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The Vice Chairman of the conference is ______inviting the VIPs.A.in view ofB.in charge ofC

The Vice Chairman of the conference is ______inviting the VIPs.

A.in view of

B.in charge of

C.in terms of

D.in place of

更多“The Vice Chairman of the conference is ______inviting the VIPs.A.in view ofB.in charge ofC”相关的问题


Which of the following statements is NOT true of Dennis Dammerman?A.He is now a GE's vice

Which of the following statements is NOT true of Dennis Dammerman?

A.He is now a GE's vice chairman.

B.He is expected to leave GE to start a new financial services firm.

C.He was once the chairman of GE Capital.

D.He regards the reorganization of GE as an initiative of its own.



The General Electric Company, often criticized for the complexity of its structure and the
resulting opacity of its numbers, said yesterday that it would break GE Capital, by far its largest business, into four businesses. The reorganization effectively eliminates the job of Denis J. Nayden, 48, the chairman of GE Capital. Each of the new units will have its own chief, who Will report directly to Jeffrey R. Immelt, G. E.'s chairman. "The reason for doing this is simple. I want more direct contact with the financial services teams," Mr. Immelt said.

The new businesses are GE Commercial Finance, GE Insurance, SE Consumer Finance and GE Equipment Management. Some support functions within GE Capital, including risk management and treasury, will now report to Dennis Dammerman, 57, a G. E. vice chairman who preceded Mr. Nayden as GE Capital's chlef. Mr, Nayden will remain at G. E. as an adviser for now, but is expected to leave shortly to start a financial services firm.

Mr. Dammerman insisted that the reorganization had nothing to do with the increasing clamor from investors, regulators and the news media for greater transparency in accounting and for chief executives to take more responsibility for businesses: Analysts seem to believe him. "This is just what it appears to be, a managerial, reorganization which gives leaders more direct access to the office of the chairman," said Martin A. Sankey, a G. E. analyst.

The executives leading the new units will also sit on G.. E. 's corporate executive council, a committee made up of the company's top 25 executives, which meets periodically and discusses various strategic and management issues.

GE Capital, the company's largest nit, provided $55 billion of G. E. 's $124 billion in revenue last year and $ 5.6 billion of its $19.7 billion in pretax profits. The rest of G. E. had been divided into 11 other businesses, many of them--lighting and appliances are examples-much smaller than the new GE Capital units, yet each run by someone who reports directly to the chairman. Mr. Dammermn said that Mr. Immelt began talking about breaking GE Capital into more manageable pieces as soon as he took over as chief executive last September. "Jeff didn't like the extra layer between him and the GE Capital businesses,"

G. E. has tried to make GE Capital less mysterious to 'the outside world. Although GE Capital was officially one unit, it had begun to report quarterly results in live product-related segments--a number that will be reduced to four with the new organization. And analysts say GE Capital's management has been more accessible than it was in past years, and that Mr. Immelt and other G. E. corporate executives have been willing to discuss GE Capital in more depth.

After the reorganization, GE will have altogether ______.

A.six businesses

B.sixteen businesses

C.four businesses

D.fifteen businesses



Media mogul Ted Turner yesterday sold more than half of his AOL Time Warner Inc. holdings
for about $ 780 million, a move that reflects his efforts to slash his financial stake in the media giant.

After the close of regular trading yesterday, Turner sold a block of 60 million shares to Goldman Sachs & Co. for $ 13.07 per share, or 31 cents below the stock's closing price yesterday. Goldman was said by Wall Street sources to be offering the stock to major investors for $ 13.15.

An outspoken critic of the corporation, Turner remains AOL Time Warner's largest individual shareholder, with 45 million shares, and a member of its board of directors. A spokeswoman for Turner referred questions to AOL Time Warner.

At his peak Turner owned about 130 million shares, but he lost billions of dollars in wealth and grew bitter after the stock plunged following the merger of America Online and Time Warner in January 2001.

Turner, who initially supported the merger, later expressed outrage over revelations that America Online had manipulated its financial results. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating AOL, and the corporation has acknowledged discovering tens of millions of dollars of overstated revenue.

Turner resigned as vice chairman earlier this year and has been spending less of his time on AOL Time Warner matters. He stepped down after achieving his goal of pressuring America Online founder Steve Case to resign as the corporation's chairman. Case said he was giving up the post to avoid a braising public battle for reelection at next week's annual meeting.

In the effort to oust Case, Turner teamed up with Gordon Crawford, the senior media portfolio manager at Capital Research & Management, the largest institutional shareholder in AOL Time Warner. Capital Research has indicated it will vote against Case's election to remain on the board of directors next week--a position that analysts said should not affect the outcome. Turner, meanwhile, has said he will support the management slate that includes Case and will make Richard D. Parsons the company's chairman and chief executive.

