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听力原文:Who is calling Professor Brown?(21)A.A city planner.B.A column writer.C.A chemist

听力原文:Who is calling Professor Brown?


A.A city planner.

B.A column writer.

C.A chemistry student.

D.A landscape painter.

更多“听力原文:Who is calling Professor Brown?(21)A.A city planner.B.A column writer.C.A chemist”相关的问题


听力原文:M:Okay,Jane,you see,I need to talk to your dad.Could you take a message for me an
d give it to him as soon as he gets back? It's very urgent.

W:Yeah.May I ask who is calling,please?

Q:Where are they talking?


A.In an office.

B.At the woman's home.

C.Via the Internet.

D.On the telephone.



听力原文:W: English Language Center. May I help you?M: I'm calling to find out more inform

听力原文:W: English Language Center. May I help you?

M: I'm calling to find out more information about your program. For example, what kind of courses do you offer?

W: Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities for this area's community, whether a student's goal is to master basic functional language skies, let's say, for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.

M: Okay. I'm calling for a friend who is interested in attending a US university.

W: And that's the kind of, uh, instruction that we provide, from basic communication courses to content-based classes such as computer literacy, intercultural communication, and business English.

M: Great. What are your application deadlines for the next semester?

W: Well, we ask applicants to apply no later than two months before the semester begins. This gives us time to process the application and issue student's I-20.

M: An 1-207

W: Oh, an 1-20 is a form. that indicates that we are giving permission for the student to study in our program, and then the student takes this form. to the US embassy in his or her home country to apply for the F-1 student visa.

M: All right. What is the tuition for a full-time student?

W: It's two thousand thirty dollars.

M: How does one apply?

W: We can send you an application and you can mail it back to us, or you can fill out our application on our website.


A.To help international students prepare to enter institutions of higher learning.

B.To provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community.

C.To teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at work.

D.To provide from basic communication courses to content-based classes.



听力原文:M: Hello, Good morning, I'm calling to check on the status of my computer.W: Well

听力原文:M: Hello, Good morning, I'm calling to check on the status of my computer.

W: Well, the new parts have just been coming in, and it should be ready by Friday.

What are the two speakers talking about?


A.Fixing the woman's computer.

B.Ordering some new parts by Friday.

C.Getting the new parts ready by Frid

D.Sending the woman's computer for repair.



听力原文:W: English Language Center. May I help you?M: Yes, I'm calling to find out more i

听力原文:W: English Language Center. May I help you?

M: Yes, I'm calling to find out more information about your program. For example, what kind of courses do you offer?

W: Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities to this area's community. Uh-hum, whether a student's goal is to master basic functional language skills, let's say, for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a U.S. college or university.

M: Okay, I'm calling for a friend who is interested in attending a U.S. university.

W: And that's the kind of, uh, instruction that we provide, from basic communication courses to content-based classes such as computer literacy, intercultural communication, and business English.

M: Great. When is your application deadline for the next semester?

W: Well, we ask applicants to apply no later than two months before the semester begins. This gives us time to process the application and issue the student's 1-20.

M: I-20?

W: Oh, an 1-20 is a form. that indicates that we are giving permission for the student to study in our program, and then the student takes this form. to the U.S. embassy in his or her home country to apply for the F-1 student visa.

M: All right. What is the tuition for a full-time student?

W: It's 2,030 dollars.

M: And how does one apply?

W: Well, we can send you an application and you can mail it back to us, or you can fill out our application that's on our website.

M: And are there other materials I would need to send in addition to the application form?

W: Uh, yes. You would need to send in a $35 application fee, a sponsorship form. indicating who will be responsible financially for the student while studying in our program, and a bank statement showing that you Or your sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition expenses and living costs for the entire year of study.

M: And how can I send these materials to you?

W: You can either send the application packet by regular mail or you can fax it.

M: And the application fee?

W: We accept money order, traveler's checks, or credit cards.

M: All right. I think that's about it.

W: Okay, great.


A.To help international students prepare to enter institutions of higher learning.

B.To teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at work,

C.To provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community.

D.To provide learning opportunities for this area's community.



听力原文:W: This is English Language Centre. How can I help you?M: Yes. I'm calling to fin

听力原文:W: This is English Language Centre. How can I help you?

M: Yes. I'm calling to find out more information about your program. For example, what kind of course do you offer?

W: Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to (19) provide language learning opportunities to this area s community. whether a student's goal is to master basic functional language skills, let's say, for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.

M: Okay. I'm calling for a friend who is interested in attending a US university. My friend is considering about fur ther education.

