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"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5, Para. 1 ) means______.A.I'm just calling your attent

"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5, Para. 1 ) means ______.

A.I'm just calling your attention

B.I'm just saying what I don't really want to say

C.I'm just saying the opposite

D.I'm just giving off some sound

更多“"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5, Para. 1 ) means______.A.I'm just calling your attent”相关的问题


"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5, Para. 1 ) means ______.A.I'm just calling your atten

"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5, Para. 1 ) means ______.

A.I'm just calling your attention

B.I'm just saying what I don't really want to say

C.I'm just saying the opposite

D.I'm just giving off some sound



"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5 Para. 1 ) means ______.A.I'm just calling your attent

"I'm letting off some steam" (Line 5 Para. 1 ) means ______.

A.I'm just calling your attention

B.I'm just saying what I don't really want to say

C.I'm just saying the opposite

D.I'm just giving off some sound



听力原文:M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?W: I beg y

听力原文:M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.

W: Who are you to insist? I advise you to take off, before I call a policeman.

M: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.

W: What'? Oh ... well ... and just what fight does that give you to go around looking into people's bags?

M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else.

W: What do you mean belonging to someone else?

M: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?

W: Are you talking about stolen goods?

M: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest, they wouldn't mind, would they?

W: Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what in their bags!

M: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible. However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there'?

M: Thank you, madam.

W: Not at all.

M: Mm. Sixteen lipsticks?

W: Yes, nothing unusual in that. I like to change the color with my mood.

M: I see you smoke a lot. Fifteen cigarette lighters!

W: Yes, I am rather a heavy smoker.

M: Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?

W: But this is unfair!


A.A businessman in a store.

B.A wander in the street.

C.Amateur detective.

D.A policeman with plain clothes.



听力原文:M: Excuse me madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?W: I beg yo

听力原文:M: Excuse me madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.

W: Who are you to insist? I advise you to take off, before I call a policeman.

M: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.

W: What? Oh...well...and just what right does that give you to go around looking into people's bugs?

M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else.

W: What do you mean belonging to someone else?

M: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?

W: Are you talking about stolen goods?

M: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest they wouldn't mind, would they?

W: Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what in their bags!

M: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible. However, I must insist on Being what you have in you bag.

W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there?

M: Thank you madam.

W: Net at all.

M: Mm. Sixteen lipsticks?

W: Yes, nothing unusual in that I like to change the eater with my mood.

M: I see you smoke a lot. Fifteen cigarette lighters!

W: Yes, I an rather a heavy smoker.

M: Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?

W: But this is unfair!


A.A businessman in a store.

B.A wander in the street.

C.Amateur detective.

D.A man with plain clothes.



听力原文:M: It's good you brought the books back.W: I thought you might need novels at the

听力原文:M: It's good you brought the books back.

W: I thought you might need novels at the weekend. Thanks for letting me use them.

Q: What do we know about the woman from the conversation?


A.She offered to help the man.

B.She borrowed the books from the man.

C.She brought the books the man asked for.

D.She let the man use her books for the weekend.



听力原文:W: Even though he doesn't particularly like it, I insist on shoveling the walk in
stead of letting my husband do it.

M: Well, that's the smart thing to do. After all, he had a heart attack not too long ago.

Q: What is the husband's feeling about his wife doing the shoveling?


A.He appreciates her concern.

B.He is indifferent.

C.He does not like it.

D.He cannot understand it.



听力原文:M: Well, Amina, thanks for letting me have your draft in such good time.W: Oh, th

听力原文:M: Well, Amina, thanks for letting me have your draft in such good time.

W: Oh, that's alright. I was just very anxious to hear what you think of it. You can see that I decided to change the topic—I had been interested in looking at Barings Factory

M: Oh, I think the hospital was a much better choice. In fact... well... I have to say that I thought it was good.

W: Oh ?

M: There's still lots of work to be done... But there're plenty of good ideas. It opens well and the first chapter is fine, but the middle section really stood out for me...most interesting.

W: That's amazing because I really didn't find it a bit easy to write.

M: How long did you work on the whole thing?

W: Well, I spent about two or three weeks reading and doing general research and then I completed it very quickly, so about four weeks in all.

M: Well, that's normal for the course. You've got a while yet to make the changes. Let's have a look at my notes here. OK, starting with section headings.., the broad divisions are good but you'll have to redo the actual headings. I've made some suggestions in the margins. Now this information on local housing, I can see why you put it there but it really isn't relevant to the approach you've taken.

W: I think I see what you mean.

M: And the interviews are very complex and rather unclear at the moment. You're going to have to spend a bit of time making the data a lot clearer.

W: What about the list of dates?

M: My advice on that is to take them out. I feel it makes the whole piece appear too simplistic.


A.He thinks the choice of Barings Factory is better.

B.He thinks the choice of the hospital is better.

C.He thinks there is no need to change the topic.

D.He thinks the choice of the university is better.



听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy! Co

听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy! Could you take this one, please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot—but I'm having some people over and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What' s the occasion?

M: The people I live with, the Kramers, have been on vacation for a month, and I thought I' d surprise them. I' m inviting some of their friends and family for a welcome-home dinner.

W: That' s really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it' s the least I can do for them. They' ve been letting me stay with them rent-free while I' m in school.

W: Really? That' s pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you' re a student. They' ve been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.



听力原文:W: How do you like your new tenant who moved to your apartment last Monday?M: Wel

听力原文:W: How do you like your new tenant who moved to your apartment last Monday?

M: Well, she is a nice lady, though I'm having a hard time getting used to her.

Q: What's the man's problem?


A.He is having a hard time letting his apartment.

B.He prefers his old tenant to the new one.

C.He is not accustomed to living with the new tenant yet.

D.He doesn't want to lend his apartment to her.



听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy. Co

听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy. Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk back home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot. But I'm having some people home and I guess I need more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: The people I live with, the Williams, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome home dinner.

W: Oh, that's really thoughtful of you.

M: I think it's the least I can do for them. They've been letting me stay with them rent free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to be a student. They've been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for the generosity.

W: You are lucky to meet such a good family.


A.He is preparing to go on vacation.

B.He is going to have a long journey.

C.He is going to hold a birthday party.

D.He is preparing a home coming dinner.


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