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Why is it not 100% true about the 2012 Census Bureau report‘s finding?


A. Because marriage is for everyone, even poor people.

B. Because the finding doesn"t apply to 20-somethings rich bachelors.

C. Because the richer men are, the more likely they are to get married.

D. Because marriage is something you can only buy at a Tiffany"s store.

更多“Why is it not 100% true about the 2012 Census Bureau report‘s finding?”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.M: Why not? School

听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.

M: Why not? School started last week.

W: I really don't know. Maybe the professor ordered them late, or the publisher ran out of them and they are on back order.

M: This is awful. I'm worried about this course anyway. I didn't do that well in chemistry in high school.

W: I know what you mean. Did you check the used book section?

M: Yes. No luck there.

W: Okay. Look, why don't you go over to the library? I'll bet that the professor put at least one copy on reserve.

M: Do you think so? That would be great. At least I could make copies of the pages that I need until the books come in. Oh, wait. If there's only one copy, everyone will be trying to do that.

W: True. Well, we do have a bulletin board. You could put a notice up saying that you are looking for a book for Chemistry 100, and maybe someone who has it will want to sell it directly to you. Do you have a phone in the dorm?

M: Yeah. I'll just put my name and phone number on the notice. That's a great idea! Where's the bulletin board?

W: By the T-shirts and clothing near the front door. Oh, and be sure to put down the exact title of the book, too, because they don't always use the same one.

M: Thanks. You've been a big help.


A.A notice on the bulletin board.

B.A book for a class the man is taking.

C.A chemistry class that is being taught.

D.The library reserve desk.



听力原文:W:Why are you so upset? You told me that you picked up 200 dollars on the bus.I t
hought you should be happy.

M:Yes,then another passenger also saw the money,and I gave him a half,but I didn't find that I lost the same amount of money until my returning home.

Q:What happened to the man?


A.He got 200 dollars on the bus.

B.He got 100 dollars at home.

C.He lost 100 dollars on the bus.

D.He lost 200 dollars at home.



听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but (23)the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.M: Why not? Sch

听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but (23)the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.

M: Why not? School started last week.

W: I really don't know. Maybe the professor ordered them late, or the publisher ran out of then and they are on back order.

M: This is awful. I'm worried' about this course anyway. (24) I didn't do that well in chemistry in high school.

W: I know what you mean. Did you check the used book section?

M: Yes. No luck there.

W: Okay. Look, why don't you go over to the library? I'll bet that the professor put at least one copy on reserve.

M: Do you think so? That would be great. At least I could make copies of the pages that I need until the books come in. Oh, wait. If there's only one copy, everyone will be trying to do that.

W: True. Well, we do have a bulletin board. You could put a notice up that you are looking for a book for Chemistry 100, and maybe someone who has it will want to sell it directly to you. Do you have a phone in the dorm?

M: Yeah. (25) I'll just put my name and phone number on the notice. That's a great idea! Where's the bulletin board?

W: By the T-shirts and clothing near the front door. Oh, and be sure to put down the exact title of the book, too, because they don't always use the same one.

M: Thanks. You've been a big help.


A.A notice on the bulletin board.

B.A book for a class the man is taking.

C.A chemistry class that is being taught.

D.The library reserve desk.



听力原文:W: Why are you so upset? You told me that you picked up 200 dollars on the bus. 1
thought you should be happy.

M: Yes, then another passenger also saw the money, and 1 gave him a half, but 1 didn't find that I lost the same amount of money until my returning home.

Q: What happened to the man?


A.He got 100 dollars at home.

B.He lost 200 dollars at home.

C.He got 200 dollars on the bus.

D.He lost 100 dollars on the bus.



There are many reasons _______ I can't help you.







听力原文:If a city ever needed tall buildings in a hurry, it was Chicago in the 1880s. Loc

