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Everybody should __________ to update himself in order to meet the requirements of future






更多“Everybody should __________ to update himself in order to meet the requirements of future”相关的问题


It is right to say “The way everybody demanded that he should reach a decision immedi


Now it is widely accepted that ________. A) the present system of social insurance sho

Now it is widely accepted that ________.

A) the present system of social insurance should be improved

B) everybody should be granted a minimum of subsistence without any “reason”

C) everybody has the right to share in the wealth of the country

D) people have to change their attitude towards the poor



In the last paragraph, the author tells us that ________.A) difficulties are but pa

In the last paragraph, the author tells us that ________.

A) difficulties are but part of everyone’s life

B) depression and unhappiness are unavoidable in life

C) everybody should learn to avoid trying circumstances

D) good feelings can contribute to eventual academic excellence



Give Up Six Words and Change Your LifeAlfred Korzybski, the father of general semantics, o

Give Up Six Words and Change Your Life

Alfred Korzybski, the father of general semantics, observed that how we talk affects how we handle problems and how we behave. He found that scientists, trained to be specific, handled both personal and laboratory problems better than non-scientists. Non-scientists, then as now, used words loaded with feeling and prejudgment and got into trouble.

Changing the way we use certain everyday words can actually shift the way we see the world and other people, helps change the emotion-laden attitudes behind the words, and makes us less likely to make inappropriate demands on ourselves and others.

There is also a change in the effect on others. Teachers, told that certain students have hidden talents, will help them develop, even if the students were selected blindly by researchers. People act as they think they have been defined, and like it or not, our words play a large part in expressing that definition.

In our work, we have found six words that are often used in damaging ways: try, always, is, can't, should and everybody. These words are really "families" of words. Always can be expanded to never, every time. Should is also ought to, must, have to. We use nobody, no one, all, 'the way we use everybody.

Each of these words is linked to the concept of time. "Everybody does it" implies every person always does it. Should reflects a standard adopted in the past, governing how we must always behave. Is implies a permanent characteristic of something or someone, as "she is impossible to deal with." Alfred Korzybski called humans "time binders". Facts, opinions and behaviors are learned, repeated and passed on, even though they may not necessarily have been true in the first place. Both Korzybski and S. I. Hayakawa, who is a respected semanticist, caution us against using such "allness" terms.

Yet we do use them, as though by doing so we could somehow manage the present and future. "With words," says Hayakawa in Language in Thought and Action, "we influence and to an enormous extent control." "I'll meet you at three Thursday" is an attempt to make another person--and ourselves --be at a certain place at a certain time. Hayakawa writes, "The future is a specifically human dimension. To a dog, 'hamburger tomorrow' is meaningless. With words we [humans] impose a certain predictability upon future events."

Similarly, we attempt to control people's actions and even characteristics with can't, should, everybody and related words. We try thus to create "reliable" data, however unrelated it is to the facts.

According to Freud, to some mental patients certain words become magical, symbols of whole trains of thought condensed. Seriously ill neurotics maintain some of that magic: "Everybody's against me" or "I have to do this." And nearly all of us have the same bad habit to a less intense degree.

When and where do we begin this pattern of restrictive words and beliefs?

According to the late speech expert Wendell Johnson, as adults we are still "using information, attitudes, beliefs, procedures, practices ... adapted to an earlier time." Our beliefs, and the words we use to support them and to protect ourselves from change, come from early in our lives. Willis Harman, Ph. D., a futurist at SRI (formerly Stanford Research Institute), maintains that we are all in a way hypnotized from infancy. "We do not perceive ourselves and the world about us as they are, but as we have been persuaded to perceive them," says Dr. Harman. Research shows that objects and people with some familiar characteristics tend to be perceived by the infant as identical. The newborn cannot distinguish between self and surrounding. When the baby is hungry, everybody is hungry. Later, any man becomes "Daddy" and every animal "doggie."

We use such early biases to m






Our earth has been threatened by all kinds of pollutions.Acid rain is a kind of air pollut

Our earth has been threatened by all kinds of pollutions.

Acid rain is a kind of air pollution which is hanging

over our heads and coming down from many different 【S1】______

ways such as rain and snow. It damages forests, lake and 【S2】______

rivers, buildings and even human health. Several

chemicals, including of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen 【S3】______

oxides and ozone, are involved in causing acid rain.

These chemicals either come directly from power

station chimneys and cars, and are formed from a 【S4】______

combination of pollutant gases. Sulfur dioxide is the

one chemical what is often associated with acid rain. 【S5】______

It is mainly emitted by large coal burning power

stations. It affect places thousands of miles away as 【S6】______

well as areas around the power stations. To prevent

more or worse environmental effects from acid rain, 【S7】______

we have short-term and long-term solutions. We should 【S8】______

just clean up our power station chimneys and car exhausts.

