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A.The latest practices of accurate mapmaking.B.The impact of epidemics on mass mi

A.The latest practices of accurate mapmaking.

B.The impact of epidemics on mass migration.

C.The advantages of establishing international trade agreements.

D.The technology used to locate the Old Canada Road.

更多“A.The latest practices of accurate mapmaking.B.The impact of epidemics on mass mi”相关的问题


A.The latest computer technology.B.The organizing of an exhibition.C.The purchasing of

A.The latest computer technology.

B.The organizing of an exhibition.

C.The purchasing of some equipment.

D.The dramatic changes in the job market.



A.The latest computer technology.B.The organizing of an exhibition. C.Th

A.The latest computer technology.

B.The organizing of an exhibition.

C.The purchasing of some equipment.

D.The dramatic changes in the job market.



A.The latest version of the Bible.B.A book written by Columbus.C.A map of the New Worl

A.The latest version of the Bible.

B.A book written by Columbus.

C.A map of the New World.

D.One of the earliest copies of Shakespeare's work.



What does the last sentence in the last paragraph imply?A.The proposal will not take effec

What does the last sentence in the last paragraph imply?

A.The proposal will not take effect for its limitation.

B.The latest proposal may not be approved by the country's legal institutions.

C.The businessmen question the reason for controlling greenhouse gases.

D.The latest proposal is destined not to be passed by comment and review.



In Etzioni's view, the latest rash of corporate scandals could be attributed to ______.A.t

In Etzioni's view, the latest rash of corporate scandals could be attributed to ______.

A.the tendency in business schools to stress self-interest over business ethics.

B.the executives' lack of knowledge in legally manipulating contracts

C.the increasingly fierce competition in the modem business world

D.the moral corruption of business school graduates



听力原文:M:Marry,how do you feel about this latest tax increase? W:Well,as far as I aril c

听力原文:M:Marry,how do you feel about this latest tax increase?

W:Well,as far as I aril concerned,it is of course regrettable.But it is necessary for the economic policy,I am afraid.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man is against the latest tax increase.

B.The woman is for the latest tax increase heavily.

C.The woman is indifferent to the tax increase.

D.Personally,the woman doesn't like the tax increase.



听力原文:Among global warming's most frightening threats is the prediction that the polar

听力原文: Among global warming's most frightening threats is the prediction that the polar ice-caps will melt, raising sea level so much that coastal cities from New York to Los Angles to Shanghai will be flooded.

Scientists agree that key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7, 000 feet thick. Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock well blow the sea surface. Surrounded by open ocean, it is also vulnerable, but Antarctic experts disagree strongly on just how unstable it is.

Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the west Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1. 3 million years, a period when global temperatures probably were not significantly higher than they are today. And the ice sheet was assumed to have been stable. In geological time, a million years is recent history. The proof, which was published last week in Science, comes from a team of scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden and the California Institute of Technology who drilled deep holes near the edge of the ice sheet. Within samples collected from the solid substance lying beneath the ice,they found fossils of microscopic marine plants which suggest that the region was once an open ocean, not solid ice. As Herman Englehart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, "the West Antarctic ice sheet disappeared once, and can disappear again. "

26. Q: What is one of the most frightening threats of global warming according to the passage?

27. Q:What did scientists disagree on?

28. Q:What does the latest information reveal about the West Antarctic ice sheet?

29. Q:What does the scientists' latest finding suggest?


A.The whole Antarctic region will be submerged.

B.Some polar animals will soon become extinct.

C.Many coastal cities will be covered with water.

D.The earth will experience extreme weathers.



听力原文:M: Good morning everyone. Well I think we can start straightaway by getting Rosie
to do her presentation. Would you like to start, Rosie?

W: Yes, well, um, we've done a survey on local entertainment. Basically, we tried to find out how students feel about the entertainment in the town and how much they use it. So we've called our project "Out and About"...

M: Yes, that's a good title!

W: We wanted to find out how well students use the entertainment facilities in town... whether they get to see the latest plays, films... that kind of thing. Actually there were a lot of areas to choose from but in the end we limited ourselves to looking at two general categories: cinema and theatre.

M: Right.

W: OK. Well, first of all the cinema. In the town, there are three main places where you can see films. There's the new multi-screen cinema complex, the old park cinema, and a late-night odeon. In terms of audience size, the multi-screen complex accounts for 75% of all cinema seats, the park cinema accounts for 20% of seats and the late-night odeon has just 5% of seats.

M: Yes, as is shown in your chart.

W: As you probably know, the complex and the park show all the latest films, while the late-night cinema tends to show cult films. So, when we interviewed the students, we thought the complex would be the most popular choice of cinema... but surprisingly it was the late-night odeon. Most students said that if they wanted to see a film, they waited for it to show at the park because the complex is more expensive and further out of town so you have to pay more to get there as well.

M: Yes, and that adds to the cost, of course, and distracts from the popularity, evidently.

W: Well, next, we looked at theatres. There's the Stage Theatre in town, which is very old and architecturally quite beautiful. And there's also the large, modem theatre, the Ashtop, that has recently been built. But the thing about the theatres is that there's a whole variety of seat prices. Also, the types of performance vary... so students tend to buy seats at both and like using both for different reasons and if they want cheap seats at the Ashtop, they can just sit further from the front.

M: And anything else?

W: Yes. What we did find that was very interesting is that there are periods during the year when students seem to go to the theatre and periods when they go to the cinema and we really think that's to do with the budget. There's a peak around November and December when they go to the theatre more and then a period in April and May when neither is particularly popular and then theatre viewing seems to tail off virtually while the cinema becomes quite popular in June and July.

M: Mmm. I think you're probably right about your conclusions...


A.The entertainment on campus.

B.The entertainment facilities students use in town.

C.The kinds of films and plays students enjoy.

D.The cinemas and theatres students like to go to.



听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to(22)bring you live up-to

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to(22)bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan...

M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

W: Now, Stan, is this a sign that the peace process has totally abandoned?

M: Well, so far, (23)peace negotiations have failed, and any resolution to end the civil war appears bleak at this moment. As you can see...whoa.

W: Stan, Stan, are you there?

M: Uh, yes. Shelly. As you can probably hear behind me, rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city centrer. Rebel forces are closing in, and(24)it's feared that they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

W: Now, besides the heavy fighting, what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

M: well, since the beginning of the conflict, (25)starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daily obstacles facing the citizens of this war-torn country. It is believed that over 40 000 people, mostly children, have starved to death. Fortunately. no epidemics have broken out, but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.

W: Okay, that was Stan Fielding reporting. And we will keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.


A.The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

B.The fall of Karnak's capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

C.The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

D.The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.



听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to (22)bring you live up-t

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to (22)bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan...

M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

W: Now, Stan, is this a sign that the peace process has totally abandoned?

M: Well, so far, (23)peace negotiations have failed, and any resolution to end the civil war appears bleak at this moment. As you can see…whoa

W: Stan, Stan, are you there?

M: Uh, yes. Shelly. As you can probably hear behind me, rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city centre. Rebel forces are closing in, and (24)it's feared that they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

W: Now, besides the heavy fighting, what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

M: Well, (25)since the beginning of the conflict, starvation and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daffy obstacles facing the citizens of this war torn country. It is believed that over 40 000 people, mostly children, have starved to death. Fortunately, no epidemics have broken out, but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.

W: Okay, that was Stan Fielding reporting. And we will keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.


A.The fall of Karnak's capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

B.The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

C.The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

D.The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.


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