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Success means bravely _______ to challenges.





更多“Success means bravely _______ to challenges.”相关的问题


By saying “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of
his labor” (Line 10,Para. 1),the author means ().

A.the more diligent one is,the bigger his returns

B.laborious work ensures the growth of an industry

C.a man’s business should be developed step by step

D.a company’s success depends on its employees’ hard work



When we think of entrepreneurs, most of us imagine【C1】______, successful, over-achievers l
ike Bill Gates of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, Inc. or Jim Boyle of Columbia Sportswear, to【C2】______a few contemporary heroes. The【C3】______is that we often fail to【C4】______entrepreneurs all around us. the corner grocery store owner, the family【C5】______who opens a medical【C6】______in our neighborhood, or the young person who【C7】______the morning paper.【C8】______is creating business opportunities【C9】______entrepreneurship, although the【C10】______of entrepreneurship would be markedly different from each other.

According to Jeffery Timmons, author of "New Venture Creation", there are three【C11】______components for a successful new【C12】______: the opportunity, the entrepreneur, and the【C13】______needed to start the company and make it grow. The opportunity is the【C14】______for a new business. The entrepreneur is the person who develops the idea for a【C15】______into a business. Resources include money, people and skill. In this part, we【C16】______on entrepreneurs, one of the critical【C17】______for success of a new business. Who are they? What makes them【C18】______?

One factor which【C19】______Bill Gates from the morning paper deliverer is the level of business success each desires to achieve. Determining【C20】______success means to you is a crucial element in the early stages of new venture planning.








听力原文:When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it

听力原文: When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it, too. (29) Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, "I know he's good. But is he lucky?" Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can't make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

When it comes to success, luck can mean being in the fight place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer come along. Nothing can replace hard work, but (30) working hard also means you're preparing yourself opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

How many of the great inventions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? (31) One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus' so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus' chance discovery wasn't pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round:

People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready opportunity knocks. When it comes to success, hard work and luck are always hand in hand.


A.Hard work is the most important thing for one's success.

B.Hard work may invite good luck.

C.Good luck plays an important role in one's success,

D.Success has nothing to do with luck.



听力原文:W: I know your company was one of the biggest American corporations to take the i
dea of customer services seriously...

M: Yes, urn, I think you can say we were among the pioneers.

W: So, with the experience of many years of trying to get it right, what would you define as the most important elements in providing successful customer services?

M: Mm... well, that's quite a difficult question, because so many factors are absolutely vital if you want to succeed, and success with the customer services, I might add, means doing everything you possibly can to please and keep customers.

W: Does that include the old idea that, for a company, the customer is always right?

M: Not exactly. The slogan that the customer is always right is rather simple, and unrealistic. I would say that, instead, the most important aim of a customer services unit is to encourage communication with customers, to actively seek feedback, including complaints, and to acknowledge all comments, good and bad, from customers because people like to be treated with respect.

W: Then what do you think are the most important factors for a company's success?

M: It seems to me that a company's success, in terms of good reputation and high profits, depends more on the relationship the company establishes with the customers. That relationship involves the company in consistently providing high-quality products and top-quality services.

W: So what you're saying is, in fact, very simply--basically, keeping customers happy depends on providing quality and encouraging communication.

M: Yes, but the essential factor is communication. A successful customer dervices unit is one that acts as a link between the company and the customer to ensure that the company can respond to the needs of the customer. After all, a company's success can only come from a satisfied customer.


A.Providing high-quality products for customers.

B.Providing good services for customers.

C.Doing everything you can to please and keep customers.

D.Establishing dialogues with the customers.



Some of the more obvious forms of nonverbal communication are gestures.Although we may
think of them as mainly hand and arm movements, gestures can be ___1___ by other parts of the body as well.Emblems are one type of movements.Emblems do not need speech to communicate ___2___.Putting the tip of an index finger on the tip of a thumb up with the remaining fingers pointing up and ___3___ out is an example of an emblem.This recognized sign for "OK" or "success" does not need any ___4___ word to identify it.Emblems not only serve the ___5___ role in nonverbal communication but they also have direct translation.For example, a thumb-up sign means "yes" or "go".A cupped hand behind the ear means "I can"t hear you".We don’t walk around with our thumbs up or a hand cupped behind our ear ___6___ we are sending a nonverbal message to someone.These messages are ___7___ sent and we must take responsibility for them.Nonverbal messages that have direct translation and exact meaning, which are ___8___ at a specific receiver, and consciously sent, are emblems.Emblems are also different across cultures.In the United States, ___9___ your index finger at your temple with the thumb upright means "shooting yourself in the head".In Japan, an emblem describing ___10___ is pushing a closed fist near your stomach to describe the plunge of a knife in your vital organs.


















In an effort to make up for some of the glaringlimitations of IQ tests, researchers have b

In an effort to make up for some of the glaring

limitations of IQ tests, researchers have begun to

develop new ways to measure the kinds of emotional factors

and psychological attitudes that lead to succeed in 【S1】______

everyday life. While IQ tests remain excellent predictors

of how good one will do in school, they have little

or nothing to do with who will earn the money or prestige

or have the most satisfied social life or relationships. 【S2】______

The new tests are intended to assess the less practical 【S3】______

intelligence that underlies these accomplishments. The

new approach goes beyond purely mental skills to

assess emotional factors and psychological attitudes that

can either interfere or facilitate the use of those skills. It 【S4】______

has fostered new theories of what they means to be smart. 【S5】______

The old theories focused in academic skills such as 【S6】______

verbal or mathematical quickness. But the new theories

describe a spectrum of practical talents such as the ability to

pick up the unspoken rules that govern success in a corporate

or professional career or the habits of mind that foster

productivity. "IQ and success in living have much to do 【S7】______

with each other", says Seymour Epstein, a psychologist at

the University of Massachusetts." Being intellectually gifted

does not predict you will earn the most money or achieve

the most recognition, even among college professors."