Turner, a visionary who started Cable News Network, is in the midst of rolling out a new chain of restaurants, Ted's Montana Grill, featuring bison burgers. He recently moved his residence from Georgia to Florida for estate planning purposes and is spending time and money on his independent film company, which lost millions of dollars on a lengthy movie about the Civil War.

From the first three paragraphs, we learn that ______.

A.Goldman has made a profit from this transaction of shares with Turner

B.Turner always expresses his dissatisfaction with the corporation openly

C.Goldman bought the block of shares in order to become a member of the board

D.Turner sold a large portion of his shares to retreat from the media business



Dare to DreamOur dreams at night may affect our lives (and vice versa) more than we ever r

Dare to Dream

Our dreams at night may affect our lives (and vice versa) more than we ever realized, says new research. For 11 years, an anthropologist kept a journal of nearly 5,000 dreams. By analyzing color patterns in the dreams, Arizona-based researcher Robert Hoss could accurately predict certain things about the man's emotional state. Hoss correctly identified two separate years when the man experienced crises in his life. The anthropologist confirmed that in 1997 he had clashed with a colleague over a management issue, and in 2003 he'd had a falling out with a friend that left deep emotional scars.

How was Hoss able to gauge the dreamer's turmoil? "The clues were in the colors." he says. The anthropologist's dominant dream hues were reds and blacks, which spiked during difficult times. "Even without knowing the events in his life," Hoss observes, "we accurately determined the emotional states based on those colors in his dreams."

Hoss is among a growing group of researchers who, thanks to cutting edge medical technology and innovative psychological research, are beginning to decipher the secrets hidden in our dreams and the role dreaming plays in our lives. A look at some of their latest discoveries can give us new insights into the language of dreams and help us make the most of our time asleep.

Why Do We Dream?

Dreams are a way for the subconscious to communicate with the conscious mind. Dreaming of something you're worried about, researchers say, is the brain's way of helping you rehearse for a disaster in case it occurs. Dreaming of a challenge, like giving a presentation at work or playing sports, can enhance your performance. And cognitive neuroscientists have discovered that dreams and the rapid eye movement (REM) that happens while you're dreaming are linked to our ability to learn and remember.

Dreaming is a "lmood regulatory system," says Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, chairman of the psychology department at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. She's found that dreams help people work through the day's emotional quandaries. "It's like having a built-in therapist," says Cartwright. While we sleep, dreams compare new emotional experience to old memories, creating plaid-like patterns of old images laid on top of new ones. As she puts it, "You may wake up and think, what was Uncle Harry doing in my dream? I haven't seen him for 50 years. But the old and new images are emotionally related." It's the job of the conscious mind to figure out the relationship.

In fact, dream emotions can help real therapists treat patients undergoing traumatic life events. In a new study of 30 recently divorced adults, Cartwright tracked their dreams over a five-month period, measuring their feelings toward their ex-spouses. She discovered that those who were angriest at the spouse while dreaming had the best chance of successfully coping with divorce. "If their dreams were bland," Cartwright says, "they hadn't started to work through their emotions and deal with the divorce." For therapists, this finding will help determine whether divorced men or women need counseling or have already dreamed their troubles away.

One Interpretation Doesn't Fit All

No device lets researchers probe the content of dreams while we sleep, but scientists are finding new ways to interpret dreams once we've awakened. A new generation of psychologists insists that dream symbols differ depending on the dreamer. In a recent study, University of Ottawa psychology professor Joseph De Koninck asked 13 volunteers to make two lists: one of details recalled from recent dreams, and another of recent events in their waking lives. When analysts were asked to match which volunteer experienced which dream, they failed. De Koninck's conclusion: Each person understands his or her dreams better than anyone else--including traditional psychoanalysts. In a dream, som













In English, "west wind" is associtated with().







She__________(被提升为) the vice president of the local university.

She__________(被提升为) the vice president of the local university.



The House of Representatives has the power to ratify or deny proposed treaties, nomination
s proposed by the Vice President.






“Executive vice president, president, managing director, chief operating officer, chie

A.team leaders

B.middle managers

C.first-line managers

D.top managers




What do many vice chancellors think of the situation of their universities, as it is menti
oned in the last paragraph?

A.They are confident of changing it.

B.They are much disturbed by it.

C.They find it natural in the market.

D.They cherish it with a nostalgic mood.



______ the end of the meeting ______ he had made a serious mistake.

A.Until ... did the chairman find

B.Until ... the chairman found

C.Not until ... did the chairman find

D.Not until ... the chairman found


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