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The details of the Olympic Torch Relay, such as the route or the stops, are decided by the


更多“The details of the Olympic Torch Relay, such as the route or the stops, are decided by the”相关的问题


P Co makes two products – P1 and P2 – budgeted details of which are as follows:The fixed o

P Co makes two products – P1 and P2 – budgeted details of which are as follows:

P Co makes two products – P1 and P2 – budgeted det

The fixed overhead costs included in P1 relate to apportionment of general overhead costs only. However, P2 also includes specific fixed overheads totalling $2,500.

If only product P1 were to be made, how many units (to the nearest unit) would need to be sold in order to achieve a profit of $60,000 each year?

A.25,625 units

B.19,205 units

C.18,636 units

D.26,406 units



填空:Videoconferencing is nothing more than a television set or PC monitor with a camera

Through the videocenferencing, not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other graphic and phisical __1__ can be captured and transmitted through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very __2__ and the subject matter littered with jargon. Such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or the __3__ behind bandwidth, latency and isochrony which are used to explain how videoconferencing works.Good people communication is __4__ in any business, and the more interaction you can achieve, the more likely it is that your __5__ will be the right ones. Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations, but also note __6__ expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking. Meetings are made more __7__ by sharing documents and computer applications that a simple telephone cannot __8__.__9__, organizations are discovering the competitive advantages and the power of videoconferencing. With advances in performance, economical pricing, the ability to __10__ essential meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks and standardized videoconferencing protocols, videoconferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.

A) fortunately

B) effective

C) images

D) articulate

E) facial

F) manage

G) decisions

H) connect

I) advanced

J) integrate

K) progressive

L) concepts


N) increasingly

O) important



听力原文:To quickly review the main points covered in Chapter 1, the most important part o

听力原文: To quickly review the main points covered in Chapter 1, the most important part of sports is its influence and popularity among people from different walks of life throughout the world. Then what is the case here? Well, if you judge by the number of people who go to see the games and by the number of those who actually play it, basketball is probably the most popular sport in the U.S. It is mainly an indoor game, and the season extends from late fall, through the winter, to early spring. There are many professional teams, but for the most part basketball is a school sport. There is hardly a high school or college in the country that does not have its team and its loyal fans.

In spring and summer, the most popular sport is base-ball. During the warm weather, you can see young men and boys playing this game in many parts of the country. Radio and television bring the details of the big games to every corner of the land, and the activities of the professional teams are a topic of conversation for Americans everywhere.

In the fall, the most popular sport is football. As you know, this is not the same kind of game that is so popular in other parts of the world. Like basketball and baseball, it is typically American, and those who have never seen it before have difficulty seeing any sense in it. But for most of the spectators the game itself is not so important as the music, the cheering, and the festive spirit that go with it. On a cool bright autumn afternoon, there is nothing so colorful and exciting as a football game.


A.Sports in the United States.

B.The most popular sport in the U. S.

C.Three popular sports in the U.S.

D.Sports and U. S.



lt was perhaps when my parents—who also happen to be my housemates—left to go travelli
ng for acouple of months recently that it__ 26 _on me why I had not yet left the family home.

lt wasn 't that I relied on them for _ 27__reasons,or to keep my life in order, or to ease the chaosof the home. These days,1 rely on them for their company.

Ⅰ missed coming home and talking about my day at work,and I missed being able to read their facesand sense how their day was. I missed having unique_ 28_into tiny details that make a life.

While the conversation about young adults staying longer at home is_ 29_by talk of laziness, ofdependence,of an inability for young people to pull themselves together,_ 30 do we talk of theway,in my case at least,my relationship with my parents has_ 31 strengthened the longer we havelived together.

Over the years the power dynamic has changed and is no longer defined by one being the giver andanother,the taker. So,what does this say for our relationships within the family home?

According to psychologist Sabina Read,there are“some very positive possible_ 32_when adultchildren share the family home", noting the"parent-child relationship may indeed strengthen and mature”in the process.

But,she notes, a strong_ 33_doesn 't simply come with time."The many changing factors of therelationship need to be acknowledged,rather than hoping that the mere passage of time will _ 34connect parents to their adult children. It's important to acknowledge that the relationship parametershave changed to avoid falling back into __35_from the teen years.”

A) bond F) legislative K) patterns

B) contemplated G) leverage L) rarely

C) dawned H )logistical M) saturated

D) hierarchy I)magically N) stereotypes

E) insight J)outcomes O) undoubtedly



See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply()this job.






We have to () these details by the 15th of this month at the latest.


B.hammer out




The United States made a mistake on the details of ______.



You can get evacuation details through the ways provided by the website of Las Vegas thoug
h it doesn't disclose the details due to ______.



Writing skill—to write a short composition that starts from specific details to some


请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 An annual report of a company provides information about its business performance for certain people. These people include the investors, potential investors and o


An annual report of a company provides information about its business performance for certain people. These people include the investors, potential investors and other stakeholders. From the report, people can understand the company's business scope, recent situation and future development. The main parts of an annual report usually include chairman's letter, operation analysis and financial statements.

·Chairman's Letter

Usually, an annual report should contain a letter from the chairman. The letter should provide details about the successes and the challenges of the past year. It should also include the future outlook for the company.

·Operation Analysis

The operation analysis is an overview of the business in the past year. It usually includes new hires and new product introductions. At the same time, it will introduce business acquisitions and other important issues.

·Financial Statements

The financial statements are very important for an annual report. People can know the company's performance in the past from the statements. It usually three aspects. The first one is the profit and loss statement. The second one is the balance sheet. And the third one is the cash flow statement.

() 26. An annual report of a company provides some information about its business performance for certain people.

() 27. People can know everything of the company from the annual report.

() 28. An annual report usually includes chairman's letter, financial statements and operation analysis.

() 29. A chairman's letter should include the strategic direction moving forward.

() 30. This passage is mainly about the main parts of an annual report.



______ order simply means that details are listed as they occur in time.


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