W: And that's the kind of, uh, instruction that we provide, from basic communication course to content-based classes such as (20) computer literacy, intercultural communication, and business English.

M: That sounds great. What are your application deadlines for the next semester?

W: Well, (21) we ask applicants to apply no later than two months before the semester begins.

M: Alright. What is the tuition for a full-time student?

W: Let me see. It's two thousand thirty dollars for a full time student.

M: And how does one apply? Is it complicated?

W: Well, we can send you an application and you can mail it back to us, or you can fill out our application that's on our Website.

M: Great. Thank you for help. I appreciate that.

W: You are welcome. You can call at any time if you have any other questions. Goodbye.


A.To provide language learning opportunities.

B.To teach students how to be expert in computer.

C.To provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community.

D.To help students pass math exam.



听力原文:W: 3346791.M: Is that you, Sue?W: Who's calling?M: This is Mike. Mike Ferguson. D

听力原文:W: 3346791.

M: Is that you, Sue?

W: Who's calling?

M: This is Mike. Mike Ferguson. Don't you remember me?

W: Mike! Of course I remember you. How are you? Haven't heard from you for at least two years. What are you doing?

M: Nothing very exciting. That's one reason I'm ringing need some advice.

W: Advice. Hmm. That's a good one. I've just beer sacked.

M: There are the pips. Hang on, Sue. What do you mere...you've just been sacked? Sue, you're the most successful woman I know.

W: That's probably why I've been sacked. But let's talk a bout you. You said you needed some advice.

M: I certainly do. I wanted to ask you about interviews Have you had a lot of them?

W: Yes, I have too many.

M: So, could you tell me the sort of questions you're usually asked?

W: Let me think. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I call them the "whys", "how" and "whores'.

M: Not again. Don't go away, Sue. I've got one more coin. Are you there, Sue?

W: Yes, I'm still here.

M: Sorry, I didn't understand what you were telling me. Could you repeat it?

W: It's very boring, but here you are: I'm always asked: Why I want to leave my present job? Why I am interested in the new job? How I intend to get to work? How long I intend to stay, in the job? Where I live? Where I went to school? How much I'm paid in my present job? How much I expect to he paid in the new job? Oh yes. I'm always asked if I'm married.

M: That's it, Sue. No more coins. I'll write to you soon...and many thanks.


A.Because they are sister and brother.

B.Because they lost connections for a long time and he wants to keep in touch with her.

C.Because they are best friends.

D.Because Mike wants some advice from Sue for job interview.



听力原文:W: English Language Center. How may I help you?M: Yes. I'm calling to find out mo

听力原文:W: English Language Center. How may I help you?

M: Yes. I'm calling to find out more information about your program. For example, what kind of courses do you offer?

W: [20]Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities for this area's community, whether a student's goal is to master basic functional language skills, let's say, for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.

M: Okay. I'm calling for a friend who is interested in attending a US university.

W: [19]And that's the kind of, uh, instruction that we provide, from basic communication courses to content- based classes such as computer literacy, intercultural communication, and business English.

M: Great. What are your application deadlines for the next semester?

W: Well, [21]we ask applicants to apply no later than two months before the semester begins. This gives us time to process the application and issue the student's 1-20.

M: An 1-20?

W: Oh, an 1-20 is a form. that indicates that we are giving permission for the student to study in our program, and then the student takes this form. to the US embassy in his or her home country to apply for the F-I student visa.

M: All right. What is the tuition for a full-time student?

W: [22]It's two thousand thirty dollars.

M: And how does one apply?

W: Well, we can send you an application and you can mail it back to us, or you can fill out our application that's on our Web site.


A.To help international students prepare to enter institutions of higher learning.

B.To teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at work.

C.To provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community.

D.To provide, from basic communication courses to content-based classes.



听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving?W:

听力原文:M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving?

W: In just three weeks. Yes, I am excited! But there are still a few things I need to do before I go.

M: like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency, buying my plane tickets, and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone.

M: You're not going to give up your apartment, are you?

W: No way! I'll never find a better apartment around here! But I don't like the idea of paying three month's rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: I don't blame you. Perhaps you could sublet it.

W: Yes, but who to?

M: Hum, let me think. Oh, I know just the right person! Jim Thomas, an old colleague of mine, is coming here to do some research from June through August.

W: Well, that's exactly when I'll be away. It sounds ideal as long as the landlord agrees.

M: Tell you what. I'll be calling Jim later this week anyway. I'll mention it to him then.

W: Well, thanks, Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money would really come in handy.


A.Renewing passport.

B.Brushing her apartment.

C.Buying plane tickets.

D.Going to the travel agency.


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