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The Internet may be redefining the way that students ______.A.learn how to exchange unlimi

The Internet may be redefining the way that students ______.

A.learn how to exchange unlimited online information

B.have a good command of copying and pasting

C.come to know music file-sharing and Web-linking

D.understand the concept of authorship and singularity

更多“The Internet may be redefining the way that students ______.A.learn how to exchange unlimi”相关的问题


According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy reliance on the Internet may feel_____







From Paragraph 1, we can learn that ______.A.with Internet, students may find it even more

From Paragraph 1, we can learn that ______.

A.with Internet, students may find it even more difficult to do research work

B.Internet rarely provides students with the source of materials for paper compiling

C.Internet has beaten the companies devoting to academe cheating greatly

D.the invention of Internet has created great opportunities for academic cheating



If people are exposed to Internet violence too often, ______.A.they will be bored and then

If people are exposed to Internet violence too often, ______.

A.they will be bored and then get rid of the habit

B.they may put into practice what they've learn from violence

C.they will begin to doubt the existence of the violence

D.they will learn from others' misfortunes



What is the disadvantage of working at home?A.You have no time to deal with personal phone

What is the disadvantage of working at home?

A.You have no time to deal with personal phones.

B.You have to pay for the Internet by yourself.

C.You may he easily influenced by other things.

D.You have no personal office and fixed work time.



听力原文:Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to

听力原文: Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University.

Even people who spent just a few hour's a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the two-year study showed. And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.

Researchers are puzzling over the results, which were completely contrary to their expectations. They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television, since the Net allows users to choose their information and to communicate with others.

The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for the drop in well-being, researchers hypothesized.

Faceless, bodiless "virtual" communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.

"But it's important to remember this is not about the technology; it's about how it is used," says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors. "It really points to the need for considering social factors in terms of how you design applications and services for technology."


A.People who feel bad spent more time on the Internet.

B.Using internet can cause depression and loneliness.

C.Internet use can improve psychological well-being.

D.Surfing Net for a few hours a week cannot cause bad feelings.



Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to research
at Carnegie Mellon University.

Even people who【B1】just a few hours a week on the Internet【B2】more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less【B3】, the two-year study showed. And it wasn't that people who were already feeling【B4】spent more time on the Internet, but the using the Net actually【B5】to cause the bad feelings.

Researchers are puzzling over the results,【B6】were completely contrary to their【B7】. They expected that the Net would prove socially【B8】than television, since the Net【B9】users to choose their information and to【B10】with others.

The fact that Internet use has【B11】time available for family and friends may【B12】for the drop in well-being,【B13】hypothesized(假设). Faceless, bodiless virtual communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual【B14】, and the relationships formed through it may be【B15】. Another possibility is that exposure【B16】the wider world via the Net makes users【B17】satisfied with their lives.

"But it's important to remember this is not about the technology itself; it's about【B18】it is used," says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors. It really points to the need for considering social【B19】in terms of how you design applications and services【B20】technology.








Internet Users Turn AddictsIf you're an Internet user, you know who you are. They are amon

Internet Users Turn Addicts

If you're an Internet user, you know who you are. They are among all of us in society, although many may choose not to acknowledge that they too, frequently use the Internet. As I sit here and look across the street, I see a man in front of his own computer; the screen glowing against the window behind him. He does not use his personal computer for work, he is a farmer. He has become what is known as an "Internet Junky".

The addiction begins innocently. At the start, you are not even aware of the possibilities that may form. from your excessive computer use. You begin to take an avid interest in e-mailing with your friends and family. Once the novelty of keeping in touch with your colleagues wears off, and researching starts to bore you, you may possibly expand your computer usage to chatting. Yes, chatting. It is something that is becoming more acceptable in our lives, but it is still looked down upon by many skeptics. Chatting through the Internet involves choosing an appropriate nickname for yourself —for example, Fisherman —and then finding a room where you feel compelled to spend time in. Once you've entered the room, other fellow chatters may say, "Hello... a/s/ 1(age/sex/location) please."

And so begins the addiction. Once you become involved in meeting people online, it is difficult to break such a habit. You may even make a daily habit of it. People have been found to carry out exactly the same behavior, not only across the nation, but across the globe. In any one room, you may come across people from five different countries of the world. Granted, not everyone who stays online for hours on end, are enveloped in chatting, but it is more often than not, the cause for Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD).

The prevalence of Internet Addiction Disorder has been increasing in number, hence a support group, among many the Internet Addiction Support Group (IASG) has been developed. IAD, a "maladaptive" pattern for Internet use, is leading to impairment and/or distress caused by three (or more) of the following, at any time in a period of one year:

- A need for markedly increased mounts of time on Internet to achieve satisfaction;

- Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on Internet;

- Reduction in Internet use which has been prolonged.

Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder include:

- Psychomotor agitation;

- Anxiety;

- Obsessive thinking about what is happening on Internet;

- Fantasies or dreams about Internet;

- Voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the fingers.

These symptoms begin to cause conflict in social, occupational, or another important area of functioning. People who become addicted, use the Internet to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms, which are similar to those brought on by the halt of drug use. The disorder is recognized by the "persistent desire" or "unsuccessful efforts" to minimize the Internet use.

On June 14, 1998, ABC news reported that an "Internet crazed" Cincinnati woman was arrested for neglecting her three young children. The woman reportedly spent 12 hours straight online, while her hungry kids were locked away in a room so she could be online without interruption.

