with air pollution and physical fitness has brought the bike back to the forefront—particularly with adults. More than eight million bikes were sold in the United States last year and a third of them went to adults. The year before, only 15 percent of new bike sales were for adults.


A.The use of bikes is a new invention in the U.S.

B.Annual bike sales doubled in the 60s in the U.S.

C.The producers made 70 million bikes every year.

D.The number of bikes is two times that of cars in the U.S.



听力原文:W: Good morning.M: Good morning.W: Well, what are your predictions about the worl

听力原文:W: Good morning.

M: Good morning.

W: Well, what are your predictions about the world? What is it going to be like in the year 2020?

M: Hum, if present trends continue, I'm afraid the world in 2020 will be more crowded and more polluted than the world we live in now.

W: Don't you think we will be able to cope with the increase in world population?

M: I don't think so. Even though production is constantly increasing, the people of the world will be poorer than they are today. For hundreds of millions of the desperately poor, the supply of toad and other necessities of life will not be any better. And for many they will be worse, unless the nations of the world do something to change the current trends.

W: What is your estimate of world population in year 2020?

M: If present trends continue, that is with the number of births by far could approach 6,500million people.

W: How many people are born every day?

M: About 250 every minute, but only 100 people die!

W: That's worrying! Will there be enough oil to satisfy our needs in the year 20207

M. During the 2000s, world oil production will reach the maximum and the price of oil will begin to increase. At the next ten years of the century, the available supplies will not be sufficient for our needs. So , at least part of these needs will have to be met by alternative sources of energy.

W: Well, that's a warning that we all need to take seriously. And with that warning, we end part one of this week's.


A.Increase food production.

B.Increase oil production.

C.Birth control.

D.All of above.



听力原文:Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Widespread use

听力原文: Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Widespread use of written language would not have been possible without some cheap and practical material to write on. The invention of paper meant that more people could be educated because more books could be printed and distributed. Together with the printing press, paper provided an extremely important way to communicate knowledge.

How much paper do you use every year? Probably you cannot answer that question quickly. In 1900 the world's use of paper was about one kilogram for each person a year. Now some countries use as much as 50 kilograms of paper for each person a year. Countries like the United States, England and Sweden use more paper than other countries.

Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very commonly used before the year 1400. The Egyptians wrote on a kind of material made of a water plant. Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of years. Parch-ment was very strong; it was made from the skin of certain young animals. We have learnt of the most important facts of European history from records that were kept on parchment.


A.More jobs could be provided than before.

B.More people could be educated than before.

C.More books could be printed and distributed.

D.More ways could be used to exchange knowledge.



听力原文:Strikes are very common in Britain. They are extremely harmful to its industries.

听力原文: Strikes are very common in Britain. They are extremely harmful to its industries. In fact there are other countries in Western Europe that lose more working days through strikes every year than Britain. The trouble with the strikes in Britain is that they occur in essential industries. There are over four hundred and ninetyfive unions in Britain. Some unions are very small. Over twenty have more than one hundred thousand members. Unions do not exist only to demand high wages. They also educate their members. They provide benefits for the sick and try to improve working conditions. Trade unionists say that we must thank the unions for the great improvement in working conditions in the last hundred years. It is now against the law fur union members to go on strike without the support of their union. This kind of strike la called the unofficial strike and was common until recently. Employers felt that unofficial strikes were most harmful because they could not be predicted. However, these unofficial strikes still occur from time to time and some unions have also refused to cooperate with the law. As a result, the general picture of the relations between workers and employers in Britain has gone from bad to worse.


A.They often take place in the major industries.

B.British trade unions are more powerful.

C.There are more trade union members in Britain.

D.Britain loses more working days through strikes every year.



听力原文:W: Good morningM: Good morning.W: Well, what are your predictions about the world

听力原文:W: Good morning

M: Good morning.

W: Well, what are your predictions about the world? What is it going to be like in the year 2020?

M: Hum, if present trends continue, I'm afraid the world in 2020 will be more crowded and more polluted than the world we live in now.

W: Don't you think we will be able to cope with the increase in world population?

M: I don't think so. Even though production is constantly increasing, the people of the world will be poorer than they are today. For hundreds of millions of the desperately poor, the supply of food and other necessities of life will not be any better. And for many they will be worse, unless the nations of the world do something to change the current trends.

W: What is your estimate of world population in the year 2020?

M: If present trends continue, that is with the number of births by far exceeding the number of deaths. In 2020 the world population could approach 6,500 million people.

W: How many people are born every day?

M: About 250 every minute, but only 100 people die!

W: That's worrying! Will there be enough oil to satisfy our needs in the year 2020?

M: During the 2000s, world oil production will reach the maximum and the price of oil will begin to increase. At the next ten years of the century, the available supplies will not be sufficient for our needs. So, at lest part of these needs will have to be met by alternative sources of energy.

W: Well, that's a warning that we all need to take seriously. And with that warning, we end part one of this week's.


A.Increase food production.

B.Increase oil production.

C.Birth control.

D.All of above.



听力原文: Strikes are very common in Britain. They are extremely harmful to its industries
. In fact, there are other countries in Western Europe that lose more working days through strikes every year than Britain. The trouble with the strikes in Britain is that they occur in essential industries. There are over 495 unions in Britain. Some unions are very small. Over 20 have more than 100,000 members. Unions do not exist only to demand higher wages. They also educate their members. They provide benefits for the sick and try to improve working conditions. Trade unioners say that we must thank the unions for the great improvement in working conditions in the last hundred years. It is now against the law for union members to go on strike without the support of their union. This kind of strike is called the unofficial strike and was common until recently. Employers feel that unofficial strikes were most harmful because they would not be predicted. However, these unofficial strikes still occur from time to time and some unions have also refused to cooperate with the law. As a result, the general picture of the relations between workers and employers in Britain has gone from bad to worse.


A.They often take place in the major industries.

B.British trade unions are more powerful.

C.There are more trade union members in Britain.

D.Britain has less working days through strikes every year.



Every year, a dome owner may spend 30% less in energy expenditure than a normal rectilinea
r home one.






听力原文:Hollywood, a suburb of the city of Los Angeles in California, is situated between
a range of mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Until 1908 it was no more than a quiet village on the northern side of the city, but in that year William Selig, one of the first people to make films, set up a film-producing workshop in Los Angeles. By 1911, in Hollywood, and at about the same time oil was discovered in the neighborhood. Thus Hollywood quickly became a big district given over to the film industry and to oil wells.

The early film makers found Hollywood a suitable place for their work because of its clear, sunny, rain free weather, which allowed pictures to be taken all the year round. Also, it was known that every kind of scene needed for films, whether town, country, sea, desert or snow-capped mountains, could be found within the area of California. Nowadays, when some films can be "shot" under cover by man-made lighting, these advantages are not so important.

At present, Hollywood remains a center of film production although nowadays making more films for television than for the cinema. There, or in Beverly Hills nearby, are to be seen the houses of the "stars" and producers famous all over the world.


A.It was famous for its film industry.

B.It became one of the biggest cities in California.

C.It was only a small village.

D.It became a suburb of Los Angeles.


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