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We don’t have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, w

hen we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take them wherever we’ve chosen to sleep.

On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the spaceplane; the shuttle’s computers and the engineers at Mission Control do that. If anything goes wrong, the computers ring an alarm and the engineers call us on the radio.

On the space shuttle, sleep-time doesn’t mean nighttime. During each ninety-minute orbit the sun “rises ” and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes; then it “ sets ” as our path takes us around the dark side of the earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks.

It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut sleeps differently. Some sleep upside down, some right side up. When it’s time to sleep, I take my bag, my sleep mask, and my tape player with earphones and float up to the flight deck. Then I crawl into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go by beneath me.

36、When it’s bedtime, astronauts pull their sleeping bags ________ .

A.near the windows

B.in the flight deck

C.above the seats

D.in any place they like

37、“Watch over” in para. 2 has the closest meaning to ________ .

A.take care of


C.look at

D.pay attention to

38、How long does it take for the space shuttle to go round the Earth?

A.Twenty-four hours

B.Fifty minutes

C.Ninety minutes

D.Nineteen minutes

39、According the passage, in order to get comfortable and fall asleep in space, it is necessary to ________ .

A.wear a sleep mask

B.listen to music

C.sleep upside down

D.sleep sideways

40、The best title for this passage is ________ .

A.bedtime doesn’t mean nighttime

B.sleeping in space

C.orbiting the Sun

D.sleeping on the space shuttle

更多“We don’t have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, w”相关的问题


听力原文:Rachel: What enormous twin beds! And look at those huge pillows on them! Let me t
ry the beds. Oh, the mattress feels too soft for my liking!

Lin: Look at the toiletries in the bathroom — shampoo, bath-foam, even a shower hat!

Rachel: Look at that small device on the wall of the bathroom. What's that?

Lin: Oh, it must be a hair drier. I wonder how it works. Oh, it starts when you remove it!

Rachel: You'd better put it back.

Lin: I guess so.

Rachel: Let's go and see the room again. Look, there's a balcony with some chairs on it. Wow! Look, what a wonderful view!

Lin: Yes, —look at that huge container ship! It must be heading for the harbor. And look at that beautiful cruise ship down there, alongside the quay!

Rachel: What's that in the distance, just behind the container ship? Is it the mainland?

Lin: No, that's an island. The mainland is on the other side of the island, to the north.

Rachel: To have a balcony connected to your room is great. I say, Lin, there's a mini-bar under the TV. Shall we have a drink on the balcony and watch the sunset?

Lin: I don't think we should touch the mini-bar—just look at the prices! Let's freshen up, and then go down to the Rainbow Bar and use our vouchers!

Rachel: Good idea!

Lin: Let's go!

Question : Where does the conversation most probably take place?


A.In a hotel.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a hospital.

D.In a shop.



听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir.M: Good afternoon.W: I wonder if you'd like to answer a fe

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir.

M: Good afternoon.

W: I wonder if you'd like to answer a few questions. We are doing a market survey. It won't take very long.

M: Well, all right.

W: Well, it is a question about your sleeping habits.

M: Sleeping habits?

W: Yes. Just a few questions.

M: Well, I suppose that's all right. Well. What do you want to know?

W: Right. How much time every day do you spend making the bed?

M: Well, I don't make the bed. My wife makes the bed. She's always made the bed. I don't think men should be making beds, do you?

W: Yes, I agree with you. Does she spend a long time doing it?

M: She makes a lot of fuss about making the bed, but not very long. I suppose about a minute or so.

W: What do you do before you go to bed in the evening?

M: That's a bit difficult, isn't it? I suppose I read novels. Sometimes, you know talk and mess around.

W: What is the bed like when you wake up in the morning?

M: All wrinkled. I am quite a sleeper.

W: Your wife isn't?

M: No, her side of the bed's always in much more of a mess than mine.

W: I see. Do you sleep well at night?

M: No trouble at all.

W: But if you have a problem or if you can't sleep, what do you do?

M: If I have a problem? Well, I try not to think about it I suppose.

W: You don't have a method for falling asleep?

M: Well, you mean the old counting sheep and that?

W: Yes.

M: No, I just try and think of something else you know.

W: I see and do you wake up sometimes in the middle of the night?

M: No, never. Unless somebody comes to the door or the telephone rings, no, never.

W: And what do you do if you hear a strange noise at night?

M: I'd go down and have a look round.

W: Very brave.