We should also change the way society thinks and reacts.

We need to conserve energy by decreasing efficiency. 【S9】______

We also need to change our way of transport, that is,

create a more efficient transport system which

depends less on private cars and more a good public 【S10】______

transport network. Everybody should work together

to save the world.




听力原文:W: Excuse me, would you mind answering a few questions?M: Well, I don't know. I a

听力原文:W: Excuse me, would you mind answering a few questions?

M: Well, I don't know. I am in rather a hurry actually.

W: It won't take a moment. We're doing a public opinion poll on some important political questions to try to find out if the Government really has support for its policies. The results are going to be published in a national newspaper.

M: Oh, all right, then.

W: Thanks. Well, I'll read out statements and you have to say whether you agree strongly, agree, disagree, disagree strongly or just don't know. OK?

M: Yes.

W: Well, first of all, "Policemen should always carry guns. " Do you agree?

M: No, not always.

W: What is your opinion?

M: They shouldn't do that when they're on normal duty. But if they're chasing a criminal who they know has got a gun, then they should be armed as well.

W: OK, next question. "Britain should drive on the right-hand side of the road. "

M: What rubbish! Why doesn't everybody else drive on the left?

W: All right. One more question: "Britain should leave the EEC. "

M: That's nasty. I wasn't in favor of us joining, but I think it would be difficult to leave now. I think we'll just have to stay in and make the best of it.

W: OK, that's all. Thank you very much.

19. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

20.When does the man think the policemen should carry guns?

21.How does the man look at driving on the right?

22.What's the man's attitude towards the last statement?


A.Polltaker and passenger.

B.Program host and guest.

C.Student and teacher.

D.Politician and supporter.



Everybody loathes it, but everybody does it. A recent poll showed that 40% of Americans ha
te the practice. It seems so arbitrary, after all. Why does a barman get a tip, but not a doctor who saves lives?

In America alone, tipping is now a $16 billion-a-year industry. Consumers acting rationally ought not to pay more than they have to for a given service. Tips should not exist. So why do they? The conventional wisdom is that tips both reward the efforts of good service and reduce uncomfortable feelings of inequality. The better the service, the bigger the tip.

Such explanations no doubt explain the purported origin of tipping—in the 16th century, boxes in English taverns carried the phrase "To Insure Promptitude" (later just "TIP"). But according to new research from Cornell University, tipping no longer serves any useful function.

The paper analyses data from 2,547 groups dining at 20 different restaurants. The correlation between larger tips and better service was very weak: only a tiny part of the variability in the size of the tip had anything to do with the quality of service. Customers who rated a meal as "excellent" still tipped anywhere between 8% and 37% of the meal price.

Tipping is better explained by culture than by economics. In America, the custom has become institutionalized: it is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service. In a New York restaurant, failing to tip at least 15% could well mean abuse from the waiter. Hairdressers can expect to get 15-20%, the man who delivers your groceries $2. In Europe, tipping is less common; in many restaurants, discretionary tipping is being replaced by a standard service charge. In many Asian countries, tipping has never really caught on at all.

How to account for these national differences? Look no further than psychology. According to Michael Lynn, the Cornell paper's co-author, countries in which people are more extrovert, sociable or neurotic tend to tip more. Tipping relieves anxiety about being served by strangers. And, says Mr. Lynn, "In America, where people are outgoing and expressive, tipping is about social approval. If you tip badly, people think less of you. Tipping well is a chance to show off." Icelanders, by contrast, do not usually tip—a measure of their introversion, no doubt.

While such explanations may be crude, the hard truth seems to be that tipping does not work. It does not benefit the customer. Nor, in the case of restaurants, does it actually stimulate the waiter, or help the restaurant manager to monitor and assess his staff. Service people should "just be paid a decent wage" which may actually make economic sense.

Which is tree according to the passage?

A.It is regulated that the customers must pay a tip if they want to get good service.

B.There exists the tipping custom in each country.

C.In some countries, tipping has become an industry.

D.More and more people are in favor of tipping.



听力原文:W: What should I get Uncle Teddy?M: You could get him a tie.W: Are you kidding? (

听力原文:W: What should I get Uncle Teddy?

M: You could get him a tie.

W: Are you kidding? (19)That's the stupidest Christmas gift one can buy. I don't want to get a tie. (20)Everybody gets men ties for Christmas. It's too boring. I want a more unique gift.

M: Well, you can buy him a pet frog then.