The Internet is rapidly becoming an addictive source to a lot of its users. Users of the Internet include: students, housewives, and business professionals. Some of these users spend a minimum of thirty-eight hours per week on the "net"; hence, losing touch with reality and reeking havoc on their studies, family lives, and even their careers. Based on level of addiction, there are three groups of Internet addicts:

- the "I'm-not-addicted-users";

- the "I-only-use-it-when-I-have-to-users";







Should You Jump on the Technological Bandwagon (时尚)?Technological Advances and Their Inf

Should You Jump on the Technological Bandwagon (时尚)?

Technological Advances and Their Influence

Within the last 20 years, we have been swamped with new technology which has helped us run our businesses faster, and hopefully better. Recently, some of us have begun to question whether the onslaught of ever newer technology is really helping us as much as the initial improvements did. Just because a technology is new doesn't necessarily mean that it is better. Perhaps what we should be asking is "What technology can we really use?"

We all have some hi-tech products that we've bought but don't use. Many of us have a VCR with so many complex functions that we have difficulty programming it to record a program. Similarly, we have seen workers spend an hour playing with a computer program to print out a single mailing label which could have been more quickly done on a typewriter.

Every business may not be able to afford all of these new toys. And they may not need to. Remembering that in many cases the pushers of new technology are simply salespeople trying to get you to pay for the toys which intrigue them. There are several questions you should ask yourself before making any decision: How much are these toys really worth? Does this new technology make sense for your business? Is this technology really worth the effort needed to use it? With any new technology, there is a payback time when the increased efficiency gained may help to pay for the adoption of that new technology. When you first computerized your office, you got a big boost in efficiency for a minimal investment. As the technology gets ever more sophisticated, you start to lose that increase in efficiency. The old saying goes that you get 90% of your increase in efficiency for 10% of your investment. The remaining 90% of your money is spent trying to get that last 10% increase in efficiency. You have to analyze your business and decide if you ever get enough increase in efficiency to pay back that large additional cost.

New Technologies and Their Cost

You need to analyze the way you do business to see what you can do to increase your efficiency. You can't get caught in the trap of "WE' VE ALWAYS DONE IT THIS WAY !" You want to keep the best, and throw away the things that slow you down. Sometimes that does mean adopting new technology. Sometimes it means changing the way you do business. Sometimes it means keeping what you have.

Let's consider and analyze some of the new technologies.

?Internet Presence

The Internet is receiving a lot of hype (炒作) these days, and it sounds as though every business needs to have an Internet presence. Developing and maintaining a website takes time and money.. Before you make that investment, you should decide if you really need an Internet presence. Ask yourself these questions: Are your potential clients located throughout the United States? Do your potential clients own computers? Are your potential clients computer sophisticates who surf the Web regularly? Are the people who ARE on the Internet part of your potential client base? (The primary users of the Internet at this time tend to be educated, middle to upper middle class people.)

If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then an Internet presence may make sense for your business. If your potential clients are all local, if they have little or no access to the Internet, then this technology may be one you can play with, as long as you recognize that the expenses will not necessarily increase your business.

?Paperless Office

A paperless office is one in which all records are kept only in the computer. To many people, this appears to be a good idea. No paper files are kept, so no time is spent filing. However, time is still needed to scan information into the computer, correct it, etc. More importan






You probably enjoy being a part of your local community.You may attend church services, be

You probably enjoy being a part of your local community.

You may attend church services, belong to a neighborhood watch

group, chat with neighbors over the fence, or meeting neighborhood 【S1】______.

friends at a local restaurant. It's human nature to want to bond with

others, so it's not surprised to find that people are seeking out each 【S2】______.

other online by forming all sorts of Internet communities.

The Internet is brimming with groups of people who are

sharing experiences, learning from each other, and enjoy the 【S3】______.

Multi-person. Internet communities can take several different forms. Two

of the most common forms are message boards and chat rooms,

either of which are based on shared interests. 【S4】______.

Message boards, also called forums, are extremely popular.

They are places where people post comments for all other

participants to read. Message board visitors can read and reply to

any comments they find them interesting. 【S5】______.

Chat rooms are "virtual" rooms in there people meet to talk 【S6】______.

about anything. They differ from message boards that conversations 【S7】______.

in chat rooms take place in real time. You visit a chat room simply

by going to the specified Internet address. Once there, you will be

asked to log in, and once you are in the "room", you would be 【S8】______.

able to see the names of others in the room and read their

conversations as they progress. You can jump in at some time by 【S9】______.

typing your comments and clicking on post, send, or whatever link

the chat room has provided to add your comments for the chat. 【S10】______.




Some historian say that the most important contribution of Dwight Eisenhower’s pr
esidency (总统任期) in the 1950s was the U.S. interstate highway system.It was a ____ project, easily surpassing the scale of such previous human ____ as the Panama Canal. Eisenhower’s interstate highways ____ the nation together in new ways and ____ major economic growth by making commerce less ____. Today, an information superhighway has been built—an electronic network that ____ libraries, corporations, government agencies and ____. This electronic superhighway is called the Internet, ____ it is the backbone (主干) of the World Wide Web.

The Internet had its ____ in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which ____ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to ____ information. In 1983 the National Science Foundation (NSF), ____ mission is to promote science, took over.

This new NSF network ____ more and more institutional users, may of ____ had their owm internal networks. For example, most universities that ____ the NSF network had intracampus computer networks. The NSF network ____ became a connector for thousands of other networks. ____ a backbone system that interconnects networks, internet was a name that fit.

So we can see that the Internet is the wired infrastructure (基础设施) on which web ____ move. It began as a military communication system, which expanded into a government-funded ____ research network.

Today, the Internet is a user-financed system tying intuitions of many sorts together ____ an “information superhighway.”






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