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In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become______ words; almost everyone has heard of them.





更多“In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become______ words; almost everyone …”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Now, then, Mrs. Darcy. How long has this tooth been giving you trouble?W: Well

听力原文:M: Now, then, Mrs. Darcy. How long has this tooth been giving you trouble?

W: Well, I had it filled last year and was all right until last Sunday. Then it started hurting again.

Q: How long has the woman had the toothache?


A.For a few days.

B.For several weeks.

C.Since last year.

D.For a few hours.



听力原文:M: You've been here three years. Have you had much of a chance to travel?W: Not m

听力原文:M: You've been here three years. Have you had much of a chance to travel?

W: Not much. Last year I planned to go to Yellow Stone Park in December, but I had to postpone the trip. Then a few months later, I finally made it there.

Q: When did the woman go to Yellow Stone Park?


A.Three years ago.

B.This year.

C.Last year.

D.In December.



听力原文:In the past few years, millions of Americans have become suddenly enthusiastic ab

听力原文: In the past few years, millions of Americans have become suddenly enthusiastic about the bicycle as if it were a great new invention. Annual bicycle sales doubled between 1960 and 1970, and there are nearly 70 million bicycles in the United States today.

Of course, the bicycle has been around for more than 160 years and this isn't America's first bicycle passion. A wave of bicycle enthusiasm swept the land in the late 1800s and bicycle production was up to two million in 18917. Then with the coming of the automobile, bicycle declined, and for decades remained popular only with children and a few adults.

Now, a national concern with air pollution and physical fitness has brought the bicycle back to the forefront, particularly with adults. More than eight million bikes were sold in the United States last year, a third of which bought by adults. But the year before, only 15 percent of new bicycle sales were for adults.


A.Nearly 7 million.

B.Nearly 17 million.

C.Nearly 70 million.

D.Nearly 77 million.



听力原文:M: You've been here for three years. Have you had much of a chance to travel?W: N

听力原文:M: You've been here for three years. Have you had much of a chance to travel?

W: Not much. Last year I planned to go to Yellow Stone Park in December, but I had to postpone the trip. Then a few months later, I finally made it there.

Q: When did the woman go to Yellow Stone Park?


A.Last year.

B.This year.

C.In December.

D.Three years ago.



听力原文: Shell Group says so far it has invested over 1.6 billion USD in China. The figur
e will soar to 5 billion within the next few years. Shell said the energy resource supply of China will double around 2020. The country will need more foreign capital for upstream petroleum products, and natural gas projects. Shell is quite willing to take part in the projects. Shell plans to cooperate with PetroChina in the west-east gas transmission project. The total investment will reach USD 8 billion. Shell cooperated with China National Offshore Oil last year in Nanhai Petroleum Chemical project.

How much has Shell invested in China so far?

A.1.6 billion USD

B.1.6 million USD

C.5 billion USD

D.5 million USD



听力原文:The cost is going up for just about everything, and college tuition is no excepti

听力原文: The cost is going up for just about everything, and college tuition is no exception. According to a nationwide survey published by the College Board's Scholarship Service, tuition at most American universities will be on average of 9 percent higher this year over last.

The biggest increase will occur at private colleges. Public colleges, heavily subsidized by tax funds, will also increase their tuition, but the increase will be a few percentages points lower than their privately-sponsored neighbors.

As a follow up, the United Press International did their own study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At M.I.T., advisors recommended that students have $8,900 available for one year's expenses, including $5,300 for tuition, $2,685 for room and board, $630 for personal expenses, and $285 for books and supplies. Ten years ago the tuition was only $2,150. To put that another way, the cost has climbed 150 percent in the last decade.

An additional burden is placed on out-of-state students who must pay extra charges ranging from $200 to $2, 000, and foreign students who are not eligible for scholarships at state-funded universities.

On the brighter side, the survey revealed that college graduates are entering the best job market since the middle 1960s. Job offers are up 16 percent from last year, and salaries are good, at least for graduates in technical fields. For example, a recent graduate in petroleum engineering can expect to make as much as $20,000 per year. A student with a liberal arts degree might expect to make about half that salary.


