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听力原文:Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing wha

听力原文: Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school graduates face so much competition that they seldom care what they do so long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it, others move from one job to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectations. Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institutions. Nearly all grope in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what the salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependents with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and, in many. ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interests.

In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interests. Nothing is more sad than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also waste your. talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck and a bitter person.


A.Because they want to earn high salary.

B.Because schools do not teach students how to choose jobs.

C.Because there has been severe competitioI1 in the job market.

D.Because they have no working experience.

更多“听力原文:Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing wha”相关的问题


听力原文:Yuppies are young people who cam a lot of money and live in a style. that is too

听力原文: Yuppies are young people who cam a lot of money and live in a style. that is too expensive for most people. If you are invited to a yuppie dinner party, don't be surprised if you are offered freshly-cooked insects as a first course. While the idea of eating fried insects fills most of us with horror, insect eating is becoming highly fashionable. For example, in the media industry, successful executives are often seen to eat fried or boiled insects from time to time while working at their desks. These safe-to-eat insects can be found and ordered on the Internet. And young people are logging on to exotic food websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties. Although the idea of eating insects is probably disgusting to most of us, few people would claim that pigs, chickens and some kinds of seafood we often eat are examples of great beauty. One day insects could be marketed and sold as a food item in supermarkets.' According to their fans, they are not only high in protein and low in fat, but also very tasty. But until our attitudes to food change fundamentally, it seems that insect eaters will remain a select few.


A.Because we might be offered a dish of insects.

B.Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served.

C.Because some yuppies like to horrify guests with insects as food.

D.Because we might meet many successful executives in the media industry.



听力原文:W: Bob, Have you seen any movies recently?M: Yes, I've seen a few.W: Have you not

听力原文:W: Bob, Have you seen any movies recently?

M: Yes, I've seen a few.

W: Have you noticed any people smoking in the movies?

M: I wasn't paying special attention to that, but I am sure I saw some actors and even actresses smoke in movies.

W: The World Health Organization says young people are likely to think smoking is a good thing if they see actors smoke, and that cigarette companies use movies to sell more tobacco, especially to young people.

M: That's true. Mass media may have some negative effects on viewers.

W: Now, people are calling for moviemakers to remove cigarettes from their films.

M: Do you think it's necessary? Movies reflect social reality, after all. If the actors never smoke in films, the films may seem unreal.

W: You know, the W-H-O estimates that tobacco kills five million people a year, and that number is growing.

M: That's terrible, but do you think we can attribute it solely to the movies or to other media as well?

W: At least partly. In many countries, including India and the United States, it is illegal to try to sell tobacco on television.

M: But it is legal to show smoking and cigarettes in the movies.

W: Yes, it is reported that tobacco companies even give famous actors a free lifetime supply of cigarettes. These actors often have good-looking bodies. That makes young people think smoking will be good for their health.

M: Too bad. That's really misleading.

W: Sure, perhaps, a law should be passed that there shouldn't be too much smoking in mass media.

M: Absolutely.


A.Movies play an important role in persuading young people not to smoke.

B.Movies fail to reflect social reality and need improvement in this respect.

C.Movies are in many ways competing with TV to gain young viewers.

D.Movies partly contribute to the increasing number of young smokers.



听力原文:Lions are opportunists. They prefer to eat without having to do too much work. Wh

听力原文: Lions are opportunists. They prefer to eat without having to do too much work. When resting in the shade, they are also watching the sky to see what is flying by, and even in the heat of the day they will suddenly start up and run a mile across the plains to find out what is going on. If another animal has made a kill, they will drive it off and take the kill for themselves. A grown lion can easily eat 60 pounds of meat at a single feeding. Often they eat until it seems painful for them to lie down. The lionesses(the females), being thinner and faster, are better hunters than the males. But the males don't mind. After the kill they move in and take the best share.

Most kills are made at night or just before daybreak. We have seen many, many daylight attempts but only ten kills. Roughly, it's about twenty daytime attempts for one kill.

When lions are hiding for an attack by a water hole, they wait patiently and can charge at any second. The kill is the exciting moment in the day-to-day life of the lion, since these great animals spend most of their time, about 20 hours a day, sleeping and resting.

Lions are Social cats, and when they are having a rest, they love to touch each other. After drinking at a water hole, a lioness rests her head on another's back. When walking, young lions often touch faces with older ones, an act of close ties among members of the group.


A.Because lions are cruel animals.

B.Because lions are clever animals.

C.Because lions like to take every chance to eat.

D.Because lions like to take advantage of other animals.



听力原文:Throughout history, sports have played an important role in society. Not only hav

听力原文: Throughout history, sports have played an important role in society. Not only have they been a source of entertainment for both the player and the spectator, but they have served as a pleasurable way of ensuring the physical fitness of citizens of all ages.

The popularity of different sports varies from one country to another. Factors such as tradition, climate and cost obviously influence the types of sports that are played by both amateur and professional athletes in various countries. Contrary to winter sports like ice hockey and downhill skiing, table tennis, badminton and fishing, for example, do not require expensive equipment or expensive sports facilities.

