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This is an amusing short story which illustrates how little people sometimes know about their mother

tongue. The narrator is a woman, a p______ in a taxi whose driver is a Pakistani man e______ to learn English by asking his passengers about new words. Struggling to e______ the meanings of a proverb and an idiom, she realizes how little she really knows about the v______ of her native language and also w______ what kind of answers other, probably equally i______, native passengers might give. In the end she is left hoping that the driver has a d______ and that he will use it to teach himself rather than depend on the native speakers for e______.
更多“This is an amusing short story which illustrates how little people sometimes know about their mother”相关的问题


According to the text, Amusing Ourselves to Death is a book ______.A.telling people how am

According to the text, Amusing Ourselves to Death is a book ______.

A.telling people how amusing it is to watch TV

B.warning people to overstep the instructions in the Bible

C.showing there is a direct link between TV-watching and death

D.criticizing television for eating out our lives











A) amusingB) misleadingC) alarmingD) confusing

A) amusing

B) misleading

C) alarming

D) confusing



听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mi
ne to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus, and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to how salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.



听力原文:Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of min

听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mine to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus. and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to bow salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.



She kept the children_________with her stories.A、 amusedB、 amusingC、 to amuseD、 to be

She kept the children_________with her stories.

A、 amused

B、 amusing

C、 to amuse

D、 to be amused



The author believes that a study of our dime novels ______.A.is a waste of timeB.would be

The author believes that a study of our dime novels ______.

A.is a waste of time

B.would be sufficient in itself to determine the essential characteristics of the American tradition

C.would be a valuable contribution in determining the essential characteristics of the American tradition

D.would be amusing but unimportant



听力原文:What can hospitals do to help patients recover faster from illness? Apart from nu

听力原文: What can hospitals do to help patients recover faster from illness? Apart from nursing and medicine, one way that is getting more attention is to improve the quality of the environment in hospitals. Now some of Britain's most talented artists have been called in to transform. older hospitals. Of the 2,500 National Health Service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have large collections of contemporary art in corridors, waiting areas and treatment rooms.

These recent creative ideas owe a great deal to one artist, Peter Senior. He set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.

A typical hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior was so popular that he was soon joined by six young art school graduates.

The effect was striking. Now in the corridors and waiting rooms the visitors have a full view of fresh colors, amusing images and peaceful courtyards.

The quality of the environment may reduce the expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. According to a study, patients who had a view of a garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had only a brick wall to look at. Those lucky patients said they used to be so upset when they saw the dull environment in hospitals.


A.Expensive medicine.

B.Good nursing.

C.Beter environment in hospitals.

D.Recovery at home.



A.The students understood him so well.B.The interpreter translated his long story just

A.The students understood him so well.

B.The interpreter translated his long story just in a few seconds and made the students laugh loudly.

C.The interpreter couldn't understand his story.

D.The interpreter translated his amusing story but nobody laughed.



听力原文:M: Prof. Robert seems so serious.W: But his lectures are quite humorous, aren't t

听力原文:M: Prof. Robert seems so serious.

W: But his lectures are quite humorous, aren't they?

Q: What does the woman thinking about Prof. Robert?


A.He is very quiet.

B.He gives amusing lectures.

C.He should give more than one series of talks.

D.He lectures only to the serious students.


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