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The English are easy to get along with.A.YB.NC.NG

The English are easy to get along with.




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____________(众所周知), learning English is no easy job.

____________(众所周知), learning English is no easy job.



Gong Qiuyan thought() quite ()to learn English well.

A.it’s, easy

B. it, easily

C. it’s easily

D. it, easy



Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different ().







听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?M: Not as easy as I expected, I di

听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?

M: Not as easy as I expected, I did fairly well on the reading section but I made quite a few mistakes on grammar.

Q: What did the man say about his test?


A.His errors were mainly in the reading part.

B.It wasn't very challenging to him.

C.It was more .difficult than he had expected.

D.He made very few grammatical mistakes in his test.



It can be concluded from the passage that ________.A) it is justifiable to include

It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

A) it is justifiable to include English as a school subject

B) the author disagrees with the speaker over the standard of English at Grade 9 level

C) English language teaching is by no means an easy job

D) language improvement needs time and effort



听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?M: Not as easy as I expected. I di

听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?

M: Not as easy as I expected. I did fairly well on the reading section but I made quite a few mistakes on grammar.

Q: What did the man say about his test?


A.His errors were mainly in the reading pan.

B.It wasn't very challenging to him.

C.It was more difficult than he had expected.

D.He made very few grammatical mistakes in his test.



听力原文:An advertisement says "Learn English in six weeks, or your money back". Of course

听力原文: An advertisement says "Learn English in six weeks, or your money back". Of course, it never happens quite like that. As we know, no language is easy to learn except one's mother tongue. And think how much practice that gets. Before the Second World War people usually learned English in order to read English literature. Now most people want to speak English. Every year many millions of people start to learn English. How do they do it?

Some people try at home, with books and tapes, some use radio or television programmes, others go to school or attend evening classes. If they use English only two or three times a week, it will take a long time to learn it, like English learning at school. A few people try to learn English fast and study six or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to learn English in England, Canada, Australia or the United States. However, most people cannot afford this, and for many it is not necessary. They need English in order to do their work better. For example, most scientists and engineers chiefly need to be able to read books and reports in English. Whether English is learnt quickly or slowly; it is hard work. Good teachers, books and machines will help, but they cannot do the student's work for him.


A.English is the easiest language to learn.

B.English is as easy to learn as your mother tongue.

C.English can be learnt in six weeks.

D.It is easier to learn English on radio or TV.



听力原文:The first English dictionary was published in 1604. The dictionary was a list of

听力原文: The first English dictionary was published in 1604. The dictionary was a list of about 3,000 difficult words, each followed by a one-word definition. The author, Robert Cawdrey, did not include everyday words in his dictionary. He believed that no one would look up a word in a dictionary if he already knew the meaning of the word.

During the 1600s, more dictionaries were published. Each followed Cawdrey' s lead and presented a few thousand difficult words. Around 1,700, one dictionary maker, John Kersey, did define easy words as well as difficult ones. But until the1750s, ail dictionaries were not very valuable.

A man called Dr. Samuel Johnson changed all this. In 1755 Dr. Johnson produced the first modem dictionary. He included in his dictionary all important words, both easy and hard, and he gave good meanings. He also gave good example sentences in speech and writing. By the end of the 1700s most dictionary makers had followed Johnson' s lead. Dictionaries were getting better and better.

The 1800s saw the greatest improvement in the quality of dictionaries. In England scholars planned and prepared the Oxford English Dictionary, a twenty-volume work. One of the most interesting features of the Oxford Dictionary is its word histories. It traces the history of each word from its earliest recorded use up to the time of the printing of the dictionary.


A.In 1604.

B.In 1750.

C.In 1755.

D.Around 1700.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay "A Letter to the Editor-i
n- chief about a Newly-published English Magazine ". You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

假设你是李明,请你就一本新近出版的英语学习杂志写一封评价信,内容应涉及杂志的版面设计 (layout)、文章内容、难易度、实用性、价格等,可以评价其特色和受欢迎之处,也可以提出你的建议、构想和要求。以下是该杂志的主要栏目,仅供写作时参考:

news channel(新闻频道),humor(幽默故事),tales of life(人生广角),classic prose(经典文选), kaleidoscope(万花筒),learning aid(教与学),easy readings(轻松读物),New CET(Band 4 and 6)(聚焦新四、六级考试),basic grammar(英语语法ABC),corner of literature(文学角),practice in writing(习作园地)等。



听力原文:Esperanto was invented as an international language one hundred years ago by a do

听力原文: Esperanto was invented as an international language one hundred years ago by a doctor in Poland. His name was Ludovic Zamenhof. Doctor Zamenhof grew up in a part of Poland where people spoke several different languages. He believed the different languages kept people from understanding each other and living peacefully together. He wished that everyone in his part of Poland spoke the same language. In fact, he believed that if everyone spoke a common language, peace could result throughout the world. That is why he gave the world a new language. He called it "Esperanto", which means, in his language "one who hopes."

Doctor Zamenhof tried to make Esperanto so easy that anyone could learn it in one-hundred hours. It is easy to learn because it has only sixteen grammatical rules. Doctor Zamenhof's alphabet is also simple. Each letter has only one sound.

No one knows exactly how many people in the world speak Esperanto. Experts say the number could be as many as fifteen million. For most of the world's people, however, English, not Esperanto, is the second language. But Esperantists continue to spread the world about their language. They hope that Esperanto someday will become the international language for trade, science, and diplomacy.


A.Different languages prevented people from living peacefully together.

B.Because he believed that people would prefer a new language.

C.Because he believed that people would favor an easy language.

D.Because he thought that his mother tongue was too difficult to learn.


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