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whom will you have it with().

A、how will you get there

B、some of my classmates

C、sorry,tm getting ready for tomorrow `s picnin mow

D、tm pretty goo ,how about you

更多“whom will you have it with().”相关的问题


听力原文:M: My teeth have been aching for a week. Can I come to see you tomorrow?W: Sorry,

听力原文:M: My teeth have been aching for a week. Can I come to see you tomorrow?

W: Sorry, Mr. Smith. I can't take you tomorrow. I've got another appointment already. How about next week?

Q: To whom is Mr. Smith probably talking?


A.To a druggist.

B.To a doctor.

C.To a dentist.

D.To his wife.



听力原文:W: You must have said the right things during your interview. They are very selec
tive about whom they hire.

M: I know how to make a good impression.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The man was looking for a job.

B.The man was interviewed.

C.The man knew how to make a good impression.

D.The man was hired.



听力原文:M: So you're going to be writing for the school newspaper?W: Yes, I'm excited abo

听力原文:M: So you're going to be writing for the school newspaper?

W: Yes, I'm excited about it. I'm thinking about journalism as a career.

M: Oh! Congratulations! How do they decide whom to hire?

W: I have to send the writing sample. I used one of the essays I've written for the literature class, then the editor assigned me a topic to write a short article about it.

M: What did you write about?

W: Actually, it was a lot of fun. I wrote about the students' play that has been performing this month.

M: Oh, I saw that play. The director is a friend of mine. It really caused a stir around here.

W: Yeah, I know. That's what I wrote about—People's reaction to it. It's really interesting.

M: Have you finished the article? Can I read it?

W: Sure. I just made a couple of copies. So you can have one.

M: Thanks. I wish I were a better writer. Working for the paper sounds like lots of fun.

W: Well, they're looking to add one or two photographers to the staff.

M: You're kidding! Maybe I'll go over and apply.

W: If you want, we could walk over to the newspaper office and I'll introduce you to the photography editor and some of the other photographers.

M: That will be terrific! But can we go tomorrow? I have to go to math class now. And if we go tomorrow, then I'll have time tonight to gather a portfolio of photographs to show them.

M: sure. Or maybe you should call and set up a time to meet tomorrow.

M: Good idea. I'll do that before I go to class.

W: All right. See you tomorrow.


A.A class assignment.

B.A journalism class.

C.The woman's job.

D.The man's work experience.



听力原文:W: Hi, Scott, have you heard about Diana recently? M: No, I haven't talked to her

听力原文:W: Hi, Scott, have you heard about Diana recently?

M: No, I haven't talked to her for a couple of months. How are things going with her?

W: Well, she is OK. She only had a little accident last week in her new car.

M: Oh, It’s too bad! Was anybody hurt? Was there much damage?

W: No, it was really a small accident and everybody was fine. It was the other driver's fault.

M: Well, that's good. By the way, is she still going out with David?

W: Haven't you heard yet? They're getting married!

M: You are kidding!

W: She said he gave her a ring on her birthday.

M: My! How romantic! When is the big day?

W: This October.

M: Will it be a church wedding or a civil one?

W: Diana is a catholic. So, there will be a church wedding.

M: Good. No doubt, she will be very beautiful in her wedding gown.

W: Surely, and she’s invited me to be her maid of honor.

M: Did you promise her?

W: Yes, I did. It'll be my first time.

M: Whom did David ask to be his best man?

W: He told me that you would be his best choice.

M: Me? My God! It’s also my first time.

W: You don’t want to do that?

M: Yes. I do. Now, I must have a talk with him. See you.


A.She bought a new car.

B.She was injured in an accident.

C.She went out with David.

D.' She had a little accident.



It is necessary to have a team leader ()with you can work.






听力原文:M: Hi, Annie. You must be pretty excited about your trip to South Korea. When are
you leaving?

W: In three weeks. And I am really excited. You know, I have always been dreaming about it. But there are still a few things left to do before I go.

M: Like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency to buy my plane ticket and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I am gone.

M: Are you going to give it up?

W: No. It's not easy to find such an apartment around here. But I don't like the idea of paying three months' rent on an empty apartment either.

M: Perhaps you could sublet it.

W: Yes, but to whom?

M: Mm let me think. Oh, I know just the person. My sister's friend, Angela, has been invited to our university as a visiting scholar for about that long. She will be arriving in about three or four weeks.

W: That's great. I'll call the landlord to ask for permission.

M: And I'll mention it to my sister this evening.

W: Thank you, Bill, let me know what happens then.


A.Arrange for her accommodations in Soutb Korea.

B.Pick up a passport application form.

C.Change her plane ticket.

D.Purchase her plane ticket.



Passage OneQuestions 17 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.听力原文:Passag

Passage One

Questions 17 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.


Passage One I first met Joe Gans when we were both nine years old, which is probably the

only reason he’s one of my best friends. If I had first met Joe as a freshman in high

school, we wouldn’t even have had the chance to get to know each other. Joe is a day

student, but I am a boarding student. We haven’t been in the same classes, sports, or

extracurricular activities.

Nonetheless, I spend nearly every weekend at his house and we talk on the phone every

night. This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our

freshman year. Rather, we would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know

each other due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests. In fact, to be honest,

I struggle even now to think of things we have in common. But maybe that’s what makes us

enjoy each other’s company so much. When I look at my friendship with Joe, I wonder how

many people I’ve known whom I never disliked, but simply didn’t take the time to get to

know. Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis there is for the social divisions

that exist in every community. Since this realization, I have begun to make an even more

determined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places.

Questions 17to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. Why does the speaker say Joe Gans became one of his best friends?

A.They shared mutual friends in school.

B.They had many interests in common.

C.They shared many extracurricular activities.

D.They had known each other since childhood.



I have a lot of friends()I can discuss problems and have fun.



C.with whom

D.with who



It is the best movie ______ I have ever seen.







听力原文:M: You look so excited, what happened to you.W: I will go to Europe on business,

听力原文:M: You look so excited, what happened to you.

W: I will go to Europe on business, you know it's my fist time to get there.

M: When is it that you are leaving?

W: In just four weeks, and I am excited. But there are still some things I have to do before I go.

M: Like what?

W: Like renewing my passport, calling the travel agency to book my plane ticket and, what's more important, figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm not here.

M: You are not going to give it up, are you?

W: No way, I'll never find another apartment around here. But I don't like the idea of paying three months' rent on an empty apartment, either.

M: Perhaps you can rent it to others.

W: Yes, but whom to?

M: Let me see. Oh, I know just the person, a classmates of mine, Jim Tomas, is coming here to do

some research this autumn, from September to November.

W: That's exactly when I'll be away. That will be great, as long as the landlord agrees.

M: I'll be calling Jim late this week anyway, so I'1l tell him about it.

W: Well, thanks, Bill, let me know what happens. That extra money will really come in handy?


A.To renew her passport.

B.To make out the route.

C.To book the tickets.

D.To subtle his apartment.


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