M: No, I'd just he angry I think, being disturbed, worried about the house, you know. And my wife looks after children.

W: A responsible husband.

M: Thank you.

W: Right.

M: Goodbye.

W: Goodbye.


A.They are talking about making the bed.

B.They are doing a market survey.

C.They are talking about reading novels.

D.They are discussing about recent violence matters.



听力原文:W: I don't think we should have told Jack about the surprise party for Mary.M: It

听力原文:W: I don't think we should have told Jack about the surprise party for Mary.

M: It's all right. He promised not to tell, and he doesn't make promises lightly.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Jack didn't make any promise to Mary.

B.Jack and Mary have no secrets from each other.

C.Jack will keep the surprise party a secret.

D.Jack has arranged a surprise party for Mary.



听力原文:W: We don't seem to have a reservation for you,sir. I'm sorry.M: But my secretary

听力原文:W: We don't seem to have a reservation for you,sir. I'm sorry.

M: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?


A.At the airport.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a hooking office.

D.At the hotel reception.



听力原文:W: I heard we're going to have phone numbers for each room of this dorm.M: Not so

听力原文:W: I heard we're going to have phone numbers for each room of this dorm.

M: Not so fast, we still don't know how much the line instillation will cost, do we?

Q: What does the man mean?


A.There will not be phones in the dorm.

B.The phones will be slow.

C.They need more information to be sure.

D.They don't know how. many lines they need.



听力原文:W: Where shall we spend our holidays this year, Tom? Going away or staying at hom

M: We're definitely going abroad, dear. But I don't think we'll go away in May. I doubt if we'll have enough money saved up by then.

Q: Why can't the couple go abroad in May?


A.Because they have some financial problems.

B.Because they will be much rain in May.

C.Because they won't have free time in May.

D.Because they can't have everything got ready by then.



听力原文:W: It's really a big problem to teach our children how to behave. When I'm angry,
I say things I don't mean.

M: If you want your kids to be polite, you have to be polite to them.

Q: What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?


A.Children learn by example.

B.Children must not tell lies.

C.Children don't like discipline.

D.Children must control their temper.



听力原文:M: We're having a debate on advertising Thursday evening and I have to take part.

W: That's interesting. I should like to hear what people think about advertising.

M: [19] What's there to say? We must have advertising, mustn't we?

W: Why?

M: Well, [19] we wouldn't know what there was to buy if we didn't have advertisements.

W: Yes, that's true up to a point. Advertisements provide information that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally, the seller wants to tell us about it.

M: Yes. And the advertisements tell us which product is the best.

W: Do they? I don't think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best or at least tries to give the impression. [20] Only one can be the best, so the others are misleading, aren't they?

M: Well, in a way, I suppose. But we don't have to believe them, do we?

W: Are you saying that advertisements aren't effective? I don't think that intelligent businessmen will spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believes the advertisements, do you?

M: Perhaps not. But after all, it's their money that they are spending.

W: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. [21] You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising.

M: Well, I suppose we get something for our money… some information.

W: Yes, [20] but don't forget it's often misleading information, and sometimes harmful.

M: Harmful?

W: What about advertisements designed to persuade young people to smoke cigarettes? Wouldn't you say they are harmful?

M: You've given me a lot to think about. I'm quite looking forward to the debate now.








听力原文:W:Where shall we spend our holidays this year,Tome Going away or staying at home?

M:We're definitely going abroad,dear.But I don't think we'll go away in May.I doubt if we'll have enough money saved up by then.

Q:Why can't the couple go abroad in May?


A.Because they have some financial problems.

B.Because there will be much rain in May.

C.Because they won't have free time in May.

D.Because they can't have everything got ready by then.



听力原文:M: We don't have the resources to stop those people from buying us out unless a m
iracle happens. This may be the end of us.

W: I still have hope we can get help from the bank. After all we don't need that much money.

Q: What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?


A.They are in desperate need of financial assistance.

B.They hope to do miracles with limited resources.

C.They want to borrow a huge sum from the bank.

D.They plan to buy out their business partners.



听力原文:W: I don't think we have enough information for our presentation, but we have to
give it tomorrow. There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it.

M: Yeah, at this point we'll have to make do with what we've got.

Q: What does the man suggest they do?


A.Just make use of whatever information is available.

B.Put more effort into preparing for the presentation.

C.Find more relevant information for their work.

D.Simply raise the issue in their presentation.


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