One factor emerging as crucial for life success is that 【S8】______

might be called emotional intelligence. "How well people

manage their emotions determines how effectively they

can use their intellectual ability," Dr. Epstein says. "For

example, if someone is skilled at solving problems in the

quiet of her office, but fall apart in a group, then she will 【S9】______

be effective in a great many situations." 【S10】______




Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.President Coolidge’s sta
tement, “The business of America is business,” still points to an important truth today-that business institutions have more prestige (威望) in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Why do business institutions posses this great prestige?

One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive business institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.

Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly (垄断) of power. In contrast to one, all-powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers’ dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors or slaves.

A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which si a monopoly. Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even though government leaders are elected by the people and business leaders are not. Many Americans believe, then, that competition is as important, or even more important, that democracy in preserving freedom.

Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of opportunity. Competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social class background. Competitive success is commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of equality of opportunity rather than the aristocratic (贵族的) idea of inherited privilege.

第26题:The statement “The business of America is business” probably means “________”.

A) The business institutions in America are concerned with commerce

B) Business problems are of great importance to the American government

C) Business is of primary concern to Americans

D) America is a great power in world business



听力原文:Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other pla

听力原文: Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other planets, using telescopes. When they saw the geography of Mars, they thought they could see canals and that this might be evidence of intelligent life on the planet. More recently, however, spacecraft have been sent to analyze the soil for signs of life. The results were negative and astronomers are now convinced that no life exists on the surface of any other planet in our solar system. To send a spacecraft far beyond our solar system is not realistic because of the huge distances involved.

The only way we are likely to know of its existence is from radio messages unless life comes and visits us. Listening for intelligent life is not a new idea, but the techniques now being used to offer much better chance of success than before. Looking for evidence of life in other solar systems now means using special radio receivers called radio telescopes to listen out for messages. The assumption is that intelligent forms of life would have discovered radio waves and would, like us, be using them to communicate.

Through its research work, astronomers have developed two means of systematically searching for intelligent life. The first method is to select the closet 800 stars like our sun and to direct a radio telescope to scan each one of them for electromagnetic waves. The second way is to survey the entire sky, listening for continuous signals. All this, as well as the chance of discovering that maybe we are not alone in the universe!


A.Intelligent life.

B.Canals of some kind.

C.Signs of life.

D.Natural resources.



Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to
a young person thinking of going on the stage is “Don’t!” But it is useless to discourage someone who feels that he must act, although the chances of his becoming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a theatrical company, usually as assistant stage manager. This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre and occasionally acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny.

Of course, some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame and success without this long and hard training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his car. He stopped and got out to speak to the girl. He asked if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious. The test was successful. And within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!

1. From the very beginning, the author puts it clearly that acting is a profession().

A.sought after by too many

B.too difficult for young people

C.for slim people only

D.one can go into without special training

2.For someone who feels he must act, it is very likely that ().

A.he will become a film star at long last

B.he will become a stage manager

C.he will be well paid

D.he will end up without any success

3.The film producer found Connie when she was() .

A.at work in a bicycle factory

B.driving past him in her car

C.going to a film studio

D.waiting for a bus

4.A few weeks after the test, Connie Pratt found herself ()

A.the most famous actress of the world

B.playing the leading female role in a play

C.as famous as the greatest actor of the world

D.no less famous than the leading actor of the day

5.The concluding sentence “chances like this happen once in a blue moon” means() .

A.his is something which happens once in a while

B.this is a highly profitable chance

C.his is something highly possible

D.this is a very rare chance



Who won the World Cup 2006 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the
critics like the new play?【B1】an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets giving the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reporters are【B2】the spot to gather the news. Newspapers: have one basic【B3】to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to【B4】it. Radio, telegraph, television, and【B5】inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication.【B6】, this competition merely【B7】the newspapers on. They quickly make use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the【B8】and thus the【B9】of their own operations. Today more newspapers are【B10】and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other【B11】. Besides keeping readers【B12】of the latest news, today's newspapers educate and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices【B13】advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very【B14】. Newspapers are sold at a price that【B15】even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main【B16】of income for most newspapers is【B17】advertising. The success in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This【B18】in terms of circulation. How many people read the news- paper? Circulation depends somewhat on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment【B19】in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as source of information【B20】the community, city, country, state, nation and world and even outer space.


A.Just when


C.Soon after




Silence is unnatural to man. He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness. In the【B1
】he does all he can to make a noise in the world, and there are few things of which he stands in more fear than of the【B2】of noise. Even his conversation is in great【B3】a desperate attempt to prevent a dreadful silence. If he is introduced to a fellow mortal and a number of【B4】occur in the conversation, he regards himself as a【B5】, a worthless per son, and is full of【B6】of the emptiest headed chatterbox(唠叨多言的人). He knows. that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly,【B7】he longs to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a wax-work【B8】. The object of conversation is not, for the【B9】part, to communicate ideas: it is to keep up the buzzing sound. Most buzzing,【B10】, is agreeable to the ear, and some of it is agreeable even to the【B11】. He would be a foolish man,【B12】, who waited until he had a wise【B13】to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors. Those who【B14】the weather as a conversational opening seem to be【B15】of the reason why human beings wish to talk. Very few human beings join in a conversation【B16】the hope of learning anything new. Some of them are【B17】if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears,【B18】they have nothing to tell them except that they have seen a new play. At the end of an evening during which they have said nothing at immense【B19】, they justly pride themselves【B20】their success as conversationalists.







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