A.Average tuition costs increased by 9 percent.

B.Average tuition costs increased by 15 percent.

C.Average tuition costs increased by 90 percent.

D.Average tuition costs increased by 150 percent.



听力原文:In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycle a

听力原文: In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention. Annual bike sales doubled between 1960 and 1970, and there are nearly 70 million bikes in the United States today. That's more than two for every three automobiles.

Of course, the bike has been around for more than 150 years, and this isn't America's first bicycle boom. A wave of bike enthusiasm swept the land in the late 1800s and bicycle production hit two million units in 1897. Then with the coming of the auto, bicycling declined, and for decades remained popular only with children and a few adult faddists.

Now, national preoccupation with air pollution and physical fitness has brought the bike back to the forefront—particularly with adults. More than eight million bikes were sold in the United States last year and a third of them went to adults. The year before, only 15 percent of new bike sales were for adults.


A.The use of bikes is a new invention in the U.S.

B.Annual bike sales doubled in the 60s in the U.S.

C.The producers made 70 million bikes every year.

D.The number of bikes is two times that of cars in the U.S.



听力原文:Good morning, I'm Michael, housing director here at the university. I'm visiting

听力原文: Good morning, I'm Michael, housing director here at the university. I'm visiting all the dormitories this week to inform. students about cheek-out procedures. I know you have a lot on your mind with finals coming up, but there are a few things you need to be aware of as you prepare to leave for vacation. This dormitory will be closed during the summer months and will reopen on September 1st. You must vacate your room by June 3rd. Even if you are registered for classes during the summer, you must leave this dorm by June 3rd. If this poses a problem for you, you should contact my office as soon as possible. You should remember Io turn in your room key before you leave. Failure to return your key can result in a dollar fine. You must also make sure that all of your personal property has been cleared out of your room. I will be passing out a form. for you to fill out concerning the condition of your room. You should report on the form. of any damage to your room which has occurred over the last year, such as holes in the room's walls, doors or windows. That way our summer maintenance crew will know where to make re pairs before the next school year starts. If you have any questions during the next few days, please ask your resident advisers or call my office. Now, please take one of the forms as they are passed around.


A.Resident advice.

B.Summer vacation.

C.The housing office.

D.Check-out procedures.



Christmas GiftMary didn’t know what to send to her grandparents for Christmas. It was
Christmas Gift

Mary didn’t know what to send to her grandparents for Christmas. It was always hard to choose a good Christmas present for them. They didn’t need much, and it was hard for her to be creative every year.

One year, she sent them a big wooden elephant. It sat on the counter for a year, but then it disappeared, probably into a closet somewhere. Another year, she made handmade soaps with nice smells, but they probably weren’t any better than store-bought soaps. Last year, she sent lots of nice pictures of herself in frames, but grandparents’ house was small, and they couldn’t hang up very many.

This year, she decided on fruit. She lived where it was warm and there was lots of nice fruit. Her grandparents lived up north, where it colder and they couldn’t get fresh fruit all year, or at least not oranges and grapefruit. Fresh fruit was healthy for her grandparents, too.

Mary went to a fruit store and sampled the red oranges. She really liked them and bought a kilogram. Then she tried three kinds of grapefruit. The white ones were sour. The star grapefruit were interesting, but the dark red grapefruit were great. So she got a kilogram.

Mary carefully packed the fruit in a box to keep them safe and dry in case one got smashed and its juice got everywhere. Then she wrote the address on the box and mailed it from the store. She felt happy with what she bought.

A few days later, Mary got a phone call from her grandparents, thanking her for the lovely fruit. They said it was a healthy, tasty, and very thoughtful gift. Mary had never felt sogood before.

1.Mary wastroubled because she___________.

A. had no idea for a holiday gift

B. we no creative in her work

C. could notafford Christmas gifts

D. found her grandma bard to please

2.What didMary send her grandparents last year_________.

A. A wooden elephant

B. Handmade soaps

C. Her own pictures

D. A store-bought closet

3.In se1ecting the gifts, Mary was ___________.