W: That's a cool idea. At least it would be a surprise. But I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of it.

M: How much do you want to spend?

W: Well, he was very good to me. He helped me edit my essay for the scholarship contest. So I want to spend at least 75 dollars.

M: Alright, I have an idea. You know he carries that conservative-looking briefcase every day. (21)I think he would appreciate having a very fine leather bag. You know, not so hard and square like a briefcase.

W: (21)I think that's a great idea. Men look great with that kind of bag. Where can we buy one?

M: I don't think this mall has a leather goods store. So we have to go to State Street.

W: Alright. We can go later then.

M: We can buy something for Mom and Dad here, and then go buy Uncle Teddy's gift on State Street.

W: Good plan. What should we get for Mom though?

M: She said she wants one of those automatic foot massagers. I think they sell them at Sears.

W: Alright. And what about Dad?

M: How about a pipe? He would sure love it.

W: Wonderful! Since we've decided what to buy, let's get started!


A.New Year gifts.

B.Birthday gifts.

C.Christmas gifts.

D.Thanksgiving gifts.



To what extent are the unemployed failing in their duty to society to work, and how far ha
s the State an obligation to ensure that they have work to do? It is by now increasingly recognized that workers may be thrown out of work by industrial forces beyond their control, and that the unemployed are in some sense paying the price of the economic progress of the rest of the community. But concern with unemployment and the unemployed varies sharply. The issues of duty and responsibility were reopened and revitalized by the unemployment scare of 1971-1972. Rising unemployment and increased stuns paid out in benefits to the workless had reawakened controversies which had been inactive during most of the period of fuller employment since the war ended the Depression. It looked as though in future there would again be too little work to go round, so there were arguments about how to produce more work, how the available work should be shared out, and who was responsible for unemployment and the unemployed.

In 1972 there were critics who said that the State's action in allowing unemployment to rise was a faithless act, a breaking of the social contract between society and the worker. Yet in the main any contribution by employers to unemployment such as laying off workers in order to introduce technological changes and maximize profits tended to be ignored. And it was the unemployed who were accused of failing to honor the social contract, by not fulfilling their duty to society to work. In spite of general concern at the scale to the unemployment statistics, when the unemployed were considered as individuals, they tended to attract scorn and threats of punishment. Their capacities and motivation as workers and their value as members of society became suspect. The unemployed were accused of being responsible for their own workless condition, and doubts were expressed about the State' s obligation either to provide them with the security of work or to support them through Social Security.

Underlying the arguments about unemployment and the unemployed is a basic disagreement about the nature and meaning of work in society. To what extent can or should work be regarded as a service, not only performed by the worker for society but also made secure for the worker by the State, and supported if necessary? And apart from cash are there social pressures and satisfactions which cause individuals to seek and keep work, so that the workless need work rather than just cash?

What the author proposes to examine is ______.

A.how far the unemployed are to blame for their failure in working and how far it is the State' s fault

B.to what extent the State should insist on the unemployed working if they fail to do so

C.whether being at work is a social duty which the State should ensure everybody carries out

D.whether work should be obligatory, and if so, whether the State or the individual is responsible for the enforced obligation



Television has opened windows in everybody’s life.Young men will never again go to war
as they did in 1914,Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle.And the result has been a general dislike of war,and perhaps more interest in helping those who suffer from all the terrible things that have been shown on the screen.Television has also changed politics.The most distant areas can now follow state affairs,see and hear the politicians before an election.Better informed,people are more likely to vote,and so to make their opinion count.Unfortunately,television’s influence has been extremely harmful to the young.(76)Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless.They believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable.All educators agree that the “television generations” are more violent than their parents and grandparents.Also,the young are less patient.(77)Used to TV shows,where everything is quick and interesting,they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn’t do funny things like the people on children’s programs.And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten,fifteen,or thirty minutes.That’s the time it takes on the screen.

1.In the past,many young people ______.

A.knew the effects of war

B.went in for politics

C.liked to save the wounded in wars

D.were willing to be soldiers

2.Now with TV people can _____.

A.discus politics at an information center

B.show more interest in politics

C.make their own decisions on political affairs

D.express their opinions freely

3.The author thinks that TV advertisements _____.

A.are not reliable on the whole

B.are useless to people

C.are a good guide to adults

D.are very harmful to the young

4.Which is NOT true according to the passage?_____

A.People have become used to crimes now

B.With a TV set some problems can be solved quickly

C.People now like to read books with picture

D.The adults are less violent than the young

5.From the passage,we can conclude that _____.

A.children should keep away from TV

B.TV programs should be improved

C.children’s books should have pictures

D.TV has a deep influence on the young


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