听力原文: If a city ever needed tall buildings in a hurry, it was Chicago in the 1880s. Located in the center of America's farmland, with rail links to every coast, it was the natural hub of commerce for the entire continent, and one of the fastest growing cities in the country. The great Chicago Fire of 1871 made the need for tall buildings urgent even before the 1880s. The fire raged for two days and wiped out one-third of all the buildings in the city. The fire was so destructive that when Architect William LeBaron Jenney began work on the Home Insurance Building twelve years later, rebuilding was still underway. According to legend, Jenney was working on his design for the Home Insurance Building one afternoon in1883 when a bird began making so much noise that he couldn't concentrate. He got so angry that he grabbed the heaviest book he could find and pounded furiously on the bird's steel-wire cage to shut it up. The cage could have broken after such abuse, Jenney thought afterwards, but it didn't. It didn't even dent. If steel cages were so strong, he realized, why not make buildings out of steel? Why not build the Home Insurance Building with steel? But in the early 1880s, buildings were still rarely taller than six or seven stories, and it wasn't just because people hated slow elevators or climbing stairs, Bricks, the standard construction materials of the time, were too heavy to build much higher than that. To support a tall structure, the lower walls would have to be so thick that there would be little floor left. Besides, why use so many bricks to add just one floor when the same number of bricks could be used to construct an entire building somewhere else? Steel, on the other hand, is so much lighter and can carry so much more weight than brick that you can build more than 100 floors before you run into the same type of problem.


A.They used bricks and they are too heavy.

B.They used bricks that were too expensive.

C.Steel was in short supply.

D.The benefits of steel were unknown to them.



Why _____ you call me when you were in trouble?







In 99 cases out of 100, insomnia(失眠) is caused by a disturbance of the natural sleep rhy

In 99 cases out of 100, insomnia(失眠) is caused by a disturbance of the natural sleep rhythm. The reasons why the rhythm has been disturbed are many and they range from drugs that are being taken to treat a separate medical condition to anxiety. A sudden change in lifestyle. or climate could do it, or just that you’ve fallen into the habit of dozing off(打瞌睡) in front of the television.

Certainly the body must have enough sleep. Tests that deprived people of sleep have proved lack of it can cause fairly rapid physical and mental deterioration(恶化). But on the other hand, it doesn’t need too much. So if you’re sleeping in front of the TV, you won’t sleep soundly at night. Similarly, if you’re holidaying in Spain, and spending your days sleeping on the beach, chances are that you’ll be wide awake at bedtime.

Of course, the problem for my summer insomniacs is that, despite an almost overwhelming urge to put their heads down on their desks in the afternoons, they aren’t getting any extra sleep to compensate for their wakeful nights. For the worst sufferers I sometimes prescribe(开药方) a mild sleeping pill which, after a few nights, reestablishes the body’s natural sleep rhythm, conditioning it to accept the heat.

From the passage, insomnia results from ______.

A.the interrupting of the ordinary sleep pattern

B.being unable to sleep

C.keeping awake at night

D.drugs to treat a special disease

Lack of sleep will lead to ______.A.a sudden change in lifestyle

B.a good condition in body

C.the habit of being sleep in front of the television

D.a quick drop in both body and mind condition

The problem for the author’s insomniacs is that they ______.A.can’t make up for the sleepless nights

B.sleep in the afternoon

C.can have extra sleep at night

D.can never sleep well

A mild sleeping pill can help a person well ______.A.spend time sleeping

B.recover their normal sleep

C.keep awake at night

D.compensate for their missing sleep

It can be inferred that the writer is a ______.A.singer







听力原文:The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once.

听力原文: The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once. (29) Why is it getting so popular? The technology is simple to master and podcasting software is inexpensive, sometimes even free. Two Chinese students are receiving international fame as millions of people around the world watch them podcast from their dormitory. They are called the Back Dormitory Boys, and they specialize in mouthing Backstreet Boys' songs. Although most people in China don't have iPods, podcasting is sweeping the country. (30) The Back Dormitory Boys are among the thousands of Chinese who are putting their own homemade audio and video up on the Internet for all to enjoy. "You just gotta love two guys making a fool of themselves, and gaining international attention," said "Good Morning America" technology expert Becky Worley. The Internet is becoming more and more popular with China's youth; (31) about 60 percent of the 100 million Chinese who use the Internet are under the age of 24. "This generation grew up with values that are very, very similar to their peers in the United States," said Huang Hung, publisher of Time Out Beijing. "You're going to see a complete change in the cultural landscape of China." Already, podcasting has taken off in the United States. Earlier this year, 19-year-old Gary Brolsma skyrocketed to Internet fame with what he calls his "Numa Numa" dance—a lip sync to a Romanian pop song.

29. Why is podcasting sweeping the world?

30.What does podcasting mean according to the speaker?

31.Why does the speaker hold that the Internet is very popular among young people in China?


A.Because it is related with pop songs.

B.Because it is both simple and inexpensive.

C.Because you don't need a master to teach you.

D.Because it is initiated by two Chinese students.



I won’t go with you to the concert next month. ---- ()

A.For what?


C.Why not?



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