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听力原文:W: Hi, John!M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?W: Uh ... I' m usually here

听力原文:W: Hi, John!

M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?

W: Uh ... I' m usually here on weekends. It' s my dad' s shop. So you' re looking for a bike?

M: Yeah. Now that the weather' s warming up, I thought 1' d get some exercisc—instead of taking the bus all the time.

W: Well, you came to the fight place. Do you know what you' d like?

M: Well, I don' t want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I' 11 just be using it to get me back and forth from work.

W: How far is that?

M: About four miles.

W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?

M: Some, I guess, But ... uh ... maybe I should just tell you up front that I' ye only got a hundred and fifty dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?

W: Well, you' re not going to get anything top-of-the-line--but we do have a few trade-ins in the back that' re in good condition.

M: That sounds good.

W: And you' re fight, for the kind of riding you' re going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You want to make sure it' s the right height for you. Follow me and I' 11 show you what we' ve got.


A.She's waiting for her father.

B.She's having her bicycle repaired.

C.She wanted to surprise John.

D.She works there.

更多“听力原文:W: Hi, John!M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?W: Uh ... I' m usually here”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Hi, John!M: Hi, Beth!W: Congratulations! I heard you've got a part-time job.M:

听力原文:W: Hi, John!

M: Hi, Beth!

W: Congratulations! I heard you've got a part-time job.

M: No. I wish I had. I'm still on the waiting list.

W: Seems like it's hard to get a good part-time job these days.

M: You bet. I've been searching online for days, but there's little chance...

W: Funny, isn't it? You're a Management major concentrating on Marketing. Now you've got to learn how to market yourself! Why not look in the local paper? There're often lots of jobs in it.

M: Are you kidding? The unemployment figures are up again this month!

W: Don't be so negative. Look at the jobs in the classifieds in today's paper...so many openings. Just print out your resume and send it to them.

M: I usually apply online. I send a short cover letter in the text of the email, and then attach my resume. It's convenient. What about you? Any luck?

W: Well, I haven't even started planning to look for a job yet. If only I had more time, I could do it.

M: Why so busy?

W: Well, I didn't get good grades last semester and failed two tests...

M: Sorry to hear that. I think no one deserves good grades more than you!

W: Thank. you. The main reason, I guess, was that I didn't get accustomed to the way of learning here. Well, where there's a will, there's a way. I wish you good luck on your job search.


A.He has got a part-time job.

B.He is still on the waiting list.

C.He has not yet started to look for a job.

D.He is planning to look for a job.



听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?M: It's right here. Just follow thes

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?

M: It's right here. Just follow these directions and take one pill right after each meal.

Q: What is the man's occupation?








听力原文:W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon?M: He's supposed to. But actually

听力原文:W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon?

M: He's supposed to. But actually he cannot come out from the hospital until next week as the doctor has said.

Q: Where is John now?


A.At class.

B.Back at home.

C.At work.

D.In hospital.



听力原文:W:Hello,boys.It's time for dinner.Where is Jim,John?M:We are playing hide-and-see

听力原文:W:Hello,boys.It's time for dinner.Where is Jim,John?

M:We are playing hide-and-seek,mom.But I can't find him.Would you help me,please?

Q:What will the woman probably do?


A.Play hide-and-seek with her sons.

B.Have dinner with her sons.

C.Cook dinner for her family.

D.Help John to find Jim.



听力原文:W: Could you show me how to use this, John?M: It is fully automatic. All you have

听力原文:W: Could you show me how to use this, John?

M: It is fully automatic. All you have to do is to focus on the scene and press the button here.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.How to use a camera.

B.How to use a washer.

C.How to use a keyboard.

D.How to use a tape recorder.



听力原文:W: I'm taking John to that fancy new restaurant tonight.M: You can't go like that

听力原文:W: I'm taking John to that fancy new restaurant tonight.

M: You can't go like that. You'd better change.

Q: What does the man advice?


A.Take a lot of money.

B.Go to a different restaurant.

C.Don't invite John.

D.Wear different clothes.



听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is John Smith at the bank. Is Paul there?W: Not yet, John. H

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is John Smith at the bank. Is Paul there?

W: Not yet, John. He phoned me from the office 5 minutes ago to say that he was stopping for a haircut on his way home.

Q: Where does Paul plan to go on his way home?


A.To the bank.

B.To the office.

C.To the barbershop.

D.To the department store.



听力原文:M: Have you called John to come and fix the faucet in our bathroom?W: I have call

听力原文:M: Have you called John to come and fix the faucet in our bathroom?

W: I have called several times but his phone was out of order.

Q: What can you infer from this conversation?


A.John was not at home when the woman called.

B.The woman dialed the wrong number.

C.John is a plumber.

D.John was too busy to come.



听力原文:W: John certainly has been in a bad mood today.M: I'll say he has.Q: What does th

听力原文:W: John certainly has been in a bad mood today.

M: I'll say he has.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.John is always sad.

B.He thinks the woman is right.

C.He will talk to John.

D.John is actually happy.



听力原文:W: John's room was in a mess. It seemed that he had never cleaned it. M: This pro

听力原文:W: John's room was in a mess. It seemed that he had never cleaned it.

M: This problem is not uncommon for a young man from home.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The young man had some unusual problems.

B.The problem is common for young people.

C.It's not common for young men to leave home.

D.It was a problem for John when he left home.


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