Television has increased the popularity of sports like football, basketball, tennis and golf. Millions of men and women all over the world watch live broadcasts of the Olympic Games and the World Cup, for example. Star athletes become the topic of conversation, and often serve as models of courage and determination. The re cord-breaking accomplishments of many athletes are inspirational examples of men and women approaching the limits of human endeavor. Although their performances have been enhanced by major improvements in equipment and training, these sports stars usually deserve the glory and celebrity status they receive.

However, many educators feel that too much emphasis has been placed on the development of professional athletes. Physical education teachers often stress the importance of competitive sports for all young people, not just a select few of the excellent ones. They point out that sports help channel energy in a positive way and contribute to the development of determination and self-discipline. All boys and girls, irrespective of their athletic abilities, should be able to benefit from the joys and disappointments of competitive sports.




C.Table tennis.

D.Ice hockey.



听力原文:One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people ha

听力原文: One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own lifestyles. In more traditional societies, when children grow up,. they are expected to live in the same area as their parent, to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family home at an early age, marry--or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents.

In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the diversion between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.

Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society, the knowledge of a lifetime may become dated overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.








听力原文:W: I wanted so badly to be independent, and now I could pay my own way.M: But you

听力原文:W: I wanted so badly to be independent, and now I could pay my own way.

M: But you have to be fed three meals a day!

What does the woman mean?


A.he man is old enough to be independent.

B.The man is still too young to be independent.

C.The man never cooks for the family.

D.The man should learn to be independent as rapidly as possible.



听力原文:M: Do you think young people are given too much freedom nowadays, and that as a r
esult they've lost respect for their parents and their elders generally?

W: I don't think so. My parents never interfered with my plans too much. They advised me but never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. I was allowed to take up the career that I liked. I think I respect and love them more for this.

M: Are you quite independent of them now?

W: Yes. Since I left school and started my studies as a nurse, I've become independent financially. I have a government grant which is enough for my keep. But I still stay with them a lot, as you know.

M: You seem very close to your parents.

W: I am. I know that many young people today say they have nothing in common with their parents but I'm rather lucky because I get on very well with mine. What about you?

M: Well, we value family life very much in our country. I'm very fond of my family, but I don't always get on very well with them. They try to control me too much.

W: But they allowed you to come to study in England on your own!

M: Yes, but only after a lot of persuasion! Your parents treat you as an adult; mine treat me as a child.

W: As I said, I'm lucky. Some English parents are like yours. They interfere too much and they're out of sympathy with our generation.

M: That's really a problem.

W: Maybe it's just because of a lack of communication.


A.They show great respect to their parents.

B.They always do what their parents ask them to do.

C.They are very close to their parents.

D.They often disregard their parents' opinions.



听力原文:W: Why is Bob so tired and upset?M: He's been studying day and night for his fina

听力原文:W: Why is Bob so tired and upset?

M: He's been studying day and night for his final exams. I warned him many times to prepare earlier, but he wouldn't listen.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Bob is too tired to study any more.

B.He told Bob not to study late at night.

C.He had often advised Bob to study.

D.Bob didn't hear the alarm.



听力原文:W: Well, we heard some people just now who seem to feel that other people have a
wrong idea about the work they do. Do you think this sort of thing is very widespread?

M: Oh absolutely. Most jobs or professions seem to have an image or a stereotype attached to them, often much to the irritation of the job holders. But there is a serious point to all this, too, that maybe young people actually choose their careers under the influence of these false images. And certainly, there is evidence that they may even avoid certain careers because they have a negative image. Well, on a large scale, as you can imagine, this could cause problems for whole sectors of the economy.

W: Err, you say there's evidence?

M: Oh most definitely. There was a survey recently into children's attitudes to different professions.

W: How was that done, though? Because, after all, children don't know much about the world of work before they get into it.

M: Well, exactly. What the investigators wanted to get at was their impressions and their prejudices. They used a very simple technique. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements. In each pair one statement was positive, the other was its opposite.

W: I see. What professions did they ask about?

M: Do you really want the whole list? It's huge!


A.He is a scientist.

B.He is a sociologist.

C.He is an officer.

D.He is a boss.



听力原文:Millions of words have been written about young people in the United States. Ther

听力原文: Millions of words have been written about young people in the United States. There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings, and actions of youth. Today, there are about seven million Americans in colleges and universities. Young persons under twenty-five make up nearly half of the American population. Many of these will soon be in charge of the nation. Naturally their ideas are important to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to understand what they think and feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong. They are deeply interested in making a better life for all people, especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before now. They see much that is wrong on the lives of their parents. It is hard for them to see what is right and good in the older ways. As a result, there is often trouble in American families. Your country may be meeting such problems, soon.


A.American Social Problems.

B.American Youth.

C.Schools in the United States.

D.Adults and Teenagers Together.


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