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听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10:30. M:I just could not focus on the bo

听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10:30.

M:I just could not focus on the books. I wasso sleepy in the class because last night the noise from the construction site near our house kept me awake till midnight.

Q: Why did the man come back so early?


A.The classroom was under construction.

B.He couldn't focus on the class due to the noise.

C.He felt that his studying was not effective.

D.He went back to get the book left at home.

更多“听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10:30. M:I just could not focus on the bo”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10:30.M: I just could not focus on the bo

听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10:30.

M: I just could not focus on the books. I was so sleepy in the class because last night the noise from the construction site near our house kept me awake till midnight.

Q: Why did the man come back so early?


A.The classroom was under construction.

B.He couldn't focus on the class due to the noise.

C.He felt that his studying was not effective.

D.He went back to get the book left at home.



听力原文:M: That's a beautiful tie you're wearing. You really look great today.W:Thank you

听力原文:M: That's a beautiful tie you're wearing. You really look great today.

W:Thank you,But I don't know why I didn't choose this design before.

Q:What do we learn from this conversation?


A.This is the first time for the man to wear a tie.

B.He looks wonderful when he is not wearing a tie.

C.The design of the tie doesn't look so nice.

D.This is the first time for the man to choose a tie with this kind of design.



听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10: 30. M: I just could not focus on the

听力原文:W: Why, you're back so early! It's just 10: 30.

M: I just could not focus on the books. I was so sleepy in the class because last night the noise from the construction site near our house kept me awake till midnight.

Q: Why did the man come back so early?


A.The classroom was under construction.

B.He couldn't focus on the class due to the noise.

C.He felt that his studying was not effective.

D.He went back to get the book left at home.



听力原文:W: I heard you're moving to a new apartment soon.M: Yes, I have to, although it'l

听力原文:W: I heard you're moving to a new apartment soon.

M: Yes, I have to, although it'll be more expensive. My present roommate plays his tape recorder all night long and I can't sleep.

Q: Why does the man want to change his living place?


A.His roommate' stays awake all night.

B.He want to play his recorder at night.

C.The present one is too expensive.

D.The present one is too expensive.



听力原文:W:Haven't you finished your dinner yet? You're slow.Hurry up.They are waiting for

M:I just wanted to enjoy life and not have to rush all the time.Oh,why is life always so rushie-rushie?

Q:What does the mall think of his life?


A.It's full of excitement.

B.It's enjoyable.

C.It's hill of rush.

D.It's relaxing.



听力原文:M: I could really use a small calculator like that one for my statistics homework

W: Why don't you go in and see what they cost here. It looks like they're having a sale.

Q: What does the woman think the man should do?


A.Check the price of calculators.

B.Finish his statistics homework.

C.Look for an accouting job.

D.Use a smaller calculator.



听力原文:M: I must be going now—I promised to pick up Nancy.W: Since you're going to pick

听力原文:M: I must be going now—I promised to pick up Nancy.

W: Since you're going to pick up Nancy from the fitness class, why don't you kill two birds with one stone and pick up Peter after his ballet class?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man shouldn't have promised to pick up Nancy.

B.Nancy and Peter should go to the same class for convenience's sake.

C.The man should pick up Nancy and Peter as well.

D.The man should kill the birds for dinner before leaving.



听力原文:M: I haven't seen you for ages, but I hear you're leaving for London soon.W: Yes,

听力原文:M: I haven't seen you for ages, but I hear you're leaving for London soon.

W: Yes, I only have two weeks left to pack my things, but I hope I'll get everything done in time be cause I want to have a chance to visit all my friends before I go.

Q: Why does the woman hope to get everything done in time?


A.She's going to London.

B.She'd like to see all her friends before leaving.

C.She left all her things to pack in two weeks.

D.Because it takes a long time to pack everything.



听力原文:M: So, you're an architect.W: Yes.M: Do you work for a public or a private organi

听力原文:M: So, you're an architect.

W: Yes.

M: Do you work for a public or a private organization, or you're self-employed, that is working on you own?

W: I'm working for a private designing construction company.

M: How did you start your career?

W: (23)I started it with the government.

M: Oh, did you? What made you decide to work for the government?

W: Well, it was a matter of chances, really. I saw an advertisement for a vacant position in the newspaper and I thought "why don't you try it". In fact, I have no preferences where I work, public or private.

M: And do you still have this idea, or…

W: More or less, yes. Although I'm now working with a private firm, I worked for the government for about three years. It was all right. Of course, there is the bureaucracy that one has to put up with but that's no that bad. If you don't mind bureaucratic wheels turning slowly and things not being as efficient.

M: Mm, ha, and what made you leave the public sector?

W: (25)Money mainly. You see, I got married, and my husband doesn't work, and we wanted to start a family right away. So we thought it might be better if I moved to the private sector. (24)This is why it's hard for me to be self-employed, because self-employed work has a disadvantage that there may be time or a period of time when you are unemployed.


A.A newspaper.

B.The government.

C.A construction firm.

D.A private company.



听力原文:W: You're not going to try to do those dishes before we leave? If we don't pick u
p Cathy and George in 30 minutes, we'll never get to the movies on time.

M: I just don't want to leave a messy kitchen. I think 5 minutes is OK.

Q: Why did the man want to do the dishes?


A.He wanted the kitchen clean.

B.He wanted to see Cathy and George.

C.He don't want to go movies.

D.He must leave in 30 minutes.


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