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Advanced computer technology has______ an answer to accurate weather forecasting.A.set upB

Advanced computer technology has______ an answer to accurate weather forecasting.

A.set up

B.come up with

C.filled in

D.faced up to

更多“Advanced computer technology has______ an answer to accurate weather forecasting.A.set upB”相关的问题


A.Hardworking at his former company.B.Confident in his abilities.C.Poor at computer te

A.Hardworking at his former company.

B.Confident in his abilities.

C.Poor at computer technology.

D.Promising for the position.



Conventional computer models of the atmosphere fails to predict such a short-lived tornado
because ______.

A.the computer is not used to forecast specific local events

B.the computers are not advanced enough to predict it

C.the weather data people collect are often wrong

D.weather conditions in some small regions are not available



Some historian say that the most important contribution of Dwight Eisenhower’s pr
esidency (总统任期) in the 1950s was the U.S. interstate highway system.It was a ____ project, easily surpassing the scale of such previous human ____ as the Panama Canal. Eisenhower’s interstate highways ____ the nation together in new ways and ____ major economic growth by making commerce less ____. Today, an information superhighway has been built—an electronic network that ____ libraries, corporations, government agencies and ____. This electronic superhighway is called the Internet, ____ it is the backbone (主干) of the World Wide Web.

The Internet had its ____ in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which ____ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to ____ information. In 1983 the National Science Foundation (NSF), ____ mission is to promote science, took over.

This new NSF network ____ more and more institutional users, may of ____ had their owm internal networks. For example, most universities that ____ the NSF network had intracampus computer networks. The NSF network ____ became a connector for thousands of other networks. ____ a backbone system that interconnects networks, internet was a name that fit.

So we can see that the Internet is the wired infrastructure (基础设施) on which web ____ move. It began as a military communication system, which expanded into a government-funded ____ research network.

Today, the Internet is a user-financed system tying intuitions of many sorts together ____ an “information superhighway.”







Questions 36~40 are based on the following passage. Richard Satava, program manager for
advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a “virtual” or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners (从业者).

“With virtual reality we’ll be able to put a surgeon in every trench,” said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.

The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S. The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets (头盔) that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier.

Although Satava’s vision may be years away from standard operating procedure, scientists are progressing toward virtual reality surgery. Engineers at an international organization in California are developing a tele-operating device. As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform. the surgery. The computer provides feedback to the surgeon on force, textures, and sound.

These technological wonders may not yet be part of the community hospital setting but increasingly some of the machinery is finding its way into civilian medicine. At Wayne State University Medical School, surgeon Lucia Zamorano takes images of the brain from computerized scans and uses a computer program to produce a 3-D image. She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor (肿瘤). Zamorano is also using technology that attaches a probe to surgical instruments so that she can track their positions. While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain, she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patient’s brain taken before surgery.

During these procedures—operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered—surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view. And they are commanding robot surgeons to cut away tissue more accurately than human surgeons can.

Satava says, “We are in the midst of a fundamental change in the field of medicine.”

第36题:According to Richard Satava, the application of virtual reality to medicine ________.

A.will enable surgeons to be physically present on every battlefield

B.can raise the spirits of soldiers wounded on the battlefield

C.will greatly improve medical conditions on the battlefield

D.can shorten the time for operations on soldiers wounded on the battlefield



It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of thousan
ds of everyday perceptions, the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.

Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicions in the grain pile. Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.

Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold dp to 100,000 "words"—ready for instant use. An average U.S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.

The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.

According to the passage, memory is considered to be ______.

A.the basis for decision making and problem solving

B.an ability to store experiences for future use

C.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings

D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words



Some historians say that the most important contribution of Dwight Eisenhower's Presidency
(总统任期)in the 1950s was the U. S. interstate highway system. It was a 【B1】 project, easily surpassing the scale of such previous human 【B2】 as the Panama Canal. Eisenhower's interstate highways 【B3】 the nation together in new ways and 【B4】 major economic growth by making commerce less—【B5】 . Today, an information superhighway has been built—an electronic network that 【B6】 libraries, corporations, government agencies and 【B7】 . This electronic superhighway is called the Internet, 【B8】 it is the backbone (主干)of the World Wide Web.

The Internet had its 【B9】 in a 1969 U. S. Defense Department computer network called ARPA net, which 【B10】 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to 【B11】 information. In 1983 the National Science Foundation (NSF) , 【B12】 mission is to promote science, took over.

This new NSF network 【B13】 more and more institutional users, many of 【B14】 had their own internal networks. For example, most universities that 【B15】 the NSF network had intercampus computer networks. The NSF network 【B16】 became a connector for thousands of other networks. 【B17】 a backbone system that interconnects networks, internet was a name that fit.

So we can see that the Internet is the wired infrastructure(基础设施)on which web 【B18】 move. It began as a military communication system, which expanded into a government-funded 【B19】 research network.

Today, the Internet is a user-founded system tying institutions of many sorts together 【B20】 an "information superhighway."








Some historian say that the most important contribution of Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency
(总统任期) in the 1950s was the U.S. interstate highway system.It was a __62__ project, easily surpassing the scale of such previous human __63__ as the Panama Canal. Eisenhower’s interstate highways __64__ the nation together in new ways and __65__ major economic growth by making commerce less __66__. Today, an information superhighway has been built—an electronic network that __67__ libraries, corporations, government agencies and __68__. This electronic superhighway is called the Internet, __69__ it is the backbone (主干) of the World Wide Web.

The Internet had its __70__ in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which __71__ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to __72__ information. In 1983 the National Science Foundation (NSF), __73__ mission is to promote science, took over.

This new NSF network __74__ more and more institutional users, may of __75__ had their owm internal networks. For example, most universities that __76__ the NSF network had intracampus computer networks. The NSF network __77__ became a connector for thousands of other networks. __78__ a backbone system that interconnects networks, internet was a name that fit.

So we can see that the Internet is the wired infrastructure (基础设施) on which web __79__ move. It began as a military communication system, which expanded into a government-funded __80__ research network.

Today, the Internet is a user-financed system tying intuitions of many sorts together __81__ an “information superhighway.”

62. A.concise C.massive B.radical D.trivial

63. A.behaviors C.inventions B.endeavors D.elements

64. A.packed C.suppressed B.stuck D.bound

65. A.facilitated C.mobilized B.modified D.terminated

66. A.competitive C.exclusive B.comparative D.expensive

67. A.merges C.relays B.connects D.unifies

68. A.figures C.individuals B.personalities D.humans

69. A.and C.or B.yet D.while

70. A.samples C.origins B.sources D.precedents

71. A.stood by C.stood against B.stood for D.stood over



W: Professor Clark suggested I get a tutor for advanced physics. M: Well, that

W: Professor Clark suggested I get a tutor for advanced physics.

M: Well, that might help. Advanced physics is a pretty difficult course.

Q: What does the man mean?



He advanced a design to ________ the product.







A.They lived in Caves.B.They traveled in groups.C.They had an advanced l

A.They lived in Caves.

B.They traveled in groups.

C.They had an advanced language.

D.They ate mostly fruit.


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