A. excited

B. impatient

C. exhausted

D. thoughtful

4.Which ofthe following did Mary buy for her grandparents this year_________.

A. Yellow oranges

B. Dark red grapefruit

C. White grapefruit

D. Star grapefruit

5. Mary’s grandparents___________.

A. loved her gift

C. wrote her a letter

B. sent her a card

D. put her gift away



听力原文: (26)Last week, we told how the English language developed as a result of several

听力原文: (26)Last week, we told how the English language developed as a result of several invasions of Britain. The first involved three tribes called the Angles, the Jutes and the Saxons. A mix of their languages produced a language called Anglo-Saxon. or Old English. It sounded very much like German. Only a few words remained from the Celts who had lived in Britain.

(27) Two more invasions added words to Old English. The Vikings of Denmark, Norway and Sweden arrived in Britain more than one thousand years ago. (27)The next invasion took place in the year 1066. French forces from Normandy were led by a man known as William the Conqueror. The' Norman rulers added many words to English. (28) The words parliament, jury, justice, and others that deal with law come from the Non'nan rulers. (27)Over time, the different languages combined to result in what English experts call Middle English. While Middle English still sounds similar to German, it also begins to sound like Modern English.

(26) The English language was strongly influenced by an event that took place more than one thousand four hundred years ago. In the year 597, the Roman Catholic Church began its attempt to make Christianity the religion of Britain. (29)The language of the Catholic Church was Latin. Latin was not spoken as a language in any country at that time. But it was still used by some people. Latin made it possible for a church member from Rome to speak to a church member from Britain. Educated people from different countries could communicate using Latin. Latin had a great affect on the English language.


A.The history of the English language.

B.The invasions of Britain.

C.The old English.

D.The comparison between German and English.



One thing the tour books don't tell you about London is that 2,000 of its residents are fo
xes. As native as the royal family, they fled the city about centuries ago after developers and pollution moved in. But now that the environment is cleaner, the foxes have come home, one of the many wild animals that have moved into urban areas around the world.

"The number and variety of wild animals in urban areas is increasing," says Gomer Jones, president of the National Institute for Urban Wildlife, in Columbia, Maryland. A survey of the wildlife in New York's Central Park last year tallied the species of mammals, including muskrats, shrews and flying squirrels. A similar survey conducted in the 1890s counted only five species. One of the country's largest populations of raccoons(浣熊) now lives in Washington D.C., and moose(驼鹿) are regularly seen wandering into Maine towns. Peregrine falcons (游隼) dive from the window ledges of buildings in the largest U.S. cities to prey on pigeons.

Several changes have brought wild animals to the cities. Foremost is that air and water quality in many cities has improved as a result of the 1970s' pollution-control efforts. Meanwhile, rural areas have been built up, leaving many animals on the edges of suburbia. In addition, conservationists have created urban wildlife refuges.

The Greater London Council last year spent $750,000 to buy land and build 10 permanent wildlife refuges in the city. Over 1,000 volunteers have donated money and cleared rubble from derelict lots. As a result, pheasants now strut in the East End and badgers scuttle across lawns near the center of town. A colony of rare house martins nests on a window ledge beside Harrods, and one evening last year a fox was seen on Westminster Bridge looking up at Big Ben.

For peregrine falcons, cities are actually safer than rural cliff dwellings. By 1970 the birds were extinct east of the Mississippi because the DDT had made their eggs too thin m support life. That year, ornithologist Tom Cade of Cornell University began rising the birds for release in cities, for cities afforded abundant food and contained none of the peregrine's natural predators.

"Before they were exterminated, some migrated to cities on their own because they had run out of cliff space," Cade says. "To peregrines, buildings are just like cliffs." He has released about 30 birds since 1975 in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Norfolk, and of the 20 pairs now living in the East, half are urbanites. "A few of the young ones have gotten into trouble by falling down chimneys and crashing into window-glass, but overall their adjustment has been successful."

The first paragraph suggests that ______.

A.environment is crucial for wildlife

B.tour books are not always a reliable source of information

C.London is a city of fox

D.foxes are highly adaptable to environment


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