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A.Diet has nothing to do with health.B.The amount of food has something to do with hea

A.Diet has nothing to do with health.

B.The amount of food has something to do with health.

C.Health depends on diet totally.

D.Good food has nothing to do with health.

更多“A.Diet has nothing to do with health.B.The amount of food has something to do with hea”相关的问题


A.He has nothing to do at that time.B.He just wants to have a break.C.He doesn't have

A.He has nothing to do at that time.

B.He just wants to have a break.

C.He doesn't have math stuff.

D.He gets a hundred on the last test.



A.It is totally different this time.B.It has nothing to do with the textbook.C.Most of

A.It is totally different this time.

B.It has nothing to do with the textbook.

C.Most of the questions aren't from the textbook.

D.Half of the questions are in the textbook.



听力原文:M: After Kathy came back from her honeymoon, she has been upset these days. Do yo
u know the reason?

W: Her husband had to leave her alone in the hotel because his company assigned him an urgent mission. So she did nothing but went shopping without her husband's company.

Q: Why has Kathy been upset these days?


A.She had to work throughout her honeymoon.

B.She had nothing to do during her honeymoon.

C.She couldn't go shopping in her honeymoon.

D.She spent her honeymoon all by herself.



听力原文:W: John, can you help me? I couldn't work out this math problem.M: I'm sorry. You

听力原文:W: John, can you help me? I couldn't work out this math problem.

M: I'm sorry. You can hardly expect me to do that.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He doesn't think he'll do that.

B.He finds it difficult to do that.

C.He has no time to do that.

D.He knows nothing about math.



听力原文:W: Jack, what a strange suit you are wearing! Your jacket doesn't match your pant

M: I know. I got dressed in the dark, and I didn't realize my mistake until I had got to the office. And I can do nothing about it right now.

Q: What does the woman think of the way Jack's dressed?


A.Jack makes a mistake in his office.

B.Jack is all dressed up in black.

C.Jack has no taste in choosing clothes.

D.Jack's jacket doesn't go with his trousers.



听力原文:W: Professor Smith, all of us are very worried about the coming exam on Friday an
d we just want to know if there are any text-related questions in the exam? You know that will make a big difference.

M: Yes, hut they are just a minor portion of the test.

Q: What can we learn about the test?


A.It is totally different this time.

B.It has nothing to do with the textbook.

C.Most of the questions aren't from the textbook.

D.Half of the questions are in the textbook.



听力原文:W: What's wrong with you? You look so frustrated. Is it about your new job?M: Wel

听力原文:W: What's wrong with you? You look so frustrated. Is it about your new job?

M: Well, I have nothing to complain about this new job. Flexible working hours, less stressful and well-paid; the only thing bothered is that I seem to be unwelcome in the office.

Q: Why does the man look frustrated?


A.He has to work overtime.

B.He is under great pressure of the job.

C.He doesn't get along with his workmates.

D.He is not satisfied with his salary.



听力原文:When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it

听力原文: When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it, too. (29) Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, "I know he's good. But is he lucky?" Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can't make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

When it comes to success, luck can mean being in the fight place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer come along. Nothing can replace hard work, but (30) working hard also means you're preparing yourself opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

How many of the great inventions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? (31) One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus' so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus' chance discovery wasn't pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round:

People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready opportunity knocks. When it comes to success, hard work and luck are always hand in hand.


A.Hard work is the most important thing for one's success.

B.Hard work may invite good luck.

C.Good luck plays an important role in one's success,

D.Success has nothing to do with luck.



听力原文:W: You look worried, David. Anything wrong with you?M: Oh, it's nothing really.W:

听力原文:W: You look worried, David. Anything wrong with you?

M: Oh, it's nothing really.

W: Arc you sure? Would you like to talk about it?

M: Well, to be honest, it's.., it's my mother. She... she.., how shall I put it? She has been behaving strangely lately. Do you know what I mean?

W: Not quite. How? In what way?

M: Well, you see, ever since my father died, she has been unhappy even though.

W: But that is normal, isn't it? People are always upset about things like that.

M: Yes, yes. Of course, they are. But they never got on that well when he was alive. Always arguing. And it happened more than three years ago. I never thought that she would miss him so much.

W: Oh, I see what you mean.

M: It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't live so far away. When my father retired, they moved to the seaside. Then only a year later, my father suddenly had a heart attack and just passed away. Now she's all alone in a big cottage by the sea with very few friends and no family near. her.

W: She must be very lonely.

M: Yes, she is. My wife and I go to see her as often as we can. But it isn't easy. I phone her at least twice a week and ask her if she is all right or if she needs something... And that is something else that worries me.

W: What?

M: Her memory seems to be going. I have to remind her to do all sorts of things.., to pay the gas bill, for instance. She gets annoyed with me. But I know she'll forget if 1 don't.

W: Well, don't worry about it too much. She's just getting old, that's all.

M: I know. That's just the problem.


A.Because his father has suddenly had a heart attack.

B.Because his wife has been behaving strangely.

C.Bemuse his mother is still unhappy about his father's death.

D.Because his daughter is all alone in a very big apartment by the sea.



听力原文:There is nothing quite so depressing as a house which has been shut up for a peri

听力原文: There is nothing quite so depressing as a house which has been shut up for a period of time. Even if it has been kept dusted and clean, there is still a musty smell and a feeling of airlessness about the rooms. No warmth seems to come out from the electric fire one has just switched on, no light through the window from which one has just down to the curtains. The chairs in the sitting-room look as if they has never been sat on, even if they are far from new. They are arranged in neat patterns round the coffee table. Not until you drop your coat or the newspapers on them do they begin to look as anything normal. As far as the kitchen, that is the least attractive place of all. Although it hasn't been used for months, it still seems to smell vaguely of some old food. The kitchen table is clean, the cupboards are bare. You cannot remember where the gas and the water turn on, the cups all seem to have lost their handles, the plates seem to be cracked, and it is impossible to find a teaspoon anywhere.


A.A house which has been shut up for some period of time.

B.An empty house that is usually kept clean.

C.A comfortable house.

D.A new house with fresh and clean smell.


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