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听力原文:Lifestyle. is the way a person lives:it includes work, leisure time.hobbies, othe

r interests,and personal philosophy.(29)One person's lifestyle. may be dominated by work,including few social activities.Another's may involve hobbies,recreational activities,or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyle. are changing and that these changes will have an influence on the way business operates in the years ahead.Several factors are causing lifestyle. changes in US society.

First,there is more leisure time than ever before.(30)The workweek is now less than forty hours,as compared to seventy hours a century ago.Some experts believe it wilt be twenty-five hours or less before the year 2000.Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day.Others have cut the number of hours worked each week.Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second,families have fewer children than before and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having their children early in the marriages.(31)This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies.Gerber Products Company used to advertise“babies are our business our only business.”Now Gerber products include infant clothing,stuffed animals.and accessories such as bottles,baby's carriages,and baby powder.

Third,people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier.These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones.Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle. changes.


A.The changes of life styles have no influence on business.

B.Different people may have completely different life styles.

C.It's doubtful what life styles are changing.

D.Life styles of different people are the same.

更多“听力原文:Lifestyle. is the way a person lives:it includes work, leisure time.hobbies, othe”相关的问题


听力原文:Some of the most practical lessons coming out of research in psychology are in th

听力原文: Some of the most practical lessons coming out of research in psychology are in the area of memory. People ask, why can't I remember that term from the physics chapter or that the library books are due?

Many people, memory may be weak, because they don't use it enough. It's like a muscle. If you don't exercise it, it won't get strong. That's why it's important to keep our mind active, to keep on learning throughout our life. We can do this by reading, playing memory games and seeking out new experiences. It's my guess, though, that the lack of stimulation isn't a problem for students like you. More likely, the lives you live are so busy and stimulating that this in itself may sometimes interfere with learning. Later on I will discuss how information is recalled from memory. But, first, the information needs to be recorded, in other words, learned. And for busy people like you and me, that is where the real problem often lies. If we are distracted, or we are trying to think what we are going to do next, the incoming message just might not be getting recorded effectively. And that leads to the first tip for students who want to improve their memories. Give your full attention to the information you hope to retain. Research clearly shows the advantages of this, and also of active learning, of consciously trying to visualize a new fact, perhaps to make a mental picture, even a wild ridiculous one, so the new fact will stick in our memory. Let me illustrate that for you here a little more concretely this evening.


A.Factors that affect the ability to memorize.

B.The influence of childhood memories oil adulthood.

C.A proposal for future psychological research.

D.Benefits of a busy lifestyle.



听力原文:Diet, diet, diet! It gets to be a constant battle for many of us to stay fit and

听力原文: Diet, diet, diet! It gets to be a constant battle for many of us to stay fit and healthy. But diets don't al ways allow us to learn new eating habits, improve our self-image, or make lifestyle. changes. Developing good eating habits and proper exercise is a permanent issue. And it's the main topic of this workshop.

In order to keep a healthy diet and minimize the risk of disease, it's essential to cat a diet that Consists of low-fat foods and to maximize energy with carbohydrates. Beef, nuts, oils, and most dairy products are rich in fat, so you should eat less of those; while pas try, rice, potatoes, and bread contain almost no fat and are a high energy source of complex carbohydrates. You know that many food manufactures. Use sugar to make low-fat or fat-free foods taste good, but don't worry too much about that. You don't necessarily "get fat" by eating sugar, since sugar is an indirect fat.

When you exercise, carbohydrates are the first calories to burn, if you want to burn off fat, it's good to do some sort of aerobic exercise such as biking, swimming, running, or fast walking. But you have to keep doing this exercise for at least twenty minutes because it takes about that long before we start to burn fat. And then the effect of burning fat decreases after forty-five minutes of exercise. So if you do some sort of aerobic exercise for three to four days a week for about thirty to forty minutes, you'll have an affective schedule for reducing weight.



B.Weight control.

C.Aerobic exercise.

D.Eating habits and exercise.



听力原文:That's how Shown O'Neill looks back on the heart attack he experienced shortly af

听力原文: That's how Shown O'Neill looks back on the heart attack he experienced shortly after his 31st birthday.

"I thought I was in perfect health," Shown says. "I was never sick. I woke up feeling good every morning."

