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Harlem Renaissance(文艺复兴)—A Brief IntroductionImportant Features1. Harlem Renaissance (

Harlem Renaissance(文艺复兴)—A Brief Introduction

Important Features

1. Harlem Renaissance (HR) is the name given to the period from the end of World War I and through the middle of the 1930s Depression, during which a group of talented African - American writers produced a sizable body of literature in the four prominent genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay.

2. The notion of "twoness" , a divided awareness of one's identity, was introduced by W. E.B. Du Bois, one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the author of the influential book The Souls of Black Folks (1903): "One ever feels his twoness—an American, a Negro; two souls two thoughts, two unreconciled stirrings: two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder."

3. Common themes: alienation, marginality, the use of folk material, the use of the blues tradition, the problems of writing for an elite audience.

4. HR was more than just a literary movement: it included racial consciousness, "the back to Africa" movement led by Marcus Garvey, racial integration, the explosion of music particularly jazz, spirituals and blues, painting, dramatic revues, and others.

A Chronology of Important Events and Publications


- 369th Regiment marched up Fifth Avenue to Harlem, February 17.

- First Pan-African Congress organized by W. E. B. Du Bois, Paris, February.

- Race riots in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Charleston, Knoxville, Omaha, and elsewhere, June to September.

- Race Relations Commission founded, September.

- Benjamin Brawley published The Negro in Literature and Art in the United States.


- Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) Convention held at Madison Square Garden, August.

- Charles Gilpin starred in Eugene O'Neill, The Emperor Jones, November.

- James Weldon Johnson, first black officer (secretary) of NAACP appointed.

- Claude McKay published Spring in New Hampshire.

- Du Bois's Darkwater is published.


- Marcus Garvey founded African Orthodox Church, September.

- Second Pan-African Congress.

- Colored Players Guild of New York founded.

- Benjamin Brawley published Social History of the American Negro.


- First Anti -Lynching legislation approved by House of Representatives.

- Publications of The Book of American Negro Poetry edited by James Weldon Johnson; Claude McKay, Harlem



- Claude McKay spoke at the Fourth Congress of the Third International in Moscow, June,

- Marcus Garvey arrested for mail fraud and sentenced to five years in prison.

- Third Pan-African Congress.


- Civic Club Dinner, bringing black writers and white publishers together, March 21. This event is considered the for- real launching of the New Negro movement.


- American Negro Labor Congress held in Chicago, October.


- Marcus Garvey deported.

- Louis Armstrong in Chicago and Duke Ellington in New York began their careers.

- Publications of Hughes, Fine Clothes to the Jew.


- Publications of Wallace Thurman, Harlem: A Forum of Negro Life; Du Bois, The Dark Princess.


- Negro Experimental Theatre founded, February; Negro Art Theatre founded, June.

- Wallace Thurman's play Harlem, opens at the Apollo Theater on Broadway and becomes hugely successful.

- Black Thursday,




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Harlem Renaissance (文艺复兴)—A Brief IntroductionImportant Features1. Harlem Renaissance(

Harlem Renaissance (文艺复兴)—A Brief Introduction

Important Features

1. Harlem Renaissance(HR) is the name given to the period from the end of World War I and through the middle of the 1930s Depression, during which a group of talented African-American writers produced a sizable body of literature in the four prominent genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay.

2. The notion of "twoness", a divided awareness of one's identity, was introduced by W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)and the author of the influential book The Souls of Black Folks (1903): "One ever feels his two-ness an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled stirrings: two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being tom asunder."

3. Common themes: alienation, marginality, the use of folk material, the use of the blues tradition, the problems of writing for an elite audience.

4. HR was more than just a literary movement: it included racial consciousness, "the back to Africa" movement led by Marcus Garvey, racial integration, the explosion of music particularly jazz, spirituals and blues, painting, dramatic revues, and others.

A Chronology of Important Events and Publications


-369th Regiment marched up Fifth Avenue to Harlem, February 17.

-First Pan-African Congress organized by W.E.B. Du Bois, Paris, February.

-Race riots in Washington, D.C, Chicago, Charleston, Knoxville, Omaha, and elsewhere, June to September.

-Race Relations Commission founded, September.

-Benjamin Brawley published The Negro in Literature and Art in the United States.


-Universal Negro Improvement Association(UNIA) Convention held at Madison Square Garden, August.

-Charles Gilpin starred in Eugene O'Neill, The Emperor Jones, November.

-James Waldou Johnson, first black officer(secretary) of NAACP appointed.

-Claude McKay published Spring in New Hampshire.

-Du Bois's Darkwater is published.


