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听力原文:W: Well. I see you've got your rod and reel. Look at them, they are so nice and I

guess the price is not low.

M: Yes, and as soon as I get my bait, I'll be on my way. Also the weather is good.

Q: What is the man most probably going to do?


A.He is going driving.

B.He is going shopping.

C.He is going blowing.

D.He is going fishing.

更多“听力原文:W: Well. I see you've got your rod and reel. Look at them, they are so nice and I”相关的问题


听力原文:M: It seems to me that I can't find Uncle David's house. It's not far from here,

W: Why not call him? He surely is familiar with here.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She knows where it is.

B.She wants to go to the park.

C.He should get help in finding the way.

D.He can't see the place very well.



听力原文:M: Well. I can see you're enjoying the meal. but you don't have to eat like a hor
se! There's plenty in the pot.

W: I haven't had a decent home-cooked meal for ages. The cafeteria food is in such a state that I can hardly digest it. Unless I'm starving, of course.

M: What does the woman imply about the cafeteria food?


A.The cafeteria food is very bad.

B.The cafeteria food is so scarce.

C.The cafeteria food is quite delicious.

D.The cafeteria food is much like home-cooked meal.



听力原文:W: If you open Cindy's closet. you'll see most of her shirts are bright in color.

M: Well. I believe that's the trend these days. You won't miss those kinds of designs in the shopping malls now. Cindy love to wear clothes in the height of fashion.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The shopping malls are full of different designs.

B.Cindy is fond of fashionable clothes.

C.Shirts in bright color are out of date.

D.Cindy's closet is well designed.



听力原文:W: Oh, I can't put up with things here. When you turn on Mexican televisions, it'
s like watching Swedish TV: everyone is blond.

M: That's true in the U. S. as well. What you see on television is a very distorted picture of American life.

Q: Wheree is the woman most probably from?


A.She is from Sweden.

B.She is from Switzerland.

C.She is from the United States.

D.She is from Mexico.



听力原文:W: Hi, Don, would you like to go swimming this afternoon?M: I wish I could, but I

听力原文:W: Hi, Don, would you like to go swimming this afternoon?

M: I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have a ten-page paper due tomorrow.

W: Oh, is that for Prof. Lowell's class?

M: Yes, I have to do an analysis of a poem we read in class.

W: That's hard. How is it going so far?

M: Not very well. And I also have to study a lot for math and history. I don't know how I'm going to do it all.

W: You know, Don, I've been doing well in math, so I'd be happy to help you.

M: Oh, that will be great, Jenny.

W: If you like, we can start after I come back from swimming.

M: OK. I'll see you in front of the library.

W: Gook luck with the poem.


A.He must speak with Professor Lowell.

B.He has to take a math test.

C.He's going to a conference.

D.He has to finish a paper.



听力原文:W: What on earth did you do to your eyes?M: Oh, nothing. It looks a lot worse tha

听力原文:W: What on earth did you do to your eyes?

M: Oh, nothing. It looks a lot worse than it feels.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't see very well.

B.He's not feeling well.

C.His eye doesn't hurt very much.

D.His eye isn't healing very quickly.



听力原文:W: What did you think of the movie? Did you like it?M: Net molly, it was a little

听力原文:W: What did you think of the movie? Did you like it?

M: Net molly, it was a little too artsy for me. It seemed like the director was trying so hard to impress us with strange close-ups and avant-garde dialogues that he forgot to include a story. I thought it was really boring.

W: I thought the movie was really thought-provoking, I love it when a movie makes you think. It's a nice change from the superficial dialogue and two-dimensional characters you usually see in films these days.

M: I don't really care for alternative films. They are so dark and depressing. The characters are always so intense. Why does a movie have to be sad to be deep?

W: Yeah, I know what you mean, but mainstream cinema is nothing but gun fights and exploding cars. I get so sick of movies like that. I prefer movies with substance.

M: But sometimes you don't want to think; sometimes you just want a light movie. Like that comedy movie with Billy Crystal—that was so hilarious. I laughed so hard that I cried.

W: Movies have to be more than entertaining to me.

M: Did you see that new mystery movie that came out last month? That was so suspenseful. 1 was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

W: I loved that movie. The plot was great, and the acting was incredible. I wouldn't be surprised if it were nominated for an Academy Award.

M: Well. at least we agree on something. I guess we'll have to stick to mysteries in the future.


A.The close-ups are perfect.

B.The dialogues are easy to understand.

C.It's not boring at all.

