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The basic role of a credit score is to determine whether applicants can get credit or loa


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What can we infer from the basic role of extinction?A. Whales die more than they are born

What can we infer from the basic role of extinction?

A. Whales die more than they are born each year.

B. Whales' reproductive ability remains a very low rate.

C. The species of whales is doomed to extinction.

D. Whales' death rote keeps an increasing trend.



What can we infer from the basic role of extinction?A.Whales die more than they are born e

What can we infer from the basic role of extinction?

A.Whales die more than they are born each year.

B.Whales reproductive ability remains a very low rate.

C.The species of whales is doomed to extinction.

D.Whales death rote keeps an increasing trend.



But is it really the case? The information I've collected over last few years lead
s me to believe that artistic and cultural projects may be less useful than many governments think.In fact, basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority



听力原文:A common feature of both insect and human societies is that they consist of indiv

听力原文: A common feature of both insect and human societies is that they consist of individuals living together and behaving as a group. They also resemble each other in that in each society different individuals have different jobs to do. The basic unit of each society is the family, (26) but there is an important difference: with insects the family is the society; with humans, on the other hand, the society consists of a group of families or a group of individuals from different families.

(26) We have noted that in both societies different individuals perform. different functions or roles. Among insects the number of roles is very small. In a termite society, for example, there are four basic roles: the queen, the king, the workers and soldiers. (27) In modern human society, in contrast, there are thousands of different occupations. Furthermore, (28) in human society an individual has a choice of roles, whereas in insect society there is no choice. A queen is born a queen and a worker is born a worker. Nor can an insect change roles. A queen cannot decide to stop laying eggs and become a worker instead. With humans, the opposite is the case, because (29) human roles are always learned whereas insects can only perform. the role they were born to do.

Finally, although there are other distinguishing features, it is important to note that an insect has almost no chance of staying alive if it goes away from its group. A human individual, however, can not only survive outside his own group, but also change from one group to another. He may be happiest if separated from it, or he can change it for another.

Questions:26. What is the main point of the passage?

27.What is the main similarity between insect society and human society?

28.What is the difference between insects and human beings in terms of roles?

29.Why can human roles be changed?


A.The common features of both insect and human societies.

B.The differences between insect society and human society.

C.The role differences in human society.

D.The reasons why human beings are superior to insects.



听力原文: There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in
spelling. No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill. (26)There are, however, vastly different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.

If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to "play it safe". He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language. (27) That's why teachers time and again encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.

I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience: "This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible". It may have been a (28)sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted mention of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, (29)but if his priorities had centered on the child's ideas, an expression of his encouragement in the pupil's free presentation would have given him more motivation to seek improvement.


A.The difficulties in teaching spelling.

B.The role of spelling in general language development.

C.The complexities of the basic writing skills.

D.The necessity of teaching spelling.



No investment offers a better return than giving the children the best start in life. Rese
arch has shown that for every US $1 spent -I would say invested -- on early childhood programs, countries enjoy cost savings of US $7. That is a pretty spectacular return. But it should not be surprising. It should be obvious.

Young children who receive good early care are less likely to die, get sick, fail in their school education or require remedial services. They will be able to support themselves and their families, push their societies forwards and help to break cycles of illness, deprivation and discrimination. Investing in early childhood plays a direct role in sustainable poverty reduction.

By young, I mean from before birth until the child is established in school at about the age of eight, but the first three years -- including the pre-birth period -- are particularly vital. This is when mental and physical capacities are forming and gaining strength.

UNICEF, the United Nations international Children's Emergency Fund, has long recognized the importance of these early years. More than half our program budget is devoted to early childhood. But last year, we went one step further. We made integrated early childhood development one of our five priorities (alongside girls' education, immunization (接种), HIV/AIDS and child protection).

Progress in one area contributes to progress in others. Tackling deficiencies in iron and iodine (碘) will improve not just physical health, but long-term brain development. The children of a healthy, educated, secure mother will thrive, rather than simply survive. Enhancing the role of fathers pays equal dividends (红利).

We need to focus most intensely on the under-threes, looking for ways to strengthen families' ability to care for their children, increasing their access to good quality, basic services, promoting gender equality and reinforcing national policies.

It also requires us to look at the health of women, because a young child's future is shaped by its mother's well-being before and during pregnancy.

Which is NOT the reason for the early childhood investment?

A.It plays an essential role in fighting against poverty constantly.

B.Countries will save later costs by seven times the amount once invested.

C.Young children who receive good early care will thrive physically and mentally.

D.Research has invested US $1 for each child and the countries have enjoyed the benefits.



The liberal view of democratic citizenship that developed in the 17th and 18th centuries w
as fundamentally different from that of the classical Greeks. The pursuit of private interests, with as little interference as possible from government, was seen as the road to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligations and involvement in the collective community that were emphasized by the Greeks. Freedom was to be realized by limiting the scope of governmental activity and political obligation and not through immersion(专注于) in the collective life of the polis. The basic role of the citizen was to select governmental leaders and keep the powers and scope of public authority in check. In the liberal view, the rights of citizen against the state were the focus of special emphasis.

Over time, the liberal democratic notion of citizenship developed in two directions. First, there was movement to increase the proportion of members of society who were eligible(合格的) to participate as citizens — especially through extending the right of suffrage(投票)— and to ensure the basic political equality of all. Second, there was a broadening of the legal activities of government and a use of governmental power to put right imbalances in social and economic life. Political citizenship became an instrument through which groups and classes with sufficient numbers of votes could use the state power to enhance their social and economic well-being.

