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A.A book about computer programming.B.A book about computer science.C.A book about nat

A.A book about computer programming.

B.A book about computer science.

C.A book about natural science.

D.A book about physics.

更多“A.A book about computer programming.B.A book about computer science.C.A book about nat”相关的问题


听力原文:M: So, what are your thoughts on this project? To be honest, I'm not sure how to
handle it. This actress has done many, many movies.

W: Yes, it is a tough subject. I do have some ideas, though. What I thought was, we could start off by doing an internet search for all of her movies, her personal information, and so on.

M: Yes, that's a great way to get started. We can print out everything, then take our time finding the relevant parts.

W: That's what I think. We could also try to do a search on her son too, he's a famous movie director now.

M: Oh yes, I've seen a couple of his movies and he's just as talented as his mother.

W: Also, a classmate told me about an excellent book which contains lots of information about European films from 1960's and 1970's. We could probably find some quotes about her from other actors too.

M: So that's it! We can find everything we need!

W: You can start by doing some internet searches.

M: I will, and why don't you go to look for that book?

W: I think it would be quicker to call my friend and ask her, she knows exactly where to find the book in the library.

M: True. The library is massive, if you tried to find it yourself could be in there for days!

W: Ok, you stay here and do this, I'll go and find my classmate. See you back here at, erm... 5 o'clock?

M: Great. That gives me plenty of time to make a start. See you later.


A.a project about an actress.

B.a project about a movie director.

C.a project about a movie.

D.a project about Europe.



听力原文:M: I just finished reading a book of short story by Hemlen Garlen called May Trav
eled Road. I really enjoy it. Have you read it?

W: Yes, it was a required reading in the American literature course I took last year, even though it's a fiction, you get a realistic picture of the hard life people had on American frontier. I don't think I would survive 19 century frontier life.

M: Me neither. Remember that story among the car roads. Garlen gives a vivid description of Julie Peterson, that young immigrant girl. She had to work on her family farm.

W: Ah ha.

M: Well when Julie feels exhausted, and she is wishing she can escape from her hard labor, she looks over her father working in the next field. And she is inspired to continue her own work.

W: I do remember that story. Garlen really captures the spirit of hard work that was so typical of immigrants and pioneers who settled the American Midwest. It's difficult to image that nothing seems to discourage them for long.

M: I wonder how Garlen learn so much about the Midwest. Was he from Boston? W: He lived in Boston. In fact, he studied and taught in Boston School of Oritory, but I think he was born in Lawcarbinlen, Wisconsin. He did grow up in Midwest.

M: No wonder his description is so good, I'm going to take this book back to the library now and see what other Garlen's works I can find.


A.A lecture in their American literature course.

B.A film about the American frontier.

C.A book they both read.

D.The woman's recent trip to the American Midwest.



听力原文:In preparing a book, I asked several successful executives to tell me what they t

听力原文: In preparing a book, I asked several successful executives to tell me what they thought students should study if they wanted to succeed in business. They listed only a few technical subjects accounting and finance, for example. But time and again, these executives identified philosophy as one of the most important areas you can study for learning how to think in a disciplined, analytical, and imaginative way.

The way that philosophy helps you see the world is no less real than its practical benefits to your career. Studying philosophy exposes you to a wide range of problems that you wouldn't meet otherwise. It simply lets you see more of the world. It stretches your imagination. It challenges you to come up with your own answers to tough issues that do not have ready-made solutions.

Studying philosophy helps you to develop insight into some of life's great puzzles and to fashion your own vision of what life is all about. As you go through life, you will be challenged all along the way to make decisions about who you are and what's important to you. Philosophy helps you develop a sense of what life is all about and where you're going.

In fact, Socrates, one of the first great philosophers, thought that philosophy is the single most important element in making our lives worthwhile. "The unexamined life," he said, "is not worth living." In Socrates' mind, at least, philosophy makes it possible for us to control our own destiny.


A.A senior executive.

B.A professor.

C.A playwright.

D.A science teacher.



听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.M: Why not? School

听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.

M: Why not? School started last week.

W: I really don't know. Maybe the professor ordered them late, or the publisher ran out of them and they are on back order.

M: This is awful. I'm worried about this course anyway. I didn't do that well in chemistry in high school.

W: I know what you mean. Did you check the used book section?

M: Yes. No luck there.

W: Okay. Look, why don't you go over to the library? I'll bet that the professor put at least one copy on reserve.

M: Do you think so? That would be great. At least I could make copies of the pages that I need until the books come in. Oh, wait. If there's only one copy, everyone will be trying to do that.

W: True. Well, we do have a bulletin board. You could put a notice up saying that you are looking for a book for Chemistry 100, and maybe someone who has it will want to sell it directly to you. Do you have a phone in the dorm?

M: Yeah. I'll just put my name and phone number on the notice. That's a great idea! Where's the bulletin board?

W: By the T-shirts and clothing near the front door. Oh, and be sure to put down the exact title of the book, too, because they don't always use the same one.

M: Thanks. You've been a big help.


A.A notice on the bulletin board.

B.A book for a class the man is taking.

C.A chemistry class that is being taught.

D.The library reserve desk.



This passage most probably is().A.a book reviewB.the preface of a bookC. the postscript o

This passage most probably is().

A.a book review

B.the preface of a book

C. the postscript of a book

D. the concluding part of a book



听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but (23)the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.M: Why not? Sch

听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but (23)the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.

M: Why not? School started last week.

W: I really don't know. Maybe the professor ordered them late, or the publisher ran out of then and they are on back order.

M: This is awful. I'm worried' about this course anyway. (24) I didn't do that well in chemistry in high school.

W: I know what you mean. Did you check the used book section?

M: Yes. No luck there.

W: Okay. Look, why don't you go over to the library? I'll bet that the professor put at least one copy on reserve.

M: Do you think so? That would be great. At least I could make copies of the pages that I need until the books come in. Oh, wait. If there's only one copy, everyone will be trying to do that.

W: True. Well, we do have a bulletin board. You could put a notice up that you are looking for a book for Chemistry 100, and maybe someone who has it will want to sell it directly to you. Do you have a phone in the dorm?

M: Yeah. (25) I'll just put my name and phone number on the notice. That's a great idea! Where's the bulletin board?

W: By the T-shirts and clothing near the front door. Oh, and be sure to put down the exact title of the book, too, because they don't always use the same one.

M: Thanks. You've been a big help.


A.A notice on the bulletin board.

B.A book for a class the man is taking.

C.A chemistry class that is being taught.

D.The library reserve desk.



A.A poem.B.An essay.C.A book report.D.A short story.

A.A poem.

B.An essay.

C.A book report.

D.A short story.



A.A real person.B.A book written by a little old woman.C.A collection by Elizabeth Ver

A.A real person.

B.A book written by a little old woman.

C.A collection by Elizabeth Vergoose.

D.A translation from French.



A.A university campus.B.A book store.C.A department store.D.A police station.

A.A university campus.

B.A book store.

C.A department store.

D.A police station.



The passage may be taken from ___.A.a news reportB.a textbook of food processingC.a book o

The passage may be taken from ___.

A.a news report

B.a textbook of food processing

C.a book of popular science

D.a manual of food irradiation


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