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I recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very i

mportant medical achievements. A newspaper reporter interviewed him why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from others?

He responded that it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about two years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he dropped the slippery bottle, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor—a real sea of milk!

When his mother came into the kitchen,instead of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him, she said,“Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge pool of milk. Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”

Indeed, the boy did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. How would you like to do that? We could use a sponge(海绵), a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.

His mother then said, “You know,what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can find a way to carry it without dropping it.”The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could make it. What a wonderful lesson!

This famous scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to make mistakes.

1.When the mother found the kitchen floor covered with milk, she ________.

A.gave the boy a lecture instead of shouting at him

B.praised the boy instead of punishing him

C.felt satisfied with the boy’s trying to help himself

D.calmed down the boy and helped him find a way to clean the floor

2.The child’s experience resulted in the following BUT ________.

A.offering the boy a chance to grasp the bottle

B.benefiting the boy all his life

C.helping the boy be more creative

D.making the boy realize the mistake is of value

3.According to the passage, the way the scientist’s mother used is _____.





4.The purpose of the passage is to show ________.

A.a usual way to cultivate a child

B.a scientist’s medical achievements

C.a mother’s wise way of helping her child

D.the advantages of making mistakes

5.When the mother found the kitchen floor covered with milk, she ________.

A.gave the boy a lecture instead of shouting at him

B.praised the boy instead of punishing him

C.felt satisfied with the boy’s trying to help himself

D.calmed down the boy and helped him find a way to clean the floor

更多“I recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very i”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Hi, Scott, have you heard about Diana recently? M: No, I haven't talked to her

听力原文:W: Hi, Scott, have you heard about Diana recently?

M: No, I haven't talked to her for a couple of months. How are things going with her?

W: Well, she is OK. She only had a little accident last week in her new car.

M: Oh, It’s too bad! Was anybody hurt? Was there much damage?

W: No, it was really a small accident and everybody was fine. It was the other driver's fault.

M: Well, that's good. By the way, is she still going out with David?

W: Haven't you heard yet? They're getting married!

M: You are kidding!

W: She said he gave her a ring on her birthday.

M: My! How romantic! When is the big day?

W: This October.

M: Will it be a church wedding or a civil one?

W: Diana is a catholic. So, there will be a church wedding.

M: Good. No doubt, she will be very beautiful in her wedding gown.

W: Surely, and she’s invited me to be her maid of honor.

M: Did you promise her?

W: Yes, I did. It'll be my first time.

M: Whom did David ask to be his best man?

W: He told me that you would be his best choice.

M: Me? My God! It’s also my first time.

W: You don’t want to do that?

M: Yes. I do. Now, I must have a talk with him. See you.


A.She bought a new car.

B.She was injured in an accident.

C.She went out with David.

D.' She had a little accident.



听力原文:W: Have you ever visited a redwood forest? I recently had a chance to go to Muir
Woods National Monument, north of San Francisco.

M: I've never seen a redwood tree. I really can't imagine how big they are.

W: The coastal redwoods are the tallest living things. Some are more than 350 feet high. But none of the trees in Muir Woods is that tall. You have to go further north in California to see the tallest trees.

M: You said that Muir Woods is near San Francisco? I guess it must be quite a tourist attraction.

W: Yes, it's less than an hour's drive away, so it's easy to get there.

M: I've heard that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. Are the ones in Muir Woods that old?

W: The oldest documented age for a coastal redwood is more than 2,000 years. The trees in Muir Woods are 400 to 800 years old.

M: Why have they survived so long?

W: They have remarkable resistance to forest fires. Their tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. The coastal redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate.

M: Then, since Muir Woods is near foggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the tree's survival. I can't wait to go there.


A.Redwood trees.

B.Forest fires.

C.San Francisco.

D.Survival skills.



听力原文:M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest?W: Redwood? No, I've never seen a redwo

听力原文:M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest?

W: Redwood? No, I've never seen a redwood tree, is it red?

M: Yes, its bark is kind of red. I recently had a chance to go to the Mill National Park, north of San Francisco. You can't imagine how big they are.

W: Yeah, how big?

M: The coast redwoods are the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred and fifty feet high. But none of the trees at Mill is that high. You have to go further north in California to see the tallest trees.

W: You said that Mill is near San Francisco? I used to think it must be quite a tourist attraction.

M: Yes, it's less than an hour's drive away, so it's easy to get to.

W: I've heard that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. Are the ones in Mill that old?

M: The oldest documented age for a coast redwood is more than two thousand years. The trees at Mill are 400 to 800 years old.

W: Why have they survived so long?

M: They have remarkable resistance to forest fires. Their tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. The coast redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate.

W: Then since Mill is near foggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the trees' survival.

M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest?

