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听力原文:W: 45 - 21 - 64. Bonjour (French). M: Is that the Saint -Martine Hotel?W: Oui (Fr

听力原文:W: 45 - 21 - 64. Bonjour (French).

M: Is that the Saint -Martine Hotel?

W: Oui (French). Yes, it is. Can I help you?

M: Have you got a double room for the night of 23rd July?

W: One moment please. I'll just have a look. Yes, we have got a double room on that date.

M: Has it got a double bed or two singles?

W: Two singles, monsieur,

M: And is that with or without bath?

W: It's a room with shower and toilet, monsieur.

M: That sounds fine. Is there a TV?

W: Could you repeat that, please?

M: Is there a color television in the room?

W: Yes, but of course. And a video, if you choose.

M: How much will it be for one night?

W: About four hundred francs.

M: And what does that include?

W: It includes morning newspaper continental breakfast and service.

M: Where is the nearest metro?

W: Opera, monsieur. It's only five minutes from here.

M: And is there an extra charge for children?

W: If the child is under sixteen and we put an extra bed in your room, the charge is seventy- five francs. Do you want the room?

M: Yes, for one night-23rd July.

W: Oui, monsieur. May I have your name, please?

M: Actually, it's for my wife and two daughters Mrs. Jean Gordon, Linda and Maggie. W: Yes, monsieur. So you need an extra bed.


A.A room with a single bed.

B.A double room with two single beds.

C.A room with a double bed and a single bed.

D.A double room and two double beds.

更多“听力原文:W: 45 - 21 - 64. Bonjour (French). M: Is that the Saint -Martine Hotel?W: Oui (Fr”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Don't take too long at the snack bar. It's a quarter past 12.M: It's OK. We ha

听力原文:W: Don't take too long at the snack bar. It's a quarter past 12.

M: It's OK. We have 45 minutes before the plane leaves.

Q: At what time is their departure scheduled?








听力原文:W:I'm going to take a blood test at 7:45 tomorrow morning.M:In that case, you won

听力原文:W:I'm going to take a blood test at 7:45 tomorrow morning.

M:In that case, you won't miss any course tomorrow morning then.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman will attend her course at 7:45.

B.The woman will be late for the blood test.

C.The woman will have her blood tested before the first class.

D.The woman decides to miss the first class for her blood test.



听力原文:M: What a morning! My train usually takes 45 minutes but today it took me over an
hour to get to campus.

W: I saw signs in the station that construction will be going on for the next three months.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.Professor Smith was quite angry with the man

B.The train the man took was an hour late.

C.The train the man took was held up by the construction.

D.The woman quite understood the man's being late.



听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Mr. Peterson. (19) I've drafted a schedule for your business t

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Mr. Peterson. (19) I've drafted a schedule for your business trip to America and I'm calling to consult with you to get it right.

M: Good, please go ahead.

W: I've managed to book you a flight for New York at the time you wanted. (21) It will take off at 9:00 a. m. next Tuesday and land in New York at 11: 40 p.m. Mr. Anderson will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Welson Hotel. (20) It is said to be the most reputable hotel in New York. I've booked a suite for you there.

M: That sounds great !

W: On Wednesday morning, you'll have an interview with Mr. Smith, the general manager of New York branch. And in the afternoon, you are going to the New Product Exhibition. Next morning, you will visit their factory.

M: OK. (21) Then I shall go to Detroit on Thursday afternoon. Is that right?

W. (21) Yes, in that case, you will have to go there by train. It will take you about six hours from New York to Detroit.

M. All right.

W: OK. You are also invited to attend the banquet at their headquarters on Friday evening. Then on Saturday morning, you will fly straight back at 11:30.

M. Wow, it is really a tight schedule. (22) By the way, what's the weather will be like in New York and Detroit during next week?

W: (22) Well, I will cheek and call you hack, OK?

M: Sure. Thank you!


A.To ask permission to go to America.

B.To confirm his business trip schedule.

C.To ask how to draft a schedule.

D.To consult her business trip.



听力原文:W: I can't bear the air pollution in this city any more. It's getting worse and w
orse. The sky looks grey most of the time.

M: You said it! We've never had so many factories before.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He might move to another city very soon.

B.The woman's exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.

C.The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.

D.The city was poor because there wasn't much industry then. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.



听力原文:W: Hey! (19)You got a new television.M: Yeah! It was delivered yesterday. What do

听力原文:W: Hey! (19)You got a new television.

M: Yeah! It was delivered yesterday. What do you think of it?

W: It's huge. It practically takes up the entire side of the room.

M: I know. You don't think it's well, do you?

W: I didn't say that. I mean, if you enjoy it, why not? What happened to your old TV, anyhow?

M: It just stopped working last Friday. It was pretty old and didn't work well. I thought I can afford it. Why not get a new one?

W: It must have been expensive?

M: Well, not as much as you might think. I got it on sale for 50% off.

W: Really? Where?

