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听力原文:M: I thought that you were going to the convention in Atlanta last Saturday. You

said it many times before.

W: I was planning to, but I haven't been feeling well, so I stayed at home and did nothing else.

Q: Where did the woman go last Saturday?


A.She went to Atlanta.

B.She went to a convention.

C.She went to a hospital.

D.She stayed at home.

更多“听力原文:M: I thought that you were going to the convention in Atlanta last Saturday. You”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Hello, John, how are you doing?M: Not very well. I was dropped from a class th

听力原文:W: Hello, John, how are you doing?

M: Not very well. I was dropped from a class that I needed to take this semester.

W: You were dropped from the class? What happened?

M: Well, this class was added at the last minute because there Were so many students who needed it. I went to the class the first day it opened, and I thought that I would be added to the class because I was there that day. The professor said something about turning in the add slip right away, but I needed to get a signature for another class I was adding, so I waited.

W: So you didn't turn in the add slip right away?

M: Right. Then I got sick the next day and missed the class. The following day when I went in to class, the teacher announced that anyone who had not turned in an add slip or missed any classes had been dropped. She said that there were too many students who wanted to take the class, and she had to accept the students who had added and were attending.

W: So what did you do at that point?

M: I left the class because I was so upset. I really needed that class to fulfil my requirements, and now my plans are ruined.


A.The class was added at the last minute at the request of many students.

B.Many of the students dropped the class the first day it opened.

C.A signature of the teacher was required for the registration of the class.

D.It was a compulsory class for college senior students.



听力原文:M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.W: Yes, I would like th

听力原文:M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.

W: Yes, I would like that.

Q: What is the relationshi!0 between the two speakers?


A.Business associates,

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Teacher and student.

D.Good friends.



听力原文:M: I really appreciate your filling in on yesterday's lecture.W: No problem. I th

听力原文:M: I really appreciate your filling in on yesterday's lecture.

W: No problem. I thought you might want to go over it together. And, anyway, it helps me revtew.

M: I am. Thanks. So, you said she talked about squid? Sounds a little strange ....

W: Well, actually, it was about the evolution of sea life — a continuation from last week. The octopus and the squid descended from earlier creatures with shells. They survived by shedding their shells—somewhere between 200 and 500 million years ago.

M: That's a pretty long span of time.

W: I know. That's what she said, though. To be precise: "Exactly when they emerged is uncertain...and why is still unexplained."

M: Some squid are really huge. Can you imagine something that big ifit still had a shell?

W: Actually, it's because they lost their shells that they could evolve to a bigger size.

M: Make sense. But some are really huge. I've read about fishermen that caught squid that weighed over a ton. Did she talk about how that happens?

W: Not really. But she did mention some unusual cases. In 1933 in New Zealand they caught a squid let's see here it was twenty-two yards long. Its eyes were eighteen inches across. Can you imagine?

M: Reminds me of all those stories of sea monsters.


A.Where they should move.

B.How to negotiate with the landlord.

C.How to fight the increase.

D.Whether to accept an increase in rent or move.



听力原文:W: Are you coming with me to the art show?M: I already have my hands full with th

听力原文:W: Are you coming with me to the art show?

M: I already have my hands full with this project.

Q: What will the woman probably do next?


A.Buy two tickets for the show.

B.Go to the exhibit alone.

C.Stop working on the project.

D.Help the man washing his hands.



听力原文:M: I think I' ll go and watch the baseball game today.W: But I thought you were g

听力原文:M: I think I' ll go and watch the baseball game today.

W: But I thought you were going to work on the car.

Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?


A.Go to watch the baseball match.

B.Drive to work.

C.Try to fix the car.

D.Stop working and have some rest.



听力原文:M: Did you make a reservation on the 9:00 flight?W: I thought you wanted to take

听力原文:M: Did you make a reservation on the 9:00 flight?

W: I thought you wanted to take the 8:00 one. It's too late to change now.

Q: What happened to the woman?


A.She made a reservation for the 9:00 flight.

B.She changed the reservation.

C.She found they were late for the 8:00 flight.

D.She misunderstood the man.



听力原文:W: Our rent is now already $800 a month.M: I know. It's exactly one-third more th

听力原文:W: Our rent is now already $800 a month.

M: I know. It's exactly one-third more than it was when we first moved in.

Q: How much rent had been paid at first?








听力原文:M: I thought Nancy and Mike were going to get married in June.W: No, that’s when

听力原文:M: I thought Nancy and Mike were going to get married in June.

W: No, that’s when his cousin's wedding is. They are getting married the following month.

Q: When are Nancy and Mike getting married?








听力原文:M: On my way up to our company I found this wallet in the elevator.What do you th

听力原文:M: On my way up to our company I found this wallet in the elevator. What do you think I should do?

W: As far as I am concerned, there is no other option than to take it to the receptionist. The lost-and-found box's there.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Take the wallet to the reception desk.

B.Look for the owner of the wallet in the company.

C.Ask the receptionist for help.

D.Put the wallet back in the elevator.



听力原文:M: It's good you brought the books back.W: I thought you might need novels at the

听力原文:M: It's good you brought the books back.

W: I thought you might need novels at the weekend. Thanks for letting me use them.

Q: What do we know about the woman from the conversation?


A.She offered to help the man.

B.She borrowed the books from the man.

C.She brought the books the man asked for.

D.She let the man use her books for the weekend.


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