Then on that fateful day in April 2002, he received a giant eye opener. He was working in his yard in Hixson and started having pain in his chest and arms. "I wag pretty sure what it was, but I couldn't believe it could be happening to roe." The good news is that because Shawn recognized the symptoms and went immediately to Memorial Noah Park Hospital, he received the treatment he needed and the damage to his heart muscle was minimal.

"Advances in medicine make it possible for us to stop many heart attacks and keep people alive if they get to the hospital in time," says Dr: Kinsman Wright, medical director of Cardiac Services at Memorial. "We have technology to pinpoint blockage in the cardiac, arteries and several options to open the vessels. And lifestyle. changes and medications are helping people reduce their risk factors."

But Dr. Wright doesn't see any decrease in heart disease. "With people living longer, we're seeing different types of heart disease. We need to keep studying and fighting it on all fronts."


A.Yes. Because he is never sick.

B.Yes. Because he wakes up feeling good every morning

C.No. Because his heart muscle was severely, damaged.

D.No. Because he suffered a heart attack.



听力原文: Lifestyle. is the way a person lives; it includes work, leisure time, hobbies, o
ther interests, and personal philosophy. (29)One person's lifestyle. may be dominated by work, including few social activities. Another's may involve hobbies, recreational activities, or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyle. are changing and that these changes will have an influence on the way business operates in t he years ahead. Several factors are causing lifestyle. changes in US society.

First, there is more leisure time than ever before. (30)The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared to seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less before the year 2000. Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day. Others have cut the number of hours worked each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second, families have fewer children than before and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having their children early in the marriages. (31)This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies. Gerber Products Company used to advertise "babies are our business-our only business." Now Gerber products include infant clothing, stuffed animals, and accessories such as bottles, baby's carriages, and baby powder.

Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier. These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones. Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle. changes.


A.The changes of life styles have no influence on business.

B.Different people may have completely different life styles.

C.It's doubtful what life styles are changing.

D.Life styles of different people are the same.



听力原文:Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weig

听力原文: Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it —and many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. So what should you do about weight control?

Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian. He or she can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.

Weight management is about long-term success. People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all (and often more) of the pounds they lost because they haven't permanently changed their habits. Therefore, the best weight management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime.

Suggestion one: make it a family affair. Ask your mom or dad to lend help and support and to make dietary or lifestyle. changes that might benefit the whole family, if possible. Teens who have the support of their families tend to have better results with their weight management programs. But remember, you should ail work together in a friendly and helpful way —making weight loss into a competition is a recipe for disaster!


A.To compare his/her weight with the data on the Internet.

B.To compare his/her weight with that of a actor/actress.

C.To consult a doctor.

D.To ask one's family.



听力原文:M: Say, Lisa, what show are you watching?W: An old Japanese film. I figure if I'm

听力原文:M: Say, Lisa, what show are you watching?

W: An old Japanese film. I figure if I'm going to spend all next year there, I'd better start familiarizing myself with the culture.

M: You mean you were accepted into the program?

W: Sure.

M: That's wonderful. You must be excited.

W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Mercheno. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me a set of practice tapes and a book that goes with them just so I can work on my basic conversation skills.

M: How much Japanese can you understand?

W: Not a lot right now. But I signed up for intensive Japanese this semester.

M: I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. I'd love to study abroad.

W: Then why don't you? The university has lots of overseas programs that don't require mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same. You just have to be the kind of person who is receptive to new ways of looking at things and willing to adapt to a different kind of lifestyle.

M: I had assumed that all programs require you to know a foreign language. I might check into this.

W: You won't regret it.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is the woman doing when the man interrupts her?

20. Why is the woman so excited?

21. Why does the woman feel grateful to Professor Mercheno?

22. What does the woman say one needs to have in order to study in a program like hers?


A.Writing a memo.

B.Watching a film.

C.Taping some music.

D.Making a video recording.



听力原文:M: Have you ever used any of the services offered by the Career Services Center?W

听力原文:M: Have you ever used any of the services offered by the Career Services Center?

W: (9) I've never logged on to any of the e-fairs, but I have used the career mentoring program. It's great! I've been talking to this cool counselor at the Career Center, and he thinks I would be great in statistics or accounting.

M: Oh yeah? How does he know that?

W: He gave me a couple of tests to measure my interests and abilities. Then, he asked me lots of questions about the type of student I am, and what kind of lifestyle. I want to have after I graduate. Then, he ran a computer cross-check that showed my skills and interests were most closely related to students who have majored in statistics and accounting.