W: Redwood? No, I've never seen a redwood tree, is it red?

M: Yes, its bark is kind of red. I recently had a chance to go to the Mill National Park, north of San Francisco. You can't imagine how big they are.

W: Yeah, how big?

M: The coast redwoods are the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred and fifty feet high. But none of the trees at Mill is that high. You have to go further north in California to see the tallest trees.

W: You said that Mill is near San Francisco? I used to think it must be quite a tourist attraction.

M: Yes, it's less than an hour's drive away, so it's easy to get to.

W: I've heard that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. Are the ones in Mill that old?

M: The oldest documented age for a coast redwood is more than two thousand years. The trees at Mill are 400 to 800 years old.

W: Why have they survived so long?

M: They have remarkable resistance to forest fires. Their tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. The coast redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate.

W: Then since Mill is near foggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the trees' survival.

M: Yes, you must go there and see them; It's wonderful; it's the miracle of life.

W: I can't wait.


A.San Francisco.

B.Forest fires.

C.Redwood trees.

D.Survival skills.



听力原文:W: Well, we heard some people just now who seem to feel that other people have a
wrong idea about the work they do. Do you think this sort of thing is very widespread?

M: Oh absolutely. Most jobs or professions seem to have an image or a stereotype attached to them, often much to the irritation of the job holders. But there is a serious point to all this, too, that maybe young people actually choose their careers under the influence of these false images. And certainly, there is evidence that they may even avoid certain careers because they have a negative image. Well, on a large scale, as you can imagine, this could cause problems for whole sectors of the economy.

W: Err, you say there's evidence?

M: Oh most definitely. There was a survey recently into children's attitudes to different professions.

W: How was that done, though? Because, after all, children don't know much about the world of work before they get into it.

M: Well, exactly. What the investigators wanted to get at was their impressions and their prejudices. They used a very simple technique. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements. In each pair one statement was positive, the other was its opposite.

W: I see. What professions did they ask about?

M: Do you really want the whole list? It's huge!


A.He is a scientist.

B.He is a sociologist.

C.He is an officer.

D.He is a boss.



听力原文:M: I'm doing some research into the French revolution.W: Oh, I did some on that l

听力原文:M: I'm doing some research into the French revolution.

W: Oh, I did some on that last year.

M: Why do you think I'm here! Could you suggest some interesting and useful sources?

W: Sure. I found "Voices from the French Revolution" by Henri Le Brun to be very useful, as well as extremely interesting and well written.

M: What makes it so good?

W: Well, he took extracts from diaries kept by people involved in the revolution. They re ally give you an idea of how it felt to live in France during that time.

M: It sounds great. Why haven't I heard of it before?

W: Well, it's only just been translated from the French original and none of the professors have added it to their booklists yet. I used the French version and translated passages myself.

M: I see. I have been told that "The French Revolution" by Victoria Jones is useful.

W: I didn't find it very useful. I mean, there was nothing in it that you can't find else where. On the other hand, it's cheap, because it's available in paperback, and you can buy it at many bookshops.

M: What about using resources available on the Internet?

W: I used the Internet for my research, but I didn't find it very helpful. Many of the web sites were too small to contain much detailed information. Others provided links to other websites, but I found myself spending a lot of time following links and not finding much information.

M: Yes, I've run across that problem myself.

W: You could try the new edition of William Wright's book. It has the same title as Victoria Jones' book. It only came out a couple of months ago and I haven't seen a copy yet. A lot of it has been rewritten or consists of additional material recently found in French archives.

M: Thanks for your help. I'll go to the bookshop and see if I can find the books you've recommended.

W: when does your research have to be completed by?

M: Well, the essay is due in six weeks, so I'll try to finish the research in four, giving me two to write the essay.

W: Good luck!


A.It's interesting.

B.It's French.

C.It's well Written.

D.It's a useful source.



听力原文:M: Hello, this is John Burns from the Top Company Ltd. I'm phoning to return Ms.
Thompson's call.

W: Oh, hello, Mr. Burns. This is Susan Thompson speaking. I'm glad you ring back so soon. There's a serious problem, I'm afraid. You know that order for 500 cases of Top Whiskey we put recently?

M: Oh, yes. I saw to it myself. What's the problem? Hasn't it arrived?

W: Well, in a way, but it's stuck at the customs. There's something wrong with the declaration, it seems. Some kind of omission or error.

M: Oh, really? That's strange. Do you know what it is?

W: Well, I only heard that some of the details were incomplete and the customs can't let the consignment through.

M: Ms. Thompson, I'll tell you what I'll do. Our forwarding agents are handling this delivery and they're generally very reliable. Er, let me just get on to them.

