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听力原文: (29) To get a driver's license in the U. S., all states require that you be abov

听力原文: (29) To get a driver's license in the U. S., all states require that you be above a certain age, that you know how to drive, and that you know about traffic laws and safety rules.

In most states, you have to be at least sixteen years old to start learning to drive. Anyone younger than that who sits behind the wheel of a moving car is violating the law, even ff he or she is closely supervised. (30) Age sixteen is also the minimum age in most states for taking driver's education courses in schools.

Driver's education courses begin with classroom instruction on the rules of the road and traffic laws. You learn, for example, how fast it is safe to go in certain areas, what to do ff a fire engine is near, and what the different road signs mean, When you finish the classroom course, you can apply for a Learner's Permit. In some states you have to take a test before you receive the permit.

When you have your Learner's Permit, you are allowed to drive a car under supervision. This means that you can drive only when you are accompanied by a licensed driver. It is during this period that you actually learn to drive. You learn to steer the car, to start it, to pass other cars, to park and all the other practical things you will need to know.

(31) Your Learner's Permit is good for only a limited amount of time, since it is expected that you will be ready to take the test for your license after a relatively short period of instruction.


A.How to drive a car.

B.How to get a driving license in America.

C.Traffic laws and safety rules in America.

D.The age requirement for driving a car.

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听力原文:From the beginning rivers have played an important part in the life of man. (29)

听力原文: From the beginning rivers have played an important part in the life of man. (29) Man of the earliest times used the rivers as a mean of travel. Today rivers still serve as a great waterway for the transport and people. In ancient times. man settled near rivers or on river banks and built up large empires. Water is Nature's most precious gift to man. Man needs water to irrigate his crops, to cook and to wash. (30)In nations all over the world, rivers mean life and wealth. They feed and clothe the nations around them. Water is also a source of energy and power. Man constructs dams across the river to control the water for irrigation and get the energy needed to drive generators The electrical power is then directed to homes,cities, factories and television stations. Man uses water each day. His main source of water comes from reservoirs. which in turn get their water from the rivers. Rivers also bring down soft and minerals from the mountains and deposit them on the plains building up rich river deltas for raising plants and crops. Fresh water life in rivers or in lakes fed by them provide man with food.(31)In a small way rivers help to keep man in good health and provide for his amusements. Various forms of water sports keep man strong and healthy. Rivers have run on this earth long before man. Man's future ability to live is uncertain. but rivers will flow on forever.


A.Watering the plants.

B.Settling the house.

C.Cooking meals.




听力原文: (29)A student credit card? Is it right for me, and can it help me pay for expens

听力原文: (29)A student credit card? Is it right for me, and can it help me pay for expenses online such as online courses, music, language-learning materials, or even a degree?

Actually, the answer might be yes or no, depending on your circumstances. Of course, probably the best advice is to save up and then make purchases with cash. Unfortunately, different online services often require a credit card. Here are some. ideas to getting a credit card. First of all, obtaining a student credit card is becoming easier, and many companies are offering such cards to students in this growing market. From a student's perspective, it allows a person to pay for things online that only can be purchased on credit. (30)Furthermore, it can help students build a good credit history that is often needed later for bigger purchases like a car or home.

Inspite of these advantages, students have to be careful because interest rates on such cards are often higher and have higher penalties if you fail to pay on time. Furthermore, students may spend well beyond their means and end up in debt that they can't pay off.

Perhaps a happy medium is for students to get a debit card that has a credit limit, and money for purchases is just deducted from existing funds from a student's account. Thus, it operates like a checking account, and (31)when the student's spending reaches the credit limit, they can't continue to spend.

Before you decide to get a student credit card, look carefully at the agreement terms for each company and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each. Searching the Internet for such offers will give you a good start on what to look for in a company.




C.Debit card.

D.Credit card.



听力原文: (29) Tile Golden Gate Bridge joins the beautiful city of San Francisco with its

听力原文: (29) Tile Golden Gate Bridge joins the beautiful city of San Francisco with its suburbs to the north. (26)Each day, about one hundred thousand cars cross the bridge, taking people to and from the city. More than half of them cross the bridge during the morning and evening rush hours. As a result, the trip is not pleasant.