Within the general liberal view of democratic citizenship, tensions have developed over the degree to which government can and should be used as an instrument for promoting happiness and well-being. Political philosopher Martin Diamond has classified two views of democracy as follows. On the one hand, there is the "libertarian" perspective that stresses the private pursuit of happiness and emphasizes the necessity for restraint on government and protection of individual liberties. On the other hand, there is the "majoritarian' view that emphasizes the "task of the government to uplift and aid the common man against the malefactors(作恶者) of great wealth". The tensions between these two views are very evident today. The tax-payer revolts and calls for smaller government and less government regulation clash with demands for greater government involvement in the economic marketplace and the social sphere.

The author's primary purpose is to ______.

A.study ancient concepts of citizenship

B.contrast different notions of citizenship

C.criticize modern libertarian democracy

D.describe the importance of universal suffrage



There is now no doubt that the world is getting warmer. Data from both the Southern and No
rthern Hemispheres(地球的半球)shows a(n)【C1】______trend in average temperatures over the【C2】______hundred years. At the moment most scientists are not prepared to stick their necks out and【C3】______a cause to this trend. It is possible that it represents a natural climatic change caused by a【C4】______increase in the sun's radiation output. But these same scientists are【C5】______aware that recent temperature changes are at the limit of known natural【C6】______: it seems increasingly likely that the cause is a(n)【C7】______greenhouse effect.

The basic theory of the greenhouse effect is quite simple. The earth's atmosphere consists【C8】______of oxygen and nitrogen,【C9】______there are small concentrations of various "greenhouse" gases-【C10】______carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane(沼气)-- which play a very important role in【C11】______the planet's "heat balance". As their name suggests these gases have a similar effect on glass in a greenhouse: They let heat from the sun【C12】______, and keep it in.

The atmosphere is more or less transparent to the【C13】______solar radiation which warms the earth(ground or oceans)on which it falls.【C14】______it has been heated, the earth is warmer than space and gives【C15】______energy in the form. of in visible long-wave infrared radiation. This【C16】______for nighttime cooling. Greenhouse gases【C17】______some of this long-wave radiation, and reradiate it in the lower atmosphere.

The gases【C18】______act rather like a blanket by preventing some infrared radiation from leaving the earth-atmosphere system.【C19】______certain limits, the more greenhouse gases present, the more infrared radiation will become【C20】______, and the higher the surface temperature of the earth.








Two basic models of parental influence emerge from all this competition and variety,h
owever.One, loosely based on Freudian ideas,has presented an image of the vulnerable child:children are sensitive beings,easily damaged not only by traumatic events and emotional stress,but also by overdoses of affection.The 2nd model is that of the behaviorists,whose intellectual ancestors,the empiricist philosophers,described the child's mind as a tabula rasa,or blank slate.The behaviorist model of child-rearing is based on the view that the child is malleable,and parents are therefore cast in the role of Pygmalions who can shape their children however they wish."Give me a dozen healthy infants,well-formed,and my own specified world to bring them up in,"wrote J.B.Watson,the father of modern behaviorism,"and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to be any type of specialist I might-doctor,lawyer,artist,merchant,chief, and yes,even beggar man and thief!"The image of the vulnerable child calls for gentle parents who are sensitive to their child's inner-most thoughts and feelings in order to protect him from trauma.The image of the malleable child requires stem parents who coolly follow the dictates of their own explicit training procedures:only the early eradication of bad habits in eating,sleeping,crying,can fend off permanent maladjustments.

问题: The image of the malleable child needs parents who are ()







Suggestions for Improving Reading SpeedImprovement of Reading RateIt is safe to say that a

Suggestions for Improving Reading Speed

Improvement of Reading Rate

It is safe to say that almost anyone can double his or her speed of reading while maintaining equal or even better comprehension. In other words, you can improve the speed with which you get what you want from your reading.

The average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A "good" reading speed is around 500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read 1,000 words per minute or more on these materials.

What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: (1) the desire to improve, (2) the willingness to try new techniques and (3) the motivation to practice.

Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which you can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to practice speed reading in earnest.

The Role of Speed in the Reading Process

Understanding the role of speed in the reading process is essential. Research shows a close relation between speed and understanding--although it is the opposite of what you might expect! Among thousands of individuals taking reading training, in most cases an increase in rate was accompanied by an increase in comprehension and a decrease in rate brought decreased comprehension with it. It appears that plodding or word-by-word analysis inhibits rather than increases understanding.

Most adults are able to increase their reading rate considerably and rather quickly without lowering their comprehension. These same individuals usually show a decrease in comprehension when they reduce their rate. Such results, of course are heavily dependent upon the method used to gain the increased rate. Simply reading more rapidly without actual improvement in basic reading habits usually results in lowered comprehension.

Factors that Reduce Reading Rate

Some of the factors which reduce reading rate:

1. Limited perceptual span (word-by-word reading);

2. Slow perceptual reaction time (slow recognition and response to the material)

3. Vocalization (reading aloud)

4. Faulty eye movements (including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.);

5. Regression (needless or unconscious re-reading)

6. Faulty habits of attention and concentration (including simple inattention during the reading act and faulty processes of retention)

7. Lack of practice in reading--use it or lose it!

8. Fear of losing comprehension, causing the person to deliberately read more slowly;

9. Habitual slow reading, in which the person cannot read faster because he or she has always read slowly;

10. Poor evaluation of which aspects are important and which are unimportant;

11. The effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively.

Since these conditions also tend to reduce comprehension, increasing the reading rate by eliminating them is likely to produce increased comprehension, too. This is entirely different from simply speeding up the rate of reading--which may actually make the real reading problem more severe. In addition, forced acceleration may destroy confidence in one's ability to read. The obvious solution, then, is to increase rate as a part of a total improvement of the whole reading process, as special training programs in reading do.

Basic Conditions for Increasing Reading Rate

A well-planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the





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