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A.His friends are very tall.B.His luck has been bad.C.He's looking for a neat job.D.He

A.His friends are very tall.

B.His luck has been bad.

C.He's looking for a neat job.

D.He has everything he needs.

更多“A.His friends are very tall.B.His luck has been bad.C.He's looking for a neat job.D.He”相关的问题


A.His friends will be available to see the movie. B.The tickets are cheaper than

A.His friends will be available to see the movie.

B.The tickets are cheaper than the Thursdays,

C.There will be more friends to go to the cinema.

D.The film will be more moving than the Thursdays.



听力原文:W: This is the third time you've been late this week, Mr. Wood. You'll have to do
better than that, or your service will not be needed there.

M: It won't happen again, I assure you.

Q: Who is probably speaking to Mr. Wood?


A.His student.

B.His colleague.

C.His partner.

D.His boss.



听力原文:W: How important are friends to you, Martin?M: I've never had a lot of friends an

听力原文:W: How important are friends to you, Martin?

M: I've never had a lot of friends and regarded them as particularly important.

Q: What do we know about Martin?


A.He has a lot of friends.

B.He has no friends.

C.He regards friends as those who have no particular importance to him.

D.He thinks friends are particularly important.



听力原文:M: I've been practicing that song all week, but I'm still afraid of standing in f
ront of such a large audience.

W: Just act as if they are all your friends and you'll be fine.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Join in the acting group to make a few friends.

B.Sing the song for his friends first.

C.Pretend that he is performing for his friends.

D.Sit there to practice the song.



听力原文:W: Why is it that I found some letters addressed to you in my mailbox lately, Pau

M: Didn't Mike tell you that I'm having the post office forward my mail to your place until I've got a new apartment?

Q: What's happening to Paul's letters?


A.His letters are being forwarded to his new apartment.

B.His letters are being sent to his old address.

C.He tells Mike to deliver his mail to the woman's house.

D.He has the post office deliver his mall to the woman's house.



听力原文:W: Well, we have considered carefully about allowing friends at the party, but we
've decided against it since it is paid for by student fees. Sorry about that.

M: I guess I can only bring myself. I'll give it a miss.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He'll come alone.

B.He'll just bring his wife.

C.He'll not go to the party.

D.He'll just give the ticket to someone else.



听力原文:W: Oh, this is a beautiful city. I'm really glad I've brought my camera.M: Yes, t

听力原文:W: Oh, this is a beautiful city. I'm really glad I've brought my camera.

M: Yes, there are lots of things to take pictures of here. But I hope you will not plan to spend all your time snapping. I have some friends who would like to meet you.

Q: What does the man want the woman to do?


A.To visit more places in the city.

B.To snap as many pictures as possible.

C.To take good care of her camera.

D.To spare some time to meet his friends.



听力原文:W: Now that you've been here a while, how do you like living in California? Have
you got used to the life here?

M: California's fine. But I miss all my friends and family.

Q: What do we learn about the man?


A.He is from California.

B.He lives with some friends.

C.He visits his family often.

D.He lives far from home.



听力原文:W: Mike! Long time no see. What's up?M: Hey, Lydia. Fancy meeting you here. Are y

听力原文:W: Mike! Long time no see. What's up?

M: Hey, Lydia. Fancy meeting you here. Are you keeping busy?

W: A little bit. Well, someone told me you've got bunches of good stamps, like a museum.

M: I do have a lot. I'm interested in stamp collecting. I guess it's actually a part of my life.

W: They cost a lot though. How can you afford them?

M: Sometimes I do have hard time with them. I've to save every penny. But it's worthy. And, when big days such as my birthday or Christmas come, most of my friends give me stamps as gifts.

W: That's good. Stamp collecting is also a long-term investment. The price keeps going up. You can earn a lot by bringing them to the market.

M: I'm afraid not. For me, stamp collecting is merely a bobby, a personal fondness. I'd be sad if I'd ever have to sell them.

W: I can imagine. Keeping a hobby is like having a friend, both enjoyable and rewarding. You get great pleasure by attending them.

M: I couldn't agree more.

W: By the way, have you ever been to other countries?

M: Not yet.

W: Then how do those foreign stamps come from?

M: Well, I've some friends studying abroad. They send me some at times.

W: I see. My friends travel a lot every year. Lf you like I could ask them to help you with that.

M: That would be too good if it's not trouble for them.

W: Not at all.

M: Now, I'm heading for the post office. I heard a new set of stamps is for sale for the World Cup. Do you have interest to go with me?

W: I'd love to. But I've to meet my friend at 4 o'clock at the airport. He's coming back for vacation. Anyway, I'll call you later.

M: All right. Then see you soon.

W: See you.


A.Because he has enough money to buy stamps.

B.Because he used to receive stamps as gifts.

C.Because stamp collecting is his hobby.

D.Because he invests in stamps.



听力原文:W: Now, uh...may I ask you a few personal questions, say, about your health and y
our family?

M: Sure. Go ahead.

W: Here's a list of common illnesses. Can you tell me which of them you've ever suffered from'?

M: Yes, let me take a look. Hmm ..., measles. That's the only one I've ever had. Yes, measles.

W: when?

M: Oh, a long lime ago.

W: Do you member how old you were'?

M: Let's see... I must have been...oh.., about ten years old. Yes, I think I was ten.

W: I see one more question. Now...uh...do you mind if I want to know something about Your family?

M: No. As a matter of fact, I've a lovely wife, with 3 children, 2 girls and a boy. I'm glad to say that that we really enjoy our happy life, with my daily work for a company, and Mary's care of the kids she loves so much at home. I love my job, which involves lots of travel all over the States, and implies lots of meetings with interesting people. Every year, my wife end I go on an overseas holiday, leaving the kids behind under the care of the babysitter.

W: It sounds terrific. And what you have said implies that an average working American can afford a yearly overseas holiday.

M: You might say so. Ours belongs to what is called "an American middle class family".

W: Well, have you any idea of how much such a family earns yearly?

M: Around $20,000.

W: Well, I've no more questions. Thank you very much for your answers.


A.His family

B.His health and family

C.His health

D.Its health and income


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