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Modern civilizations are as dependent on trees as ______.

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听力原文:M: I just came back from a trip to China and I was very impressed with the long h
istory of that country.

W: Last year I visited Europe. It was interesting to see the ancient ruins there, too.

M: When I look at our country's history, I begin to sense what a young country the States really is.

W: Yes. There are many countries whose histories were ancient when ours was just beginning.

M: The first English settlers arrived in America about the time the last Chinese dynasty began.

W: I believe one reason America has been able to be so successful in so many aspects is that it had no ancient traditions to bind it down.

M: Why would you say that? The settlers to America came from countries all over the world and must have brought their traditions with them.

W: Yes, they did and those traditions have enriched the American heritage; however, their purpose in coming to this new country was so they could make a change from the way they were living. Most immigrants to America were penniless. They came here to take advantage of a new way of life.

M: Sometimes I think we ignore the history of the native people encountered here in the Americas, both North and South.

W: Well, that's true. I've noticed, however, that the remains of civilizations in North America don't appear to be as ancient as those found in Mexico or Central and South America.

M: Those civilizations must have been as ancient as what I saw in China. They didn't have an influence on the modern countries, though. Why is that?

W: It's because those were dead civilizations. For some reasons, the traditions from those civilizations did not carry on to the surviving natives of the land.

M: Do you think that's the reason, or is it that the immigrants who exerted authority over the natives were able to suppress their traditions?

W: I would think both are explanations.


A.Chinese ancient history.

B.European history.

C.American native civilization.

D.American history.



Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment, has been con
tinuously practiced by humans for some 20,000 years. Together with other activities【C1】______ ritualistic in origin but have come to be designated as artistic(such as music or dance), painting was one of the earliest ways in which man【C2】______ to express his own personality and bis【C3】______ understanding of an existence beyond the material world.【C4】______ music and dance, however, examples of early forms of painting have survived to the present day. The modern eye can derive aesthetic as well as antiquarian satisfaction【C5】______ the 15,000-year-old-cave murals of Lascaux-- some examples【C6】______ to the considerable powers of draftsmanship of these early artists. And painting, unlike other arts, exhibits universal qualities that【C7】______ for viewers of all nations and civilizations to understand and appreciate.

The major【C8】______ examples of early painting anywhere in the world are found in Western Europe and the Soviet Union. But some 5,000 years ago, the areas in which important paintings were executed【C9】______ to the eastern Mediterranean Sea and neighboring regions.【C10】______ Western shared a European cultural tradition the Middle East and Mediterranean Basin and, later, the countries of the New World.

Western painting is in general distinguished by its concentration【C11】______ the representation of the human 【C12】______ whether in the heroic context of antiquity or the religious context of the early Christian and medieval world. The Renaissance【C13】______ this tradition through a【C14】______ examination of the natural world and an investigation of balance, harmony, and perspectives in the visible world, linking painting【C15】______ the developing sciences of anatomy and optics. The first real【C16】______ from figurative painting came with the growth of landscape painting in the 17(上标)th and 18(上标)th centuries. The landscape and figurative traditions developed together in the 19th century in an atmosphere that was increasingly【C17】 ______ "painterly" qualities of the【C18】______ of light and color and the expressive qualities of paint handling. In the 20th century these interests【C19】______ to the development of a third major tradition in Western painting, abstract painting, which sought to【C20】______ and express the true nature of paint and painting through action and form.


A.may have been

B.that may have

C.may have

D.that may have been



Thailand___ (retain) cultural connection with the two great centers of Asian civilizations,India and China.
Thailand___ (retain) cultural connection with the two great centers of Asian civilizations,India and China.



Popular ideological assumptions about society change with the decades, as well as with the
enlargement of knowledge. The analysis of the human genetic code published last week demonstrates that humans, genetically speaking, axe only twice as complicated as the fruit fly, and among them- selves share 99.9 percent of their genes.

Culture and nurture count in making us what we turn out to be, although that will perhaps come as no great surprise to those outside the close world of academic theory.

This part of the rediscovery of the wheel, since before positivism largely took over the social sciences in American universities in the 1950s, it was generally assumed by professors. As well as laymen, that culture had a great deal to do with how material civilization developed. Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children:" We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing. '

That argument, however, relied on historical evidence and reasoning, which had come to be considered "soft" knowledge--unscientific, subjective, itself culture-bound--and, even more recently, as a self-serving tale told by white male parent in order to oppress the rest.

To suggest that modern liberal civilization, science and technology emerged in Western Europe because of a particular cultural development linked to the assumptions, values and philosophies of classical Greece and Rome, the Jewish and Christian religions, and the ideas of the European Renaissance and Enlightenment, was thought to put down other civilizations where such development had not taken place.

This notion," popular early in the 20th century", according to a New York Times report on the matter, is now "unsettling scholars and policymakers", since it "challenges the assumptions of market economists and liberal thinkers". These are nearly ail, to some degree, economic determinists.

The matter is of practical concern in making policy. Take the worst case: the problem of contemporary Africa.

Until the 1950s, Africa was generally considered to be a region of pre-modern cultures, developed among a variety of peoples originally practicing simple agriculture, or hunting and gathering. Some cultures were of great artistic complexity; ail had complex codes of value and ceremony; some were quite advanced politically, resembling in many respects European feudalism(灭亡), but all were without written languages or written knowledge.

What was possibly assumed about humans and the fruit fly in the past?

A.They were equally complicated in terms of gene.

B.Humans were much more genetically complicated than the fruit fly, genetically speaking.

C.Humans were twice as complicated as the fruit fly in gene.

D.The fruit fly was less stably than humans in the structure of genes.



Glaser made his discovery by ().A.studyingpatchesoffertilesoilsinthecentralAmazon

Glaser made his discovery by ().

