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A.The latest version of the Bible.B.A book written by Columbus.C.A map of the New Worl

A.The latest version of the Bible.

B.A book written by Columbus.

C.A map of the New World.

D.One of the earliest copies of Shakespeare's work.

更多“A.The latest version of the Bible.B.A book written by Columbus.C.A map of the New Worl”相关的问题


A.The latest computer technology.B.The organizing of an exhibition.C.The purchasing of

A.The latest computer technology.

B.The organizing of an exhibition.

C.The purchasing of some equipment.

D.The dramatic changes in the job market.



A.The latest computer technology.B.The organizing of an exhibition. C.Th

A.The latest computer technology.

B.The organizing of an exhibition.

C.The purchasing of some equipment.

D.The dramatic changes in the job market.



A.The latest practices of accurate mapmaking.B.The impact of epidemics on mass mi

A.The latest practices of accurate mapmaking.

B.The impact of epidemics on mass migration.

C.The advantages of establishing international trade agreements.

D.The technology used to locate the Old Canada Road.



What does the last sentence in the last paragraph imply?A.The proposal will not take effec

What does the last sentence in the last paragraph imply?

A.The proposal will not take effect for its limitation.

B.The latest proposal may not be approved by the country's legal institutions.

C.The businessmen question the reason for controlling greenhouse gases.

D.The latest proposal is destined not to be passed by comment and review.



Doubleday only sells the hardcover Da Vinci Code because ______.A.the consumers are suppos

Doubleday only sells the hardcover Da Vinci Code because ______.

A.the consumers are supposed to control their budgets

B.the price of the paperbacks is too low for great profits

C.the book is so popular that readers don't mind the price

D.the film version is expected to be more popular than the book



听力原文:M:Marry,how do you feel about this latest tax increase? W:Well,as far as I aril c

听力原文:M:Marry,how do you feel about this latest tax increase?

W:Well,as far as I aril concerned,it is of course regrettable.But it is necessary for the economic policy,I am afraid.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man is against the latest tax increase.

B.The woman is for the latest tax increase heavily.

C.The woman is indifferent to the tax increase.

D.Personally,the woman doesn't like the tax increase.



In Etzioni's view, the latest rash of corporate scandals could be attributed to ______.A.t

In Etzioni's view, the latest rash of corporate scandals could be attributed to ______.

A.the tendency in business schools to stress self-interest over business ethics.

B.the executives' lack of knowledge in legally manipulating contracts

C.the increasingly fierce competition in the modem business world

D.the moral corruption of business school graduates



Passage 1People can now avoid having to sort through albums from several different friends

Passage 1

People can now avoid having to sort through albums from several different friends when trying to relive parties weddings and other shared events.It’s the latest innovation in the increasingly _l_ photo-sharing market that has Facebook, Google, Yahoo and other all _2_ for photo uploads. The Facebook user who makes a Shared Album Feature can add up to 200 photos each. Previously created albums can be turned into shared albums as well. The creator sets the _4_ settings for the entire album, which can be contributors only, friends of contributors only or public. when people are tagged in photos, the audience _5_ expands to friends of the person tagged. Each contributor is _6_ when new photos are added. The album creator may delete any contributor’s photos, so it may be a good idea to preserve a backup _7_. Contributor can upload photos or _8_ an existing album into the shared one. They may also add other contributors and edit their own photos. A contributor who’s kicked out or __9__ an album has to go to their Activity Log to delete the photos in the album. Mobile users can upload photos to a shared album. However, a shared album can’t be created from a mobile device yet. Facebook programmers started designing the feature and put a working version together in a matter of hours. But the _10_ of the feature more than eight months later shows the effort Facebook must now go through to deliver a version of something that works for all of the 1.1 billion people on the social network.