Now, however, there is at least one group of happy commuters. These are the people who travel under the bridge instead of on it. They go to work by boat and enjoy it so much that most say they will never go by car again. (29)The boat they take is the large, quite, comfortable "Golden Gate". (27)Commuters can enjoy the sun on the boat. In the morning they can have breakfast in the coffee shop, and in the evening they can have a drink in the bar while they are looking at San Francisco's famous scene and the nearby hills.

The trip takes only thirty minutes and is not very expensive. And what's more, being on a boat seems to make people feel more friendly towards each other. Two commuters who met on the "Golden Gate" have already got married.

Because the boat has been so successful, there are plans to use other, still larger boats. There is also a plan for a high speed boat that will make the trip in only fifteen minutes. (28)Not everyone is happy about that. "A lot of people don't want to get the trip faster," said one commuter. "They feel that half an hour is just enough time to rest."


A.Because the trip takes as long as 30 minutes.

B.Because the bridge is too long.

C.Because the bridge is crowded with cars.

D.Because the drivers can't enjoy the beauty there.



听力原文:Early one morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Eli

听力原文: Early one morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep. He had been working all night on the design of a sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem; (29)it seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle. Though he was tired, Howe so, Howe ran into the salve problem as before. (29)The thread kept getting caught, around the needle. The king flew into the cage and ordered his soldiers to kill Howe. They came up towards him with their spears raised, hut suddenly the inventor noticed something. There was a hole in the tip of each spear. The inventor awoke from the dream, realizing that (30)he bad just found the answer to the problem. Instead of trying to get the thread to run around the needle, he should make it run through a small hole in the center of the needle. This was the simple idea that finally made Howe design and build the first really practiced sewing machine.(31)Elias Howe was not the only one who found the answer to his problem in this way. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light, said his best ideas came into him in dreams. So did the great physicist Albert Einstein. Charlotte Bronte also drew in her dreams in writing Jane Eyre.


A.What kind of thread to use.

B.How to design a needle which would not break.

C.Where to put the needle.

D.How to prevent the thread from getting caught around the needle.



听力原文:(29) It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go

听力原文: (29) It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, (31)the distinction between schooling and education implied a lot.

(30) Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.

Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take as- signed seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the working of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that they're not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.


A.At school.

B.At home.

C.In a community.

D.In a library.



听力原文:The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and th

听力原文: The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and the South. The differences bad their beginnings in the early 1800s. Tensions continued to grow for several decades. When the war began in 1861, most Americans believed the conflict would not last long. Instead, it stretched into four years of bloody fight(29). In the end, more Americans died in the Civil War than in any war the nation had fought.

The disagreements between the North and the South centered on the following five issues: slavery, tariffs, taxes, political power in the House of Representative, and political power in the Senate(30). People in the North had strong feelings about each of these issues. So did the people in the South. Each side had reasons for the way it felt.

Many people in the North did not believe in slavery. They thought the people of the South should not own slaves. Although some southerners opposed slavery, most felt they needed slaves to raise cotton and tobacco, which were the pillar economy. On the other hand, the North's economy was based on manufacturing industry not plantation agriculture. The northerners opposed slavery in the South since they had not enough people to work in their factories and wanted to get human resources (31). In the end the North won the war and the Union was saved.


A.In 1816.

B.In the middle of 1800s.

C.In 1861.

D.In 1865.



听力原文: Everyone knows about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but (29) nowadays the ro

听力原文: Everyone knows about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but (29) nowadays the romantic red uniform. jacket is only worn on special occasions, and the famous horses are rarely seen. So the "Mountie", as a member of this police force is known, is not, in fact, often mounted except on a powerful motor-cycle. (30)He is a member of a very modern and efficient organization.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has responsibility for an enormous area, from the U.S. border up to the vast ice-fields and frozen lakes. (30)A mountie may work in the Headquarters building in Ottawa. He may pilot a patrol plane across the snow-deserts in the north. He may be doing customs work at the frontier. He may be in plain clothes watching for s suspicious character at an airport, or he may simply be driving a patrol-car.