M: But what about finding a job when you graduate?

W: The Career Center also has a huge research database. (10) The counselor told me there'll be lots of jobs in those two fields over the next 10 years.

M: It sounds good, but what if you declare one of those majors and then don't like it?

W: Well, (11) the center can help me find an internship next summer, I can do volunteer work for a company in my major and see if I like it.If I don't, I can change my major. The counselor said the center will be glad to help me with that. It's a great place. You should check it out!

M: Yes,it sounds pretty cool. Can I just stop by their office and ask for help?

W: Well, (12) I think you should call them to make an appointment first.

M: OK. (12) I guess I will do that this afternoon.

9. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

10.What did the counselor tell the woman about jobs in the fields of statistics and accounting?

11.What will the center do to help the woman to see if she likes the major or not?

12.What will the man probably do next?


A.She never used the services offered by the Career Services Center.

B.She logged on the e-fairs of the Career Services Center.

C.She didn't like the services offered by the Career Services Center.

D.She has used the career mentoring program.



听力原文:People enjoy taking trips. But what are the reasons they leave home? One reason i

听力原文: People enjoy taking trips. But what are the reasons they leave home? One reason is for education. People travel because they want to broaden their horizons, to learn about other people and other places. They are curious about other cultures. When people are tourists, they get a quick look at different ways of living. Even a short look at another kind of lifestyle. is an important lesson. On a trip, a person can learn directly—by visiting museums and historic spots. What does a tourist learn who sees the art museums, visits the historical palaces, and other scenic spots in Paris, and shops along the River Seine? He gets a vivid picture—a reallife one of the French people. He learns about their attitudes: how they feel about business, beauty, and history. What about the tourist to Hong Kong? Does he get the same information that he could get from a book? He might read that Hong Kong is crowded, that there is lees than 200 square meters of space for each person. But seeing and feeling the lack of space will impress him much more. He might read that there are nearly 200 vehicles for every kilometer of roadway, but the sight of so many vehicles parked along the roadside will be a much more vivid lesson. The tourist to Hong Kong will never forget the contrast—the straight vertical lines of the tall modem buildings and the moving lines of boats that people live on.


A.To look for a different lifestyle.

B.To enjoy themselves.

C.For adventure.

D.For education.



听力原文:In the United States many parents teach their children at home by themselves. The

听力原文: In the United States many parents teach their children at home by themselves. The U. S. Department of Education estimates there are 250,000 to 350,000 home-schooled children in the country.

The reasons of home-schooling vary widely. Children may be home-schooled because they are ill and cannot attend a normal school. Distance is the reason for children living on outback land or large farms. It may take hours to get to school and back home each day. Their parents think it inhumane to send their children to state boarding school. Some home schoolers think low of public school education which lacks of religious perspective. They want their children to learn not only traditional subject matter but strict religious teaching and a conservative political and social perspective. Other home-schoolers want to keep their children away from other children, because their family' s faith or lifestyle. is very different from that of those who attend the local school.

There are, of course, some drawbacks of home-schooling. Social isolation is the major problem. Children are naturally social creatures and love to form. friendship and learn in a group setting. Also, many home-schooled children may feel bored interacting with just their parents for many hours a day. And needless to say, not ail parents make good instructors.



B.Less than 250,000.

C.More than 350,000.

D.About 300,000.



听力原文:A person's social prestige seems to be determined mainly by his or her job. Occup

听力原文: A person's social prestige seems to be determined mainly by his or her job. Occupations are valued in terms, of the incomes associated with them, although other factors can also be relevant-particular the amount of education a given occupation requires and the degree of control over other it provides. The holders of political power also tend to have high prestige.

Unlike power and wealth, which do not seem to be becoming more equally shared, the symbols of prestige have become available to an increasing number of Americans. Tim main reason is the radical change in the nature of jobs over the course of this century. In 1900, nearly 40 percent of the labor force were farm workers and less than 20 percent held white-collar jobs. At the beginning of the 1980s, however, less than 5 percent of the labor force worked on farms and white-collar workers were the largest single occupational category. Blue-collar workers, the largest category in the mid-fifties, now constitute less than a-third of all workers. The increase in the proportion of high prestige jobs has allowed a much greater number of Americans to enjoy these statuses and the lifestyle. that go with them.





D.Political status.


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