M: At the stereo city on Route 20. You know at first I just wanted to replace what I had. A TV of about the same size and quality. But the salesman there was pushing these because of the 50% off.

W: Yeah. But 50% off what?

M: 2,400 dollars.

W: You spent $1,200 on a TV?

M: It's got a lot of special features. Look at this remote control.

W: I'm sure. But that's still a lot of money for a television. I don't think you watch TV that much.

M: WelI,I don't. (21) De you think I ought to return it? If I do it within a week of purchase, I can get my money back.

W: (21) Honestly, yes. (20) I think you ought to read up on TV's first and choose the model you want before you go to the store. That way you will get what you want.

M: (21) I think you are right.


A.A popular television program.

B.A breakthrough in technology.

C.A recent purchase.

D.A new electronics store.



听力原文:W: What are you reading now?M: I'm looking at this beauty in the picture. Look! S

听力原文:W: What are you reading now?

M: I'm looking at this beauty in the picture. Look! She's really pretty, isn't she? Her skin looks so smooth!

W: (19)Well, it's just that she puts lots of make-up on her face. Actually, natural beauty comes from within. And you know nowadays the camera work is so artificial.

M: Ah, yeah, I can smell jealousy in the air!

W: Oh. no She has nothing that deserves my jealousy. I don't have to put things on my face and I still look pretty. Don't you think so?

M: Yeah. right! But what did you put on your face lust night. those little greenish things?

W: They're cucumbers

M: What? know that cucumber is a kind of vegetable rich in vitamin A. How is it used on the skincare?

W: Well, (20) it is a fashion nowadays that women tend to use the natural vegetables on the skincare, And they are much better than any chemical products.

M: Really? Then what does the cucumber do for you?

W: They're natural skin smoothers, natural healers of the skin. Haven't you heard that... er... (21)Cucumber goes far beyond mere tightening the skin? In fact, cucumbers have been used as a dry skin remedy for centuries, and(21)they are also effective in the treatment of other skin problems.

M: I have got a scar on my cheek. Can the cucumber do something about it?

M: It sounds reasonable. Actually there is much knowledge needed for the skincare.


A.She appreciates a lot about the skin of the beauty.

B.She shows jealousy about the beauty.

C.She shows satisfaction to the picture.

D.Make-up can turn the ugly to be the beauty.



听力原文:M: What're you doing up so early, Anna? (19) Have you decided to take up jogging

听力原文:M: What're you doing up so early, Anna? (19) Have you decided to take up jogging in the park like me?

W: No, Mike. You know I really can't stand jogging. I've joined a yoga class at our local fitness center. I hear it's a great way to stay fit. Want to join me?

M: No way! Yoga is for girls. I'd rather do some weights at the gym than (21) distort my body into painful postures.

W: Come on, there's more to yoga than that! (20) It's perfect for physical and spiritual well-being. It also helps your body become more flexible.

M: No thanks—I think all of this is (21) just a moneymaking trick. I'm telling you Anna, don't buy into it!

W: Mike, we just learn three new postures every day and do some meditation. My yoga coach is going to teach us about breathing today. Did you know that we don't even breathe properly anymore?

M: Count me out! I don't need anyone to tell me how to breathe! Just because celebrities are doing yoga, everyone's running after it.

W: That's not true! You're always reluctant to try something new. Give it a chance~you might enjoy it.

M: Okay, but (22) only if you promise I would end up with a body like what exactly Stallone has got!


A.Doing yoga.


C.Doing some weights.

D.Learning breathing.



听力原文:W: What should I get Uncle Teddy?M: You could get him a tie.W: Are you kidding? (

听力原文:W: What should I get Uncle Teddy?

M: You could get him a tie.

W: Are you kidding? (19)That's the stupidest Christmas gift one can buy. I don't want to get a tie. (20)Everybody gets men ties for Christmas. It's too boring. I want a more unique gift.

M: Well, you can buy him a pet frog then.

W: That's a cool idea. At least it would be a surprise. But I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of it.

M: How much do you want to spend?

W: Well, he was very good to me. He helped me edit my essay for the scholarship contest. So I want to spend at least 75 dollars.

M: Alright, I have an idea. You know he carries that conservative-looking briefcase every day. (21)I think he would appreciate having a very fine leather bag. You know, not so hard and square like a briefcase.

W: (21)I think that's a great idea. Men look great with that kind of bag. Where can we buy one?

M: I don't think this mall has a leather goods store. So we have to go to State Street.

W: Alright. We can go later then.

M: We can buy something for Mom and Dad here, and then go buy Uncle Teddy's gift on State Street.

W: Good plan. What should we get for Mom though?

M: She said she wants one of those automatic foot massagers. I think they sell them at Sears.

W: Alright. And what about Dad?

M: How about a pipe? He would sure love it.

W: Wonderful! Since we've decided what to buy, let's get started!


A.New Year gifts.

B.Birthday gifts.

C.Christmas gifts.

D.Thanksgiving gifts.


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