There are more than ten thousand men in this force, and it was one of these who was responsible for the arrest of James Earl Ray. Police all over the world were looking for Ray after the murder of Martin Luther King. In June 1968, a group of policemen in Canada were doing routine work with applications for passports. Suddenly one man noticed a photo which looked very much like Ray. The name was different, but the resemblance was so strong that (31) the police started to investigate. They discovered that the man had already gone to Britain. The photograph and the finger-prints were sent to the British police, who arrested Ray at London Airport, when he was just going to get on a plane for Brussels. The murder that had shocked the world was solved by a mountie on Ottawa.


A.They often ride a motorcycle.

B.They used to ride a horse.

C.They work in the mountains of Canada.

D.They ride a horse.



听力原文:A new enemy is threatening Japanese traditions: leisure. [29] As part of its atte

听力原文: A new enemy is threatening Japanese traditions: leisure. [29] As part of its attempt to increase imports, the government is trying to get people to work less and spend more. The workers are disgusted.

The figures support the western prejudice that the Japanese are all work and no play. Trying to force workers away from their desks and machines, the government said last April that the country should cut down from its 2,100 hours average work year to 1,899 hours and a five-day week. Beginning in February, banks and stock markets will be closed on Saturdays, staff of civil service will be forced out of their offices two Saturdays a month. The government hopes that others will follow that practice.

But some persuasion will be needed. Small companies are very angry about it and they fear competitors may not cut hours. The unions are no happier: they have even advertised in newspapers arguing their case against the foreign pressure that is forcing leisure upon them. [30] They say that shorter hours are a disguised pay cut. [31] The industrialists, who have no objection to the government's plans, admit that shorter hours will help them cut costs. Younger Japanese, who are supposed to be acting against their hard-working parents, show no sign of wanting time off either. But unlike older workers, they do spend money in their spare time. Not content with watching television, they dance, dress up, sit in caf6s, go to pop concerts and generally drive the leisure-industry boom. Now that they know how to consume, maybe the West can teach them to relax and enjoy themselves, too.


A.The government wants to show more concern for the health of the people.

B.The government needs to import more goods from abroad.

C.The Japanese have been working too hard.

D.The Japanese hope to change the western prejudice.



听力原文:When they advise your kids to "get an education if you want to raise your income"

听力原文: When they advise your kids to "get an education if you want to raise your income", they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide manpower for your society, but not too much that proves an embarrassment to your society.

Get a high school diploma, at least. Without that, you are occupationally dead, unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison then you can successfully drop out in grade school.

Get a college degree, if possible. With a B.A., you are on the launching pad. But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you go for a master' s degree, make sure it is an M.B.A., and only from a firstrate university. Beyond this, the famous law of diminishing returns begins to take effect.

Do you know, for instance, that long-haul truck drivers earn more in a year than full professors can? Yes, the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $ 24,000, while the full professors managed to average just $ 23,930.

A Ph. D is the highest degree you can get, but, except in a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry, where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, you are facing a dim future. There are more Ph. Ds unemployed or underemployed in this country than in any other part of the world by far.

If you become a doctor of philosophy in English or history or anthropology or political science or language or—worst of all—in philosophy, you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for Our needs, mind you, but for our demands.

Thousands of Ph. Ds are selling shoes, driving cabs, waiting on tables and filling out fruitless applications month after month. And then maybe taking a job in some high school or backwater college that pays much less than the janitor earns.

You can equate the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you.



B.Become such people as George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison.

C.Become very successful.

D.Find it extremely difficult to get a job.



听力原文:Why should the msn go to the university health center?(22)A.He can get free physi

听力原文:Why should the msn go to the university health center?


A.He can get free physical examinations there.

B.He can get an influenza vaccination there.

C.He'll get a prescription for medication there.

D.He'll find information on nutrition there.


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