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听力原文:Esperanto was invented as an international language one hundred years ago by a do

听力原文: Esperanto was invented as an international language one hundred years ago by a doctor in Poland. His name was Ludovic Zamenhof. Doctor Zamenhof grew up in a part of Poland where people spoke several different languages. He believed the different languages kept people from understanding each other and living peacefully together. He wished that everyone in his part of Poland spoke the same language. In fact, he believed that if everyone spoke a common language, peace could result throughout the world. That is why he gave the world a new language. He called it "Esperanto", which means, in his language "one who hopes."

Doctor Zamenhof tried to make Esperanto so easy that anyone could learn it in one-hundred hours. It is easy to learn because it has only sixteen grammatical rules. Doctor Zamenhof's alphabet is also simple. Each letter has only one sound.

No one knows exactly how many people in the world speak Esperanto. Experts say the number could be as many as fifteen million. For most of the world's people, however, English, not Esperanto, is the second language. But Esperantists continue to spread the world about their language. They hope that Esperanto someday will become the international language for trade, science, and diplomacy.


A.Different languages prevented people from living peacefully together.

B.Because he believed that people would prefer a new language.

C.Because he believed that people would favor an easy language.

D.Because he thought that his mother tongue was too difficult to learn.

更多“听力原文:Esperanto was invented as an international language one hundred years ago by a do”相关的问题


听力原文:Esperanto is an artificial language designed to serve internationally as an auxil

听力原文: Esperanto is an artificial language designed to serve internationally as an auxiliary means of communication among speakers of different languages. It was created by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, a polish Jewish doctor specialized in eye diseases. Esperanto was first presented in 1887. An international movement was launched to promote its use. Despite arguments and disagreements, the movement has continued to flourish and has members in more than 80 countries. Esperanto is used internationally across language boundaries by at least 1 million people, particularly in specialized fields. It is used in personal contexts, on ' radio broadcasts and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classics. Its popularity has spread form. Europe, both east and west, to such countries as Brazil and Japan. It is, however, in China that Esperanto has had its greatest impact. It is taught in universities and used in many translations, often in scientific or technological works. EL POPOLA CHINIO, which means from people's China, it's a monthly magazine in Esperanto and it's read worldwide. Radio Beijing's Esperanto program is the most popular program in Esperanto in the world. Esperanto vocabulary is drawn primarily from Latin, the Roman's languages, English and German. Spelling is completely regular. A simple and consistent set of endings indicates grammatical functions of words. Thus for example, every noun ends in "o", every adjective in "a", and basic form. of every verb in "i". Esperanto also has a highly productive system of constructing new words from old ones.

What does the speaker tell us about Esperanto?

A.It was invented by a group of language experts in the year of 1887.

B.It is a language that has its origin in ancient Polish.

C.It was created to promote economic globalization.

D.It is a tool of communication among speakers of different languages.



听力原文:M: Was I supposed to give the seminar presentation this week?W: No, I assigned it

听力原文:M: Was I supposed to give the seminar presentation this week?

W: No, I assigned it to Joan.

Q: What will happen this week?


A.Joan will give out the assignments.

B.Joan will speak in the seminar.

C.Joan won't be present al the seminar.

D.Joan won't sign the petitions.



听力原文:M: Where can I get the perfume wrapped? I bought it as a present.W: Our gift-wrap

听力原文:M: Where can I get the perfume wrapped? I bought it as a present.

W: Our gift-wrapping department is on the second floor.

Q: What's the most probable relationship between them?


A.Son and mother.

B.Customer and shop assistant.

C.Clerk and boss

D.Student and teacher.



听力原文:M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.W: Yes, I would like th

听力原文:M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.

W: Yes, I would like that.

Q: What is the relationshi!0 between the two speakers?


A.Business associates,

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Teacher and student.

D.Good friends.



听力原文:M: Open wide. Now show me where it hurts.W: Here on the top, especially when I bi

听力原文:M: Open wide. Now show me where it hurts.

W: Here on the top, especially when I bite into something hot or cold.

Q: Who is the man?


A.A dentist.

B.A cook.

C.A dietician.

D.A twirler.



听力原文:W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you'?M: I need a screwdriver, a box of assorted sc

听力原文:W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you'?

M: I need a screwdriver, a box of assorted screws, and a small door lock.

Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?


A.At a garage.

B.In a warehouse.

C.In an art supply store

D.In a hardware store.


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