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听力原文:W: I can't bear it. They may be proud of their new facility, but frankly I'm disa

ppointed. The nurses are not friendly and everything seems to be running behind schedule.

M: Not to mention the fact that it's noisy because no one observes visiting hours.

Q: Where are the two people complaining?


A.At a hotel

B.At a museum.

C.At a new hospital.

D.At a new supermarket.

更多“听力原文:W: I can't bear it. They may be proud of their new facility, but frankly I'm disa”相关的问题


听力原文:W: I wish I hadn't spoken to Brett that way. You know how be can sometimes be.M:

听力原文:W: I wish I hadn't spoken to Brett that way. You know how be can sometimes be.

M: You wouldn't worry about it too much. He's not the type to bear resentment.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.Brett won't try to get revenge.

B.Brett won't be angry anymore.

C.Brett will not always be so busy.

D.Brett will have forgotten the woman's words.



听力原文:M: I was told that you are moving to a new house soon.W: Yes, My present neighbor

听力原文:M: I was told that you are moving to a new house soon.

W: Yes, My present neighbor plays the radio all night long and I can't bear it.

Q: Why is the woman moving?


A.The present house is too old.

B.The new house is more comfortable.

C.The old house is far from her work.

D.She needs a quiet place.



听力原文:M: I hear you are moving to a new apartment. Can you tell me why?W: Actually, I d

听力原文:M: I hear you are moving to a new apartment. Can you tell me why?

W: Actually, I didn't want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But I just can't bear the noise made by people living next door.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The apartment is better furnished.

B.The woman prefers to live in a quiet place.

C.It's less expensive to live in an apartment.

D.The woman's roommate is hard to get along with.



听力原文:W: I can't bear the air pollution in this city any more,It's getting worse and wo
rse,The sky looks grey most of the time.

M: You said it! We’ve never had so many factories before.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.

B.The city was poor because there wasn't much industry then.

C.The woman's exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.

D.He might move to another city very soon.



听力原文:W: Bill is a person who is very shy and quiet. He rarely says a thing. I just can
't bear with him sometimes as he speaks too little.

M: Oh, but his brother Jerry is just the opposite.

Q: What do you know from this conversation about Jerry?


A.Jerry has an open character and is very talkative.

B.Jerry is very shy and quiet.

C.Jerry rarely says a thing about his brother Bill.

D.Jerry never means what he says.



听力原文:W: I can't bear the air pollution in this city any more. It's getting worse and w
orse. The sky looks grey most of the time.

M: You said it! We've never had so many factories before.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He might move to another city very soon.

B.The woman's exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.

C.The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.

D.The city was poor because there wasn't much industry then. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.



听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?W: So, what seems to ha the problem today?M: Well, I just came in

听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?

W: So, what seems to ha the problem today?

M: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning.

W: Hum. Open up. Let's take a look.

M: Okay. Uh...

W: Hum. Wow! I've never seen one like this before. Let me try this.

M: Uhhh...Ouhhhh [Man screaming in pain].

W: Well, there is a major cavity in one of your wisdom teeth. Hasn't this given you any trouble?

M: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I drink something cold. Does it look that bad?

W: Well, we're going to remove the decay, and then we'll either put a filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we can't repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth.

M: Uh, well, that sounds painful!

W: Don't worry. I've done this once before. Nah, just relax.

M: Wait! Aren't you supposed to give me something to dull the pain?

W: Uh, Oh yeah. I almost forget. We can use a local anesthetic to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it.

M: Nah, nah, nah! Put me under! I can't stand pain, and I'd rather not be aware of what's going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that leeks like my other teeth?

W: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. It'll probably last longer.

M: Okay, well, whatever. Let's get it over with.

W: Okay, pleasant dreams. Drill please.


A.He wanted to have a filling replaced.

B.He came in for a dental check up.

C.He came in for some dental advice.

D.He needed to have a tooth pulled.



听力原文:M: Hello. Would you please tell me something about the stock?W: Sure. What do you

听力原文:M: Hello. Would you please tell me something about the stock?

W: Sure. What do you want me to start with?

M: Please start with the explanation of some terms like "a bull" and "a bear".

W: OK. A bull is a situation in which share prices are rising.

M: What about a bear then?

W: A bear is the situation in which share prices keep falling.

M: Oh, I see. But why the prices get rising or falling?

W: If there are more buyers, the price will rise. Otherwise, the price will be lower and lower.

M: How can we make money in the stock market?

W: If you believe the market will go up, you can buy in or hang on. If it turns out to be true, you can make your profit.

M: I heard that some people can earn money out of a bear market. How do they win in such a situation?

W: lf you believe the market will fall down, you can sell your shares and buy back at a lower price. The price difference is your profit.

M: It sounds easy to make money from stock investment.

W: Not at all. When you really invest in stock market, you'll get involved into the whole world.

M: What do you mean by that?

W: To decide which share you'll buy in is quite hard sometimes. You have to consider the market tendency, the growth of the company and you'd better know something about technical analysis.

M: So boring it is. I'd better invest in some fixed interest fields.

W: Certainly you can. You won't suffer from the risks. But your wallet will suffer.

M: What should I do?

W: If you really invest in stock, perhaps you should find a broker.


A.He is a stranger to the stock.

B.He likes the stock very much.

C.He is confident of his investment.

D.He is the student of the woman.



听力原文:W:Dad,can you read this book to me? It's about a bear and a cat that become frien
ds.And let's eat some popcorn and cookies while we're reading.

M:Well,it's bedtime now,and you can't eat things after you brush your teeth.So,here we go.Once upon a time in a dark forest...

Q:When are the two speakers talking?


A.Early in the morning.

B.At noon.

C.In the afternoon.

D.Late in the night.



听力原文:W: (22) I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Ocean Park. We'

听力原文:W: (22) I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Ocean Park. We've only got four days in Hong Kong, remember?

M: Oh, right, well, in that case, I'd advise you to get there early. (22)1t opens at 10 o'clock in the morning on week ends. Look, I think I've got a plan of the place somewhere. Let me see.., yes, here we are. You can have this.

W: Thanks.

M: OK, I'll show you. Let's start with the lower level. See? Here? You arrive by taxi or bus or whatever here, on the right, can you see? That's the bus terminal. And you go in through the main entrance. (23)Yon could go to the Water world first but I think you'd better skip that as you're short of time.

W: I can see the cable cars.

M: OK, walk past the cable car terminal, at the bottom of the plan, (24)and bear right past the Waterfall Gardens. Actually? have a look in, there are ducks and other birds in the pool there-it's very pretty. Then you'll see some steps u p on the left. Follow that path and you'll come to the Centenary Garden which is a good place to stop and take pictures if you've got your camera.

W: What's the next place?

M: Then carry on until you're almost at the Children Zoo. It takes quite a long time to walk around. But I do recommend the "touch and feed" section opposite, as I said. (25)The fun fair is very interesting? but it’s great fun for older children.


A.The Waterfall Garden.

B.The theatre.

C.The Water World.

D.The Ocean Park.


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