D.It doesn't tell any story.



听力原文:W: What a terrific drawing, Mark! I didn't know you could paint.M: Well. I'm just

听力原文:W: What a terrific drawing, Mark! I didn't know you could paint.

M: Well. I'm just learning. It's one piece of work for my oil painting class.

W: It's pretty good for a beginner. I think your teacher will definitely give this painting a full mark.

M: I hope so. (23) But you see, last time I had a dispute with my definitely give this painting a full mark. work at all.

M: Look here in the picture. My teacher insisted that it just needed to fill in with other colors of painting. But I think the sky should be blue.

W: Well. it depends Sometimes it is blue and sometimes it isn't, as sunset can be full reds and purples.

W: (24)How about light brown color?

M: Oh, yeah. Added some light brown to the sky, it will turn out to be full reds and purples. great! You must have taken many painting courses before.

W: Well, (25) I haven't accepted any painting training before. But I'd love to visit art museums. Each time I go abroad, the art center of the destination country is a quite necessary place for my visiting.

M: Wow, then what kind of painting do you like most? Oil painting?

W: Frankly speaking, I prefer using water colors. I don't like the smell of oil paints.


A.The teacher appreciated his painting very much.

B.The teacher advise Mark to change the color.

C.They had a dispute about the choice of color.

D.Mark was severely scolded by the teacher.



听力原文:W:Hi.May I help you?M:Yeah.Um,you see,I need some flowers for my wife,and uh,and,

听力原文:W:Hi.May I help you?

M:Yeah.Um,you see,I need some flowers for my wife,and uh,and,you know,I...

W:Let me guess.(22)You forget your anniversary, and you're trying to make things up, right?

M:(22)Oh.Yeah,is it that obvious?

W:Well,yeah.We see men like you all the time that are so involved in their work that they simply forget about us. M:Well,in this case,it's not like that.

W:Sure.What do you need?

M:Well,uh,I'd like to get a dozen roses and a very nice card。

W:Do you really think a dozen roses are going to cut it?


W:I mean,if my husband forgot our anniversary,(23)he would need at least two dozen roses, a dozen balloons, and a romantic evening at an expensive restaurant to get my forgiveness.

M:Well,thanks for your advice.Do you have balloons,by the way?

w:We only have flowers.But(24)you can get some in May's Grocery right at the corner.It's just between Susie's Barand Jack's Restaurant.

M:Thanks again.So give two dozens roses,please.

w:Which color of roses do you want? (25)The red roses are $10 a dozen, yellow roses $9, pink $8,and white $10.Well,I strongly recommend the red ones;women all like them.They stand for passion and eternal love.

M:Well.(25)I would prefer a dozen white roses and a dozen pink ones.They are her favorite colors.

W:I see.Let me wrap the flowers for you.and we will offer you a free card.


A.Because it is his wife's birthday today.

B.Because it is their wedding anniversary today.

C.Because he wants to surprise his wife.

D.Because he wants to apologize to his wife.



听力原文:W: Hello, I'm Jenny Johnson. How are you this morning?M: Hello! Doctor Johnson. I

听力原文:W: Hello, I'm Jenny Johnson. How are you this morning?

M: Hello! Doctor Johnson. I can't say I'm feeling well. I have a pain and swelling in my knee.

W: What kind of pain is it?

M: It is a dull ache. But sometimes the pain is constant, and disturbs my sleep.

W: How long have you been feeling pain in your knee?

M: For about two years. But recently, I feel pain in my fingers.

W: Have you had any swelling in your fingers?

M: Yes, a little.

W: How about your Wrist or toes?

M: No, only my knees and fingers. The pain becomes worse when the weather changes, like in cloudy or wet weather.

W: OK. Let me see your blood test report first.

M: How is it?

W: Not very bad.

M:Do I have to have an operation?

W: No, I don't think so. I'll prescribe some Chinese traditional medicine. Also yon need a treatment with rays below the red in the spectrum.

M: Do I have to come here every day for the treatment?

W: Not every day. Can you come three times a week? A course of treatment includes 20 times, so you have to come for the treatment 3 times a week for 7 weeks.

M: How long does each treatment take?

W: 30 minutes.

M: OK. I'll do that.

W: When you are at home, use these hot water pads as often as possible. Put it over your knees. Try to avoid using cold water.

M: OK. Thank you, Doctor.

W: You're welcome.


A.His knee, and fingers ache.

B.His wrist and toes ache.

C.He can't sleep very well.

D.His blood pressure is high.


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