W: Yes, if you would. And can you let me know as soon as possible when I can have the Whiskey? Time's rather short and our customers are waiting for the wine, you know.

M: Of course. I'll see to it, Ms. Thompson, and if at all possible, you'll get a call today.

W: Well, getting the delivery today would suit me better. Oh, one other thing, I'm out of the office after 12 o'clock. If you call me after this time, would you leave a message with our switchboard operator? I'll tell her to expect your call.

M: Yes, I spoke to her before. I'll get things moving as quickly as I can.

W: Right. Thanks. Goodbye then, Mr. Burns.

M: Goodbye. You'll be hearing from us very soon.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. What do we know from the woman's complaint?

24. What does the man say about their forwarding agents?

25. What is the man asked to do at the end of the conversation?


A.The agents failed to deliver the wine.

B.The consumers are not satisfied with the wine.

C.The wine isn't of the same brand as she ordered.

D.The goods can't get through the customs.



听力原文:M: Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently? It w
as quite a tragic accident!

W: No, I didn't see anything in the news about it. What happened?

M: A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area of Argentina and flew into a hill!

W: That sounds really terrible! Did anyone survive?

M: No, everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed instantly.

W: What were the circumstances? Was there had weather, a fire, or engine failure?

M: Apparently, there was some low clouds in the area, but mostly it was just miscommunication between the pilots and the air traffic controllers.

W: Weren't they both speaking in English, the official international aviation language?

M: Yes they were, but the transmission from poor quality radios was slightly distorted and the accents of the Spanish speaking controllers was so strong that the pilots misunderstood a vital instruction.

W: How could a misunderstanding like that cause such a serious accident?

M: The pilots were told "descend to 2 -2,000 feet". The instruction actually meant 22,000 feet, but they thought they heard descend to 2,000 feet. That's a huge difference, and it should have been confirmed, but it was not. Unfortunately, the terrain of the mountains in that region extends up to 20,000 feet.

W: So the pilots did descend to the wrong altitude then, thinking they were following the air controllers instructions.

M: Sadly enough, yes they did. It was a very bad mistake. Many people died as a result of this simple understanding.

W: Wow, that's a powerful lesson in how important it can be to accurately communicate with each other.


A.Bad weather.

B.Human error.

C.Breakdown of the engines.

D.Failure of the communications system.



听力原文:M:I heard that Jack bought Fred's old car. Fred has offered a high price, but Jac
k got it at a lower one.

W:That's funny. I heard that Joe did, They said Fred gave the car to Joe at over low price.

Q:What does the woman think?


A.Joe bought Fred's car.

B.The man is joking.

C.Fred's car is not good.

D.The man wants Jack's car.



听力原文:M: I heard Helen's going to college. What's she studying?W: She's taking courses

听力原文:M: I heard Helen's going to college. What's she studying?

W: She's taking courses in statistics, economics and accounting.

Q: What career does Helen probably plan to follow?



B.Business administration.

C.Home economics.




听力原文:M: I heard that Jack bought Fred's old car.Fred has offered a high price,but Jack
got it at a lower one.

W: That's funny.I heard that Joe did. They said Fred gave the car to Joe at a very low price.

Q: What does the woman think?


A.Joe bought Fred's car.

B.The man is joking.

C.Fred's car is not good.

D.The man wants Jack’s car.



Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.

Like most people, I’ve long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people use to see how smart or talented I am. Recently, however, was disappointed to see that it also decides how I’m treated as a person.

Last year I left a professional position as a small-town reporter and took a job waiting tables. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they’d never say or do to their most casual acquaintances. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then beckoned (示意) me back with his finger a minute later, complaining he was ready to order and asking where I’d been.

I had waited tables during summers in college and was treated like a peon (勤杂工) by plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day I’d be sitting at their table, waiting to be served.

Once I graduated I took a job at a community newspaper. From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me. I assumed this was the way the professional world worked—cordially.

I soon found out differently. I sat several feet away from an advertising sales representative with a similar name. Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. The mistake was immediately evident. Perhaps it was because money was involved, but people used a tone with Kristen that they never used with me.

My job title made people treat me with courtesy. So it was a shock to return to the restaurant industry.

It’s no secret that there’s a lot to put up with when waiting tables, and fortunately, much of it can be easily forgotten when you pocket the tips. The service industry, by definition, exists to cater to others’ needs. Still, it seemed that many of my customers didn’t get the difference between server and servant.

I’m now applying to graduate school, which means someday I’ll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want. I think I’ll take them to dinner first, and see how they treat someone whose only job is to serve them.

52. The author was disappointed to find that ________.

A) one’s position is used as a gauge to measure one’s intelligence

B) talented people like her should fail to get a respectable job

C) one’s occupation affects the way one is treated as a person

D) professionals tend to look down upon manual workers


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