A) privacy

B) merge

C) cultivated

D) harness

E) leaves

F) notified

G) somewhere

H) turn


J) automatically

K) striving

L) explicit

M) release

N) competitive

O) henceforth




The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a detailed proposal Wednesday for using the g
overnment's regulatory powers to curb greenhouse gas emissions—reassuring foreign allies of the U.S. commitment to fight climate change and warning Congress that the administration will act on its own if lawmakers fail to address the issue. The rules would force new or substantially modified industrial plants emitting at least 25,000 tons of greenhouse gases a year to employ "best available control technologies and energy-efficiency measures" to minimize emissions.

The agency unveiled its proposal hours after Senate Democrats introduced their version of the global warming bill that passed the House in June, and as international climate negotiators gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, to prepare for global warming treaty talks in Copenhagen in December. The EPA and Senate actions stoked(激起 ) optimism among environmentalists and others. Some had voiced concern that reaching agreement in Copenhagen could be difficult if the Senate failed to act, because other countries might conclude that the United States was not prepared to take the steps it has urged other developed nations to take. Both the new Senate bill and the EPA's proposed regulations address that concern. "We are not going to continue with business as usual while we wait for Congress to act," EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told a climate conference in Los Angeles.

She said that the proposal "allows us to do what the Clean Air Act does best: Reduce emissions for better health, drive technology innovation for a better economy, and protect the environment for a better future, all without placing an undue burden on the businesses that make up the better part of our economy." Senators also were aware of the global implications. "We're geared to move this and hopefully get it to the floor before the Copenhagen summit." said Sen. John F. Kerry, who co-wrote the climate bill with Sen. Barbara Boxer. "I think we're going to make it."

The EPA rules would mimic how the agency forces power plants and factories to install "scrubbers" and other means of limiting many types of air pollutants. But it's unclear exactly how it would apply to greenhouse gases, which scientists blame for climate change. Researchers are innovatively investigating commercial-scale methods to capture and store carbon emissions from coal plants, for example. The new proposal follows one announced by President Obama and automotive executives in May to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks. The automotive regulations, which would take effect in 2012, stemmed from a 2007 Supreme Court decision that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are pollutants subject to regulation under the Clean Air Act.

Therefore, the EPA said, it was required to control greenhouse gases from industrial sources too. Industry groups disputed that logic. The latest proposal must move through a lengthy process of comments and reviews, and will probably encounter legal challenges.

What does "We are not going to continue with business as usual while we wait for Congress to act" mean by Lisa Jackson?

A.The Senate failed to carry out reaching agreement in Copenhagen.

B.The United States is not prepared to take measures.

C.The United States forces the developing countries to take steps.

D.The EPA will not just wait for government's decision to carry out action.



听力原文:Narrator: First we heard medical studies saying that caffeine in coffee was proba
bly bad for the heart, but recent research showed that coffee may be good for the cardiovascular system, that left coffee lovers like Corrine Mckillop to wonder.

Corrine Mckillop: I'd like to know which it is. It's very confusing. Is it good or is it not good?

Narrator: Well, a new study may explain the conflicting information. According to the research, coffee can be both good and bad. It all depends on you and which version of a gene you have.

Dr. Sean Kenniff: Researchers believe that about haft of us axe carrying a gene that allows the body to break down caffeine quickly. The rest of us have the type of gene that more slowly metabolizes the stimulant.

Narrator: In the study scientists discovered coffee drinkers with the faster version of the gene had no increased risk of heart disease; however, people with the gene that breaks down caffeine slowly had a significantly higher risk.

Dr. Sean Kenniff: When the caffeine circulates in your body for a long period of time, you might in fact experience adverse health consequences from that. Now all of us want to know the same thing.

Corrine Mckillop: Well. I'd like to find out what gene I have.

Narrator: Well, that's the bad news. There is a test to find out, but it probably won't be readily available for a while. So what to do until then, the answer is, in a word—moderation. The study also found that people with a slower gene can limit their risk if they limit their coffee to one or two cups a day.


A.The influence of coffee on the heart.

B.What kind of gene is beneficial to people.

C.How to find out what gene one has.

D.How many cups of coffee people should have each day.


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