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What is the original purpose of the "traffic calming" initiatives in Europe?A.To make stre

What is the original purpose of the "traffic calming" initiatives in Europe?

A.To make streets social places.

B.To make the volume and speed of traffic reduced.

C.To make streets places for children.

D.To make streets more clean.

更多“What is the original purpose of the "traffic calming" initiatives in Europe?A.To make stre”相关的问题


What do we know about Gutzon Borglum?A.He carved Abraham Lincoln first on Mt. Rushmore.B.H

What do we know about Gutzon Borglum?

A.He carved Abraham Lincoln first on Mt. Rushmore.

B.He -also carved some gods and kings in Egyptian temples and tombs.

C.His original aim was five figures on Mr. Rushmore.

D.He also did something for the sculptures on Stone Mountain.



What was the original purpose of the Fair Trade movement? A) To cooperate with cof

What was the original purpose of the Fair Trade movement?

A) To cooperate with coffee growers and other farmers.

B) To help coffee farmers as prices were collapsing.

C) To prevent farmers from selling their products to commercial producers.

D) To sell products through coffee growers and other farmers.



What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.MBA degree has lost all its original function.

What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.MBA degree has lost all its original function.

B.MBA degree might not be convincing in future.

C.MBA degree will still mean high income in future.

D.MBA degree holders often lack talent evidence now.



Although we all depend on the resources of nature for our survival, _______.A.industrial p

Although we all depend on the resources of nature for our survival, _______.

A.industrial products are replacing all our natural resources

B.it is only on islands that nature survives

C.we have forgotten what our original countryside looked like

D.we have allowed large areas of countryside to be spoilt by industrial development



What do the remarks of Tremaine mean at the end of the passage?A.The overturn of the prese

What do the remarks of Tremaine mean at the end of the passage?

A.The overturn of the present study fruit may betoken new breakthroughs.

B.If we want to achieve something original, we must throw away the old.

C.The fruits available in each field couldn't hold water all the way.

D.It is always exciting experience to discard the old and obtain the new.



听力原文: I'd like to share with you today my experience with a new approach to building a
house. It's called Envelop Building. Essentially, What it means is that as you are building a house, you try to leave the landscape feature on the land, especially the vegetation in the original condition. So what you are not doing 'is the usual practice of land-scraping. By which I mean literally scraping or cleaning the land of any and all the original plants. Why is the approach called Envelop Building? Because instead of clearing everything away, you let your original landscape elements envelop or surround your house. Let the vegetation physical features such as hills and slopes or interesting rock formations, constituted a significant part of the character of the building sight: The design of the house should take these features of the property into account. Actually integrating your original wild landscape with a house is not that new. The famous American architect Wright was doing it about 65 years ago. So we are in good company. Envelop Building is not as easy as it sounds though, It's not just that you build your house and leave the land alone. By building, you are already damaging the original landscape. But as architects, we should try to work with environment, not against it. A creative architect can find ways to incorporate natural landscape into the overall design. For example, Wright used the massive boulders on the side of one of the most famous houses as part of the house foundation.


A.Eliminating the original vegetation from the building site.

B.Marking the houses in an area similar to one another.

C.Deciding where a house will be built.

D.Surrounding a building with wild flowers and plants.



听力原文:M: Our basketball team is playing in the finals but I don't have a ticket. I gues
s I'll just watch it on TV. Do you want to come over?

W: Actually I have a ticket. But I'm not feeling well. You can have it for what it cost me.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The speakers will watch the game together.

B.The woman feels lucky to have got a ticket.

C.The man plays center on the basketball team.

D.The man can get the ticket at its original price.



听力原文:M: I'd like to share with you today my experience with a new approach to building
a house. It's called Envelop Building.

W: Hmm, it sounds interesting. Please share with us. What does it mean?

M: Essentially, what it means is that as you are building a house, you try to leave the landscape feature on the land, especially the vegetation in the original condition. So what you are not doing is the usual practice of "land scraping". By which I mean literally scraping or cleaning the land of any and all the original plants.

W: Why is the approach called Envelop Building?

M: Good question! Because instead of clearing everything away, you let your original landscape elements envelop or surround your house. Let the vegetation physical features such as hills and slopes or interesting rock formations, constitute a significant part of the character of the building site. The design of the house should take these features of the land into account.

W: Any more information about Envelop Building? Is it a recent technology?

M: Actually, integrating your original wild landscape with a house is not that new. The famous American architect Wright was doing it about 65 years ago. Envelop Building is not as easy as it sounds though. It's not just that you build your house and leave the land alone. By building, you are already damaging the original landscape. But as architects, we should try to work with environment, not against it. A creative architect can find ways to incorporate natural landscape into the overall design.

W: I guess this technology will be acknowledged by more architects.


A.Eliminating the original vegetation from the building site.

B.Making the houses in an area similar to one another.

C.Deciding where a house will be built.

D.Surrounding a building with wildflowers and plants.



听力原文:W: Do you know that Mary was severely scolded by the boss because she turned down
the contract with her major client yesterday?

M: I can't believe she did that.

Q: What do we learn about Mary?


A.She lowered, the contract's original price.

B.She went ahead with the proposal.

C.She didn't accept the offer given by her client

D.She made a counter-offer to relieve the client.



Although we all depend on the resources of nature for our survival, ______.A.industrial pr

Although we all depend on the resources of nature for our survival, ______.

A.industrial products are replacing all our natural resources

B.it is only on islands that nature survives

C.we have forgotten what our original countryside looked like

D.we have allowed large areas of countryside to be spoilt by industrial development


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