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What's the dark side of American consumers' saving more and spending less?A.The job and ho

What's the dark side of American consumers' saving more and spending less?

A.The job and housing markets will become even weaker.

B.There is little hope that the American economy will recover soon.

C.More and more retailers and marketers will have to go bankrupt.

D.It's possible that the American economy will rebound sooner.

更多“What's the dark side of American consumers' saving more and spending less?A.The job and ho”相关的问题


“... People who die wondering, What if?” (Line 3, Para. 3) refers to “those _______

“... People who die wondering, What if?” (Line 3, Para. 3) refers to “those ________”.

A) who think too much of the dark side of life

B) who regret giving up their career halfway

C) who think a lot without making a decision

D) who are full of imagination even upon death



What does the author mean when he says "his car becomes the extension of his personality"
(Lines 1—2, Para. 2)?

A.Driving can show his real self.

B.Driving can show the best part of his personality.

C.Driving can bring out his characters.

D.His car only displays the dark side of his temper.



A.The room is as dark as the night.B.He doesn"t know what the notice is about eit

A.The room is as dark as the night.

B.He doesn"t know what the notice is about either.

C.He doesn"t like the woman"s idea.

D.He doesn"t notice anything.



A.According to the lecture, you should try to avoid dark, deserted streets at night.B.

A.According to the lecture, you should try to avoid dark, deserted streets at night.

B.According to the lecture, you should give the mugger what he wants and call the police as soon as he leaves.

C.According to the lecture, it's much safer for a man to put his wallet in his front pocket.

D.According to the lecture, it's safe for you to get on empty subway cars.



The American VisitorThe big red American ear was much too wide for an English country road

The American Visitor

The big red American ear was much too wide for an English country road. When Paul Carson saw it coming towards him, he stopped his own car at the side, to make room for it to pass.

The big car went slowly past, so close that Paul could see its driver's face quite clearly. It was not a pretty face. The mouth was too large, and the ears were too small. The black hair was cut very short, and the eyes were hidden behind dark glasses.

"Where have I seen that face before?" Paul wondered. "Wait a minute. I remember now. It was in the newspaper." He turned to his sister. "Have you still got yesterday's paper, Nora? Or did you light the fire with it this morning? You usually do when I need it."

"No, I didn't," laughed Nora. "But it's rather dirty. I put the fish in it just now as they had no paper in the fish shop. It's on the floor at the back of the ear. I'll get it if you like."

She opened the back door and took the fish out of the paper. Paul turned quickly to the middle page and showed her the picture. It was partly covered with wet fish's blood, but the face was clear enough. It was not a pretty face. It had a large mouth and small ears, and its eyes were hidden behind dark glasses.

"Wanted by the police," read Paul, "for paying bills with useless cheques at hotels and shops in Margate, Brighton and other large seaside towns. The City Bank will pay fifty pounds to anyone who helps the police to catch this man."

"Does it say anything about an American care"

"No. But listen to this. He is English, but he usually talks and dresses like an American visitor. Perhaps it's a stolen car. Men like him use a different car every week."

"That's true. What are you going to do, Paul? Call the police?"

"No. I want to make sure first." He turned the car and began to drive back the same way. "Let's follow him and watch for a few minutes. What's his car number? Where is he staying? To get our fifty pounds, we must be able to tell the police as much as possible."

Soon they saw the red car in front of them. It seemed to be going very slowly.

"Don't go too near, Paul. If he sees us, we'll never catch him. Oh, be careful, he's stopping!"

Paul stopped his own car behind an old farm-cart at the roadside, so that the man could not see him. The door of the red car opened, and its driver got out and looked round. Then he started walking towards an old white house, which was half-hidden by trees a little way from the road.

"That's Seldon Manor, the Lightfoot's house!" said Paul. "They're away in Greece this summer, staying with her family. Dick Lightfoot married a Greek girl, you remember? The gardener is taking care of the place, but there's no one living there at present." He looked once more at the picture in the newspaper. Then he got out of the car.

"Listen, Nora. You must stay here with the car. I'm going across the field to the side of the house. He won't see me, but I'll be able to watch him. If you hear me call, drive up to the house as quickly as you can."

He left her and ran across the field. The man was coming away from the front door and walking round the side of the house. The door of the garden-room was open, and he went inside.

Paul Carson did not stop to think or to ask questions. He ran across the garden and shut the door. Then he fixed it so that it could be opened only from outside. There was no other door or window. The man was caught.

Paul did not wait to talk. He ran back to the car as fast as he could. Behind him he could hear the angry man trying to break the door open. But it was a strong door; he would soon get tired of hitting it.

When they reached the police station, Paul went in and quickly told the police officer all about th






听力原文:M: It's mostly blue and green with a pattern of flowers in the middle. There's a
dark green border.

W: Yes, it matches the curtains well. We are going to put it down in the sitting room.

Q: What are they talking about?








A.Because his right side was paralyzed.B.Because he pinched his right leg and there wa

A.Because his right side was paralyzed.

B.Because he pinched his right leg and there was no sensation in it.

C.Because what he pinched was the girl's leg, not his own.

D.Because he had a sudden stroke.



What does the author want to show by using the example of Einstein?A.Great scientists are

What does the author want to show by using the example of Einstein?

A.Great scientists are also great artists.

B.The left side of Einstein's brain is very powerful.

C.Einstein is a genius whose two sides of the brain are strong.

D.The two sides of the brain are equally important.



听力原文:W:It was a dark and cold night,we almost bad no choice but to turn around and go

M:But I heard from John that you got to see the film anyway.

Q:What did the woman do that night?


A.Drived in the wind and rain.

B.Listened to John's explanation.

C.Went to an indoor theater.

D.Saw a film that is wonderful.



听力原文:M: Can you believe that my living quarter is such a narrow one? It's rather dark,
humid and not wellfurnished. Besides, the ceiling is leaking from time to time.

W: Oh, mine is as good as yours.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.Both the man and the woman are in a good living condition.

B.The man's living condition is better than the woman's.

C.The woman's living condition is better than the man's.

D.The woman's living condition is equally miserable as the man's.


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