-Marcus Garvey founded African Orthodox Church, September.

-Second Pan-African Congress.

-Colored Players Guild of New York founded.

-Benjamin Brawley published Social History of the American Negro.


-First Anti - Lynching legislation approved by House of Representatives.

-Publications of The Book of American Negro Poetry edited by James Weldon Johnson; Claude McKay, Harlem Shadows.


-Claude McKay spoke at the Fourth Congress of the Third International in Moscow, June.

-Marcus Garvey arrested for mail fraud and sentenced to five years in prison.

-Third Pun-African Congress.


-Civic Club Dinner, bringing black writers and white publishers together, March 21. This event is considered the formal launching of the New Negro movement.


-American Negro Labor Congress held in Chicago, October.


-Marcus Garvey deported.

-Louis Armstrong in Chicago and Duke Ellington in New York began their careers.

-Publications of Hughes, Fine Clothes to the Jew.


-Publications of Wallace Thurman, Harlem: A Forum of Negro Life; Du Bois, The Dark Princess.


-Negro Experimental Theatre founded, February; Negro Art Theatre founded, June.

-Wallace Thurman's play Harlem, opens at the Apollo Theater on Broadway and becomes hugely successful.

-Black Thursday, Octo






One of the educational activities in East Harlem Healthy Heart Programis ______.

One of the educational activities in East Harlem Healthy Heart Program is ______.



When some 19th New Yorkers said "Harlem", they meant almostall of Manhattan above 86th Str

When some 19th New Yorkers said "Harlem", they meant almost

all of Manhattan above 86th Street. Toward the end of the century,

however, a group of citizens in upper Manhattan want, perhaps, to 【S1】______

shape a closer and more precise sense of community designated a

section that they wished to have known as Harlem. The chosen area

was the Harlem which Blacks were moving in the first decades of the 【S2】______

new century as they left their old settlements on the middle and lower

blocks of the West Side.

As the community became predominantly Black, the very word

"Harlem" seemed to lose its old mean. At times it was easy to forget 【S3】______

that "Harlem" was originally the Dutch name "Harlem", the 【S4】______

community it described had been founded by people from Holland,

and that for most of its three centuries-it was first settled in the

sixteen hundreds-it had been preoccupied by White New Yorkers. 【S5】______

"Harlem" became synonymous to Black life and Black style. in 【S6】______

Manhattan. Blacks living there used the word as though they had

coined it on themselves-not only to designate their area of residence 【S7】______

but to express their sense of the various qualities of its life and

atmosphere. As the years passed, "Harlem" asserted an even larger 【S8】______

meaning. In the words of Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., the pastor of the

Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem "became the symbol of liberty and

the Promised Land to Negroes everywhere".

By 1919, Harlem's population had grown by several thousand. It

had received its share of wartime migration from the South, the

Caribbean, and parts of colonial Africa. Some of the new arrivals

merely lived in Harlem; it was New York they had come to, looking 【S9】______

for jobs and for all the other legendary opportunities of life in the city.

To others who migrated to Harlem, New York was merely the city

in which they found themselves: Harlem was exactly what they 【S10】______

wished to be.




The article can be best titled as ______.A.Education in the RenaissanceB.Humanism in the R

The article can be best titled as ______.

A.Education in the Renaissance

B.Humanism in the Renaissance

C.Debate on Education

D.The New Education



Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a reason for the absence of a single
Renaissance musical style?

A.The musical Renaissance was defined by technique rather than style.

B.The musical Renaissance was too short to give rise to a new musical style.

C.Renaissance musicians adopted the styles of both Greek and Roman musicians.

D.During the Renaissance, music never remained the same for very long.



A.It is full of renaissance favor.B.It is a star in a famous movie.C.It is one of the

A.It is full of renaissance favor.

B.It is a star in a famous movie.

C.It is one of the tourist hot spots.

D.It is a symbol of London.



Renaissance involved a rebirth of letters and arts stimulated by the recovery of texts


The commerce ______.A.was an important element in building the Renaissance cultureB.kept t

The commerce ______.

A.was an important element in building the Renaissance culture

B.kept the people in cities alive with food and clothes

C.brought about the exchange of ideas

D.was always prosperous between city states



Humanism during the Renaissance ______.A.was not different from other intellectual movemen

Humanism during the Renaissance ______.

A.was not different from other intellectual movements

B.applied new educational methods in training clergies

C.brought about great changes in the studying of Bible

D.focused upon the study between man and society



Which event marks the entering of the Modern Era in the history of English()

A.The Renaissance

B.When different varieties of English have emerged

C.Norman Conquest

D.Viking Invasions


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