A.studying patches of fertile soils in the central Amazon

B.examining pottery left over by ancient civilizations

C.test-burning patches of trees in the central Amazon

D.radiocarbon-dating ingredients contained in forest soils



Anthropology (人类学) is the study of how people live. It includes their family life,
religion, art, laws and language. The term anthropology comes from two Greek words: "anthropos" means "human being" and "logy" means "the science of. Anthropology can be divided into two areas. These two main divisions are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology. Culture includes many things, such as art, religion, laws, and even furniture and movies. Anthropologists define human progress in three main steps. Step one begins with the first human being and continues until the last of the people who hunted animals just to survive. Step two includes people who grew food. In this step, there was progress in invention and religion. The third step deals with the first civilizations, such as those in Egypt and parts of Asia. Anthropologists always seek new information about people. For instance, recent evidence found in Ethiopia and Kenya shows humans earlier in history than it was previously believed.

1.According to the passage, anthropology mainly deals with ______.

A、family life, religion and art

B、differences between human races

C、the study of ancient people

D、the study of different cultures

2.What have anthropologists recently found_____.

A、There are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology

B、there are three steps in the progress of human beings

C、There were more civilizations in Egypt than in parts of Asia

D、There is a longer history of human beings than it was thought before

3.Which of the following belongs to the second step of human progress_____.

A、Many religions and inventions were made

B、People hunted animals just to survive

C、the early civilizations came into being

D、people started to learn science and art

4.Which could be the best title for the passage_____.

A、What is anthropology

B、The progress of human beings

C、The first civilizations

D、The Work of Anthropologists Dear Sirs

5.Which of the following statement is TRUE_____.

A、Furniture and movies belong to physical anthropology

B、Anthropologists are still trying to get new findings about people

C、the study of human beings began in Greek times

D、The first civilizations appeared only in Egypt and parts of Asia



在政治评论方面,诺姆. 乔姆斯基的代表作有:()。
A、《霸权还是生存》(Hegemony or Survival)

B、《失败的国家:权力的滥用与对民主的强暴》(Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy)

C、《海盗与君王:现实世界里的国际恐怖主义》(Pirates and Emperors: International Terrorism in the Real World)

D、《文明的冲突》(Conflicts of Civilizations)



A Brief History of ClockClocksAt best, historians know that 5,000-6,000 years ago, great c

A Brief History of Clock


At best, historians know that 5,000-6,000 years ago, great civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa started to examine forms of clock-making instead of working with only the monthly and annual calendar. Little is known on exactly how these forms worked or indeed the actual deconstruction of the time, but it has been suggested that the intention was to maximize time available to achieve more as the size of the population grew. Perhaps such future periods of time were intended to benefit the community by allotting specific lengths of time to tasks. Was this the beginning of the working week?

Sun Clocks

With the disappearance of any ancient civilization, such as the Sumerian culture, knowledge is also lost. Whilst we can only hypothesize on the reasons of why the equivalent to the modern wristwatch was never completed, we know that the ancient Egyptians were next to layout a system of dividing the day into parts, similar to hours.

"Obelisks" (tall four-sided tapered monuments) were carefully constructed and even purposefully geographically located around 3500 BC. A shadow was east as the Sun moved across the sky by the obelisk, which it appears was then marked out in sections, allowing people to clearly see the two halves of the day. Some of the sections have also been found to indicate the "year"s longest and shortest days, which it is thought were developments added later to allow identification of other important time subdivisions.

Another ancient Egyptian "shadow clock" or "sundial" has been discovered to have been in use around 1500 BC, which allowed the measuring of the passage of "hours". The sections were divided into ten parts, With two "twilight hours" indicated, occurring in the morning and the evening. For it to work successfully then at midday or noon, the device had to be turned 180 degrees to measure the afternoon hours.

Water Clocks

"Water clocks" were among the earliest time keeping devices that didn't use the observation of the celestial bodies to calculate the passage of time. The ancient Greeks, it is believed, began using water clocks around 325 BC. Most of these clocks were used to determine the hours of the night, but may have also been used during daylight. An inherent problem with the water clock was that they were not totally accurate, as the system of measurement was based on the flow of water either into, or out of, a container which had markers around the sides. Another very similar form. was that of a bowl that sank during a period as it was filled of water from a regulated flow. It is known that water clocks were common across the Middle East, and that these were still being used in North Africa during the early part of the twentieth-century.

Mechanical Clocks

In 1656, "Christian Huygens' (Dutch scientist), made the first "Pendulum(钟摆) clock", with a mechanism using a "natural" period of oscillation(振幅). "Galileo Galilei" is credited, in most historical books, for inventing the pendulum as early as 1582, but his design was not built before his death. Huygens' clock, when built, had an error of "less than only one minute a day". This was a massive leap in the development of maintaining accuracy, as this had previously never been achieved. Later refinements to the pendulum clock reduced this margin of error to "less than 10 seconds a day".

The mechanical clock continued to develop until they achieved an accuracy of "a hundredth-of- a-second a day", when the pendulum clock became the accepted standard in most astronomical observatories.

Quartz Clocks

The running of a "Quartz clock" is based on the piezoelectric property of the quartz crystal. When an electric field is applied to a quartz crystal, it actually changes the shape of the crystal itself, If you then squeeze it or bend it, an electric field is generated. When pla






A.He hopes the woman likes modern art.B.He really appreciates the woman's gifts.C.The

A.He hopes the woman likes modern art.

B.He really appreciates the woman's gifts.

C.The modern art prints are too expensive.

D.People who enjoy modern art would like the prints.



Water vapor plays almost no role in modern greenhouse warming.A.YB.NC.NG

Water vapor plays almost